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Letters from the Guardian (mostly unpublished)

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  1. Account of the Passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An, by Shoghi Effendi, Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield (1973-04-21). On the last days of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, his funeral, and tributes on his behalf.
  2. Afire with the Vision: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to Latin America, by Shoghi Effendi (2018). Last of the continental collections from Shoghi Effendi's ministry (1921–1957).
  3. August Forel Defends the Persecuted Persian Bahá'ís: 1925-1927, by John Paul Vader (1986). History of Forel's involvement with the Faith. Includes correspondence from Shoghi Effendi.
  4. Bahá'í Faith, The: 1844-1950: Information Statistical and Comparative, Shoghi Effendi, comp. (1950).
  5. Bahá'í Faith, The: 1844-1952: Information Statistical and Comparative, Shoghi Effendi, comp. (1953).
  6. Bahá'í Procedure, by Shoghi Effendi, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1937). Instructions from Shoghi Effendi and procedures and rulings adopted by the National Spiritual Assembly, compiled from the Guardian's letters, Bahá'í News, and minutes and records of the National Spiritual Assembly, for the information of American Bahá'ís.
  7. Bahai Movement, The: A paper read by Shoghi Effendi at Oxford, by Shoghi Effendi (1923-1924). Text of an address given to the Oxford University Asiatic Society, February 1921, before the passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and before Shoghi Effendi was appointed the "Guardian."
  8. Bahiyyih Khanum: Eulogy for the Greatest Holy Leaf, in the Guardian's handwriting, by Shoghi Effendi (1932). A hand-written tribute to Bahiyyih Khanum, a daughter of Bahá'u'lláh.
  9. Biography of Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney, by Laura C. Dreyfus-Barney, Shoghi Effendi, Thomas Linard, ed. (1928). A biography of the first French Bahá'í, followed by telegrams and letters from Shoghi Effendi to Laura Dreyfus-Barney and Hippolyte's sister Mrs. Yvonne Meyer-May.
  10. "Easy Familiarity," Explanations of, by Rúhíyyih Khánum, Ann Boylan, John B. Cornell, Universal House of Justice (1912/1947/1974). Statements on displays of affection (hugging and kissing) between members of the opposite sex. Also questions on assembly infallibility, and whether one with a minority opinion should vote against his conscience.
  11. Extract of a Letter to Leroy Ioas on the Duration of the Bahá'í Dispensation, by Shoghi Effendi (1935-11-14). One-paragraph extract of letter from the Guardian to Ioas through H. Rabbini, dated November 14 1935, on the confusion of the terms "cycle" and "dispensation."
  12. Extracts from the Guardian's Letter of December 19 1923 Addressed to the Baha'is of the East, by Shoghi Effendi (1923-12-19). Words of consolation and uplift to the Bahá'í community two years after the passing of Abdu'l-Bahá, on being not disturbed by the authorities of earthly affairs. Various English translations from a letter originally in Persian.
  13. Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, The: A World Religion, by Shoghi Effendi (1947-07). A summary of the origin, teachings and institutions of the Bahá'í Faith, prepared in 1947 for the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine by Shoghi Effendi in his capacity as Head of the Bahá'í Faith.
  14. Function of Sports in Life, The, by Shoghi Effendi (1914-15). Published under the name "Shawki Rabbani," for his school journal, when he was 17 or 18 years old.
  15. Genealogy of Bab, The, by Shoghi Effendi (1932(?)). Genealogy of the family of the Bab and the family of Bahá'u'lláh in relation to the Bab.
  16. Guardian's Seven Year Plan for the American Bahá'ís: 1946-1953, by Shoghi Effendi (1946-05). Teaching goals, institutional objectives, financial statistics, and other information from the Guardian pertaining to the American community.
  17. La función de los deportes en la vida, by Shoghi Effendi, Hasan Elías, trans. (1915). Publicado con el nombre de "Shawki Rabbani" por la gaceta de su universidad. Shoghi Effendi tendría 17 ó 18 años en ese momento.
  18. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1946, by Shoghi Effendi (1946-03-09). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, noting how many letters he now had to deal with, encouraging Bahá'í youth to play a greater role in the activities of the Faith, and that questions about secondary administrative matters should be put to the NSA.
