- Posted 2025-03-08 in Published articles: Horace Holley. Bahá'í Cause, The (1925). Two-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings. (See also complete book for another dozen mentions.)
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Poetry: Pierre Spierckel. À Chiraz au printemps (2025). Un poème pour le quarantième anniversaire des dix martyres de Chiraz, en hommage. Présenté dans une exposition à Paris en commémoration de leur martyre.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Books: Jan T. Jasion, Pierre Spierckel, trans. `Abdu'l-Bahá en France 1911 et 1913 (2016). Une chronique historique et détaillée des neufs mois que le Maître passa en France, rapportant, ses déplacements, ses conversations privées et ses discours publics.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in BWC compilations: Abdu'l-Bahá, Vahid Houston Ranjbar. 'Abdu'l-Bahá — de l'Univers: Précédé et suivi d'essais de Vahid Houston Ranjbar (2018). Première lecture d'un physicien; Invariance d'échelle ou autosimilarité; de lʼunivers une tablette de ʻAbduʼl-Bahá; Platon, Baháʼuʼlláh et la physique moderne; Science, religion et sémantique.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in BIC documents: Bahá'í International Community, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Adopter l'interdépendance: Fondations pour un Monde en transition (2024). Déclaration pour le Sommet de l'avenir des Nations Unies, plaidant pour une réforme de la gouvernance centrée sur l'unité de l'humanité, exhortant les dirigeants à donner la priorité à l'unité, à la justice, et à l'interdépendance pour une paix durable.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Joshua Hall, trans., Pierre Spierckel, trans. Bahá'u'lláh Supplications: Traduction de l'arabe en anglais (2025). Deux cents prières en traduction provisoire, révélées par Bahá’u’lláh en arabe. Ces prières témoignent toutes de sa maîtrise des métaphores et de son amour et de sa dévotion à Dieu. Traduites en français par Spierckel à partir de l’anglais de Hall.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Bouddhisme et foi bahá'íe: Un rapprochement ontologique (2011). Le bouddhisme c’est l’une des Révélations divines historiques; c’est aussi l’une des religions de nos voisins que nous voulons mieux comprendre; une étude nous fera mieux comprendre l’affirmation bahá’íe que toutes les religions sont unes par essence.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Audio: Nader Saiedi. Identity and the Spiritual Journey in the Badi Calendar (2015). A 99-minute talk on various aspects of the nature and history of the Bahá'í calendar.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: William P. Collins, Pierre Spierckel, trans. La mythologie sacrée de la religion bahá'íe (2011). De la nécessité du mythe pour comprendre l’incompréhensible.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: Universal House of Justice, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Le destin de Mason Remey & de ceux qui l'ont suivi (2007). Un texte du Centre mondial expliquant le caractère fondamental de l’Alliance et les conséquences pour ceux qui la brisent.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Le Livre de l'Alliance Kitab-i-'Ahd (2024). Document unique dans l’histoire religieuse du monde qui supprime toute justification de dissidence, le testament de Bahá’u’lláh désigne son fils aîné ‘Abdu’l-Bahá pour prendre, à sa suite, la tête de la communauté bahá’íe.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Le nouvel athéisme: une réponse bahá'íe (2011). L’auteur montre, par une lecture minutieuse, la faiblesse des arguments de ces nouveaux athées qui connaissent un grand succès de librairie, et leur ignorance, surprenante parfois, des concepts philosophiques les plus élémentaires.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Essays and short articles: Pierre Spierckel. Le temple bahá'í (2000). Aperçu des temples bahá'ís; mise à jour d'une brochure initialement publiée dans une revue française sur le thème «les religions et leurs chefs-d’œuvre».
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: Jack McLean, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Prolégomènes à une théologie bahá'íe (2014). Deux objectifs à cet ouvrage: 1/ Résoudre la question préliminaire du concept et de la validité d’une théologie bahá’íe en soi, et 2/ Dégager le terrain, ce qui est déjà commencé, pour un examen en profondeur de quelques thèmes choisis.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Transcripts of videos and audio: Nader Saiedi, Alison Marshall, ed. Question-answer session from "Text and Context in the Bahá'í Heroic Age" (2024). Partial transcript of the Q&A portion of a talk on the Bahá'í writings and the need for scholars to index and translate these texts; the metaphysical nature of the Manifestations.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in BIC documents: Bahá'í International Community, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Renforcer la solidarité: la cohésion sociale comme moteur du développement (2025). Déclaration de la Communauté internationale bahá’íe à la 63e session de la Commission du développement social.
