- Commemoration of the Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visit to North America (2012)
- Divine Simplicity: Remembering the last Hand of the Cause of God, Dr. ‘Ali-Muhammad Varqa (2007)
- Dissidents and the Bahá’í Faith (2005)
- The Enigma of Time (from Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections, 1999)
- Epiphany in the Church Meadow (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Eric Fromm and the Bahá’í Faith (2007)
- The Faith State: Vital to Theist, Agnostic and Atheist (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Fall in Love With a Frog: Conversation With a Centenarian (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Globalization and Humanity’s Coming-of-Age (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- The Heart is a Little Bird that Longs to Soar: Incomplete Impressions of Pilgrimage in Haifa, Bahji and Akká in the Days of the Universal House of Justice (2007)
- Hope as Creative Fiction (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- “Imagination, the Mistress of us All”: Commentary on Blaise Pascal’s Saying (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- In Durham Cathedral: A Moment With Stephen Lambden (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- In Search of Community (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Kindness to Animals (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Lessons Learned from the Columbine High Massacre (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1999)
- Life Tests and Other Stressful Situations (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Message of the Universal House of Justice to the World’s Religious Leaders (Panel Discussion Comments at ABS Conference, 2002)
- My Interview With Laura Dreyfus-Barney (Paris 1967)
- The Nine Rites of Spring (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Pain and Suffering (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- The Plaster Saint According to Father Thomas Merton (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Preparing for the Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visit to Montreal (2012)
- Public and Private Morality and the Politician (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Reading Father Thomas Merton: Convergence of Spirits (2009)
- Religion in Ingmar Bergman’s Films (2007)
- Remembering John F. Kennedy, 1960-1999 (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1999)
- Replacing Debate With Consultation (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Return to Salt Spring: Fall Impressions of an Island Refuge (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 2008)
- The Search for Truth (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- Sex and the Soul as the Body Beautiful (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Short Notes on Bahá’í Belief (1994)
- Spirituality According to Pop Culture (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Spirituality is More Than a Fashionable Word (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- Summer Travel-Teaching In England and France (2004)
- Teaching at the Café: Meeting H., an Iranian Gentleman (2008)
- Teaching the Faith, Magic Moments, Meeting Great Souls (2012)
- Unconditional Love (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
- The Voice of Conscience in Character (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
- What A Young Man Learned From Laura Rumney Davis About Shoghi Effendi (1965)
- What Stanwood Cobb Told Me About ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (2007)
- Why We Need Bahá’í Theology (1995)
- Worshiping Eros: A Modern Myth (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)