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your query: RIS type is DICT, sorted by title ASC  [link]

22 results

Title RIS type
1. A Baha'i GlossaryDICT
2. Abbreviations of the Baha'i WritingsDICT
3. Arabic and Persian Originals of Metaphysical Terms in the Baha'i WritingsDICT
4. Babism, Baha'is, Baha'u'llahDICT
5. Babists, Baha'i HistoryDICT
6. Baha'i Faith and ChristianityDICT
7. Baha'i Glossary: Persian and Arabic words appearing in the Baha'i WritingsDICT
8. Count Joseph Arthur Gobineau, Professor Clement Imbault-HuartDICT
9. Dictionaries: Arabic-EnglishDICT
10. Dictionaries: Persian-EnglishDICT
11. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch fur Theologie und ReligionswisseDICT
12. Glosario Basico de Terminos Baha'isDICT
13. Glossary and Index of TermsDICT
14. Glossary of Arabic and Persian TranscriptionDICT
15. Glossary of internet-related termsDICT
16. Guide to Transliteration and Pronunciation of the Persian Alphabet: together with the NumeDICT
17. Index and Glossary to Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llahDICT
18. Loom of Reality: A Partial Inventory of the Works of the Central Figures of the Bahá'íDICT
19. Oriental Words in Baha'i Literature, Transliteration, and PronunciationDICT
20. Short Glossary of Baha'i TermsDICT
21. ZaynabDICT
22. مجموعۀ لغات منتخبه از آثار امری بزبانهای فارسی، DICT

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