  19. Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1955, by Shoghi Effendi (1955-11-5). A letter stating Bahá'ís should seek guidance with local Bahá'í leadership in matters of divorce.
  20. Letter to Dr J. W. Freudenberg, Auckland, New Zealand, by Shoghi Effendi (1946-06-07). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi about philosophy, body, mind, soul, evolution, and about not taking many of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's statements as dogmatic finalities.
  21. Letter to Jináb-i-Áqá Mírzá Bádí'u'lláh Khán of Abadih, by Shoghi Effendi, Juan Cole, trans. (1997-05). Answers four questions: (1) re "Crimson Scroll"; (2) re the "Sacred Night"; (3) re the "Tablet of the Bell"; and (4) using the Kitab-i-Aqdas for bibliomancy.
  22. Letter to Marzieh Gail, by Shoghi Effendi (1942-10-24). Letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, stating that not being reappointed to Bahá'í committees gives people more opportunity to engage in the teaching work, and expressing pleasure at the Bahá'ís' lack of prejudice towards minority group members.
  23. Letter to the Bahá'ís of Macy Nebraska, by Shoghi Effendi, Rúhíyyih Khánum (1947-12-21). One-paragraph letter of greeting from the Guardian, with a short intro from Ruhiyyih Khanum, stating that the original population of the United States has a "great future" and will find "great blessings" in accepting Bahá'u'lláh.
  24. Letter to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, by Shoghi Effendi, Horace Holley (1947/1948). Shoghi Effendi's summary of the relationship of the Bahá'í Faith to Palestine, written as an introduction to the pamphlet "The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh: A World Religion." Includes Holley's letter to the UN the next year on Bahá'í shrines in Palestine.
  25. Letters of Shoghi Effendi, Arranged Chronologically, by Shoghi Effendi, Don Calkins, comp. (2020/2023). Compilation of all the Guardian's messages, arranged in chronological order as individual "rich text" files. This arrangement allows us to see the flow of guidance from Shoghi Effendi over time, and perhaps identify patterns.
  26. Letters to Alain Locke, by Shoghi Effendi, Ruhi Afnan, Alain Locke, et al., Christopher Buck, comp. (2010). Collection of letters between Shoghi Effendi, his secretary, and Alain Locke, and related historical material on Locke.
  27. Letters to Grace Holley and Visalia LSA, by Shoghi Effendi, John E. Esslemont, Larry Gates, comp. (1925-02-14). Small collection of correspondence between Shoghi Effendi and the LSA of Visalia, California.
  28. Lifeblood of the Cause, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice, comp. (1970/1975). Selections from the writings of the Guardian on the proper appreciation of the importance and meaning of contributing to Bahá'í Funds.
  29. Prayers of Shoghi Effendi, by Shoghi Effendi (1994-12-11). Why the Guardian's prayers are not translated into English.
  30. Rules of Parliamentary Discipline, by Shoghi Effendi (1915-11). Published under the name "Shawki Rabbani" for his school journal. Shoghi Effendi would have been around age 16 at the time.
  31. Station and Titles of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, The, by Shoghi Effendi (1973-04-21). Two excerpts from Shoghi Effendi's writings, one from "The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh" and the other from God Passes By.
  32. Tablet of the Centennial, by Shoghi Effendi, Khazeh Fananapazir, trans. (1998). Partial translation of an epistle to the Persian-speaking Bahá'ís, written shortly after "God Passes By" in 1944. Includes English translation of Muhammad Varqa's "Le Style persan du Gardien."
  33. Tablets Revealed in Honor of the Greatest Holy Leaf, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, comp. (1933). Short collection of passages compiled by Shoghi Effendi for sharing with the United States and Canada, introduced with a cover letter by him.
  34. Timeline of major letters of the Guardian, Author unknown, comp. (n.d.). Date, location published, summary, and memorable quotations of some significant letters of Shoghi Effendi.
  35. Uncompiled Letters, by Shoghi Effendi, Don Calkins, comp. (2016). 1,500 messages by or on behalf of the Guardian not found in the various national collections such as Baha’i Administration, Messages to the Antipodes, Compilation of Compilations, or Lights of Guidance.
  36. World Survey, A: The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1944, Shoghi Effendi, comp. (1944). Summary document showing countries opened, centres founded, languages translated, properties purchased, and dates of significance.
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