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your query: RIS type is MGZN, sorted by ris DESC, title DESC  [link]

22 results

Title RIS type
1. Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, The: An Analysis, by Ahmad Sohrab: ReviewMGZN
2. Station Wagon Odyssey: Baghdad to Istanbul; A famous American traveler continuing a journeMGZN
3. Shelly's Life and WritingsMGZN
4. Seeking RefugeMGZN
5. A Post-Competitive Human ImageMGZN
6. On the Leavenworth TrailMGZN
7. My Visit to Temple UniversityMGZN
8. Moody, Susan I., 1851-1934: ObituaryMGZN
9. Missionaries Who Aided the Cause of GodMGZN
10. The Light in the LanternMGZN
11. Letters from the PastMGZN
12. Iran Seeks to Suppress Baha'i Faith: EditorialMGZN
13. God Passes By, by Shoghi Effendi: ReviewMGZN
14. Divine Education: The Root of KnowledgeMGZN
15. Baha'ism and Its Ambitious ClaimsMGZN
16. The Baha'is: Contributing to an Emerging Global CivilizationMGZN
17. Baha'i Temple Moves Toward CompletionMGZN
18. Baha'i Leads out of the Labyrinth, by Ruth White: ReviewMGZN
19. Baha'i Faith Will Advertise: EditorialMGZN
20. Baha'i Faith in America, The: Origins 1892-1900, by Robert Stockman: ReviewMGZN
21. Baha'i: A Second LookMGZN
22. Advertisement for Israeli Tourism in the New Yorker magazineMGZN

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