- Posted 2025-03-07 in Published articles: Ian Kluge, Pierre Spierckel, trans. Un paysage sans soleil: Une éthique scientifique est-elle possible? (2012). Une réponse à l'affirmation du livre The Moral Lanscape dans lequel la connaissance scientifique et empirique est la seule connaissance valable, qui se réfute elle-même : aucune expérience scientifique ne pourrait prouver ou infirmer cette affirmation.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Pilgrims' notes: John A. Robarts. Few Reminiscences about Shoghi Effendi Taken from Pilgrim Notes of January 1955, A (1993). Various memories of the Guardian, his thoughts on Africa and Canada, pioneering, initial impressions upon meeting him, and his thoughts on the evolution of the Faith, and an aside on Musa Banani.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Published articles: ‘Alí-Muḥammad Varqá. Le Style persan du Gardien (1993). Les aspects merveilleux du talent d'ecrivain de Shoghi Effendi, un cote peu connu par les amis occidentaux qui ne connaissent que ses ecrits et ses traductions en anglais.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Provisional translations: The Báb, Mohammad Norozi, trans. Letter of the Báb to His Wife (2025). Letter of the Báb to His wife, Khadijah Bagum, written sometime between June 1845 and September 1846 in Shiraz, following a family meeting regarding the Báb's claim and proclamation.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Pilgrims' notes: Audrey Robarts. Reminiscences about Shoghi Effendi (1993). Answers to questions "tell us about your first visit with the Guardian" and "what was the most important thing you learned from him," with details about pioneering in Africa.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Essays and short articles: Alí-Akbar Furútan. Guardian and the East, The (1993). Summary of the conditions of the friends in Iran and its neighboring countries, and a short overview of the life and accomplishments of Shoghi Effendi.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Published articles: Stephen Lambden. Sinaitic Mysteries, The: Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Bábí and Bahá'í Scripture (1986). Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh which relate to the Pentateuchal account of Moses' call (Exodus 3:1) and request to see God's glory (Exodus 33:18-23), and quranic parallels. (Link to article on author's site, plus links to related articles.)
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Books: Various. Vision of Shoghi Effendi, The: Proceedings of the Association for Bahá'í Studies Ninth Annual Conference, November 2-4, 1984, Ottawa, Canada (1993). Select portions of this book as they've appeared elsewhere, or were shared by their authors.
- Posted 2025-03-06 in Provisional translations: Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Pierre Spierckel, trans., Adib Masumian, trans. Traductions par Adib Masumiam (2013). Traductions françaises par Spierckel de six traductions anglaises par Masumian des Tablettes persanes de Bahá'u'lláh et d'Abdu'l-Bahá, sur le thème de la traduction.
- Posted 2025-03-05 in Published articles: William P. Collins. Kenosha, 1893-1912: History of an Early Bahá'í Community in the United States (1982). First visited by Kheiralla in 1895, Kenosha was the second city in America to have resident Bahá'ís; it had one of the earliest elected assemblies, and until the 1920s had the third largest community in the States. It is a case study in US Bahá'í history.
- Posted 2025-03-05 in Published articles: David Hofman. Shoghi Effendi: Expounder of the Word of God (1991). The Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Baha gives two essentials of the Guardianship: protection of the Cause and interpreter of the Word of God; his exposition and interpretation have the same validity as the Text itself.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Biographies: Adel Shafipour. Biography of Jináb Ishráq-Khávari (1902–1972) (2007). Biography and bibliography of a famed Persian scholar.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Published articles: Denis MacEoin. Early Shaykhí Reactions to the Báb and His Claims (1982). On the first years of interaction and conflict between the Shaykhí School and the emerging Bábí movement.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Published articles: Seeing the Signs: The Imamate in Sayyid Kāẓim al-Rashtī’s (d. 1259/1843) Sharḥ Duʿāʾ al-simāt (2024). The role of interpