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TAGS: * Arts and crafts; * Language; * Philosophy; * Religion (general); * Science; * Words and phrases; - Arabic language; - Islam; - Tabernacle of Unity (book); Abjad system; Advancement of civilization; Arc of ascent and descent; Axial Age; Chahar Vadi (Four Valleys); Changeless Faith of God; Civilization; Contradictions; Correspondance (concept); Divine Physician; Dualism ... see all 61 tags
Introducing a way of looking at the past and future of religion in the context of the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Includes compilation of Writings on spiritual dislocation, science, language, spiritual evolution, nature, and revelation.
An eight-part series of talks given by Dr. Phelps at the Norwegian Baha’i Summer School (July 2-8, 2017). Mirrored with permission from and

The Verge of the New:

A Series of Talks

Steven Phelps


1. Introduction, from

"The Verge of the New" is an eight-part series of talks given by Dr. Steven Phelps at the Norwegian Baha’i Summer School (July 2nd-8th, 2017).

In these talks, Dr. Steven Phelps, an American Baha’i physicist, philosopher and translator, introduces a way of looking at the past and future of religion in the context of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. 

These talks are a further development of the course “Science, Religion, and the Search for a New Narrative” that was delivered in Acuto, Italy in December 2015. You can listen to that course on Soundcloud here:

Notes for this course, quotations, and slides can be found here:…TdmM?usp=sharing.

You might also enjoy:

  • Steven Phelps’ talk on the Baha’i Faith and Atheism (you can listen to Part 1 of this talk here, and Part 2 here),
  • his interview with Rainn Wilson as part of the Baha’i Blogcast series: Baha’i Blogcast with Rainn Wilson – Episode 7: Steven Phelps
  • or his talk delivered at the Santa Monica Baha’i Centre titled “Science, Religion & the Coming Spiritual Revolution” (you can listen to it here).

We’d like to thank the Norwegian Baha’i Summer School and Steven Phelps for granting us permission to share this series of fascinating talks.

To find out more about the Norwegian Baha’i Summer School, please visit their website:

2. Audio, from

3. Presentation, adapted from PowerPoint document at

Because this PowerPoint is large — 21 MB — it is not automatically displayed on this webpage.

Click here to download it: phelps_verge_new_talks.pptx.

4. Compilation, adapted from Word document at

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