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15 results

Title RIS type
1. UK Government debates and publications on the Baha'i FaithGOVDOC
2. References to the Baha'i Faith in the U.S. State Department's Country Reports on Human RigGOVDOC
3. Orden PCM/1065/2023, de 18 de septiembre, por la que se declara el notorio arraigo de la CGOVDOC
4. Minutes of the Twenty-second Session, 1932GOVDOC
5. Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Session, 1933GOVDOC
6. Minutes of the Twenty-first Session, 1931 OctoberGOVDOC
7. Minutes of the Twentieth Session, 1931 JuneGOVDOC
8. Minutes of the Sixteenth Session, 1929GOVDOC
9. Minutes of the Nineteenth Session, 1930GOVDOC
10. Minutes of the Fourteenth Session, 1928GOVDOC
11. Kirk, Durbin Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran's Continued Persecution of Baha'i MinoriGOVDOC
12. In re. Baha'i Temple Unity (Alleged German Religious Propaganda): Alfred S. Lunt, Case #30GOVDOC
13. Alleged Pro-German activities: Edward C. Getsinger, Case #317323GOVDOC
14. Activities in Iran in the 1960s: Documents from the US governmentGOVDOC
15. A Consideration of the Baha'i religion, its Tenets, the Character of its Followers, and thGOVDOC

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