BAFA © 2010. All material here is copyrighted. See conditions above. |
Nadine Mouslimani graphic designer, calligraphist, Lebanon
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For my graduation project in a degree in graphic design at the school of graphic arts in Beruit, I decided to look at Bahá´í history for my inspiration as well as analysing the calligraphy of the Bahá´í Persian calligrapher, Mishkín-Qalam (Shíráz, c.1825 - 1912).
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The text is: O SON OF BEING Love me that I may love thee, if thou lovest me not, My love can in no wise reach thee, Know this O Servant
The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh
Initially I began with photographs of his calligraphy and then later drew from them, making my own adaptions and interpretations, such as in the illustration on the left.
Also as i went deeper into the subject and I started to think about typography and calligraphy and the Arabic alphabet as well as numerology.
Calligraphy is so deep . Each line has it's own explication, and it's own story.
I am working on publishing my project in a book form but it needs money and many legal work here to get permission to use Mishkín-Qalam's work. Another part of my project was to express Bahá´í Teachings such as the equality of women and men without lot of words, so that the design in the calligraphy itself expressed this.
The texts are about the equality of women and men with a quotation from 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the right about ours being a less masculine age.
In the end I graduated with top marks and the project was also reviewed in a Lebanese journal where they discussed the artistic designs I used.
Now after university, three of us opened our own graphic design and architecture company in 2002. The website is (madna means " rising").
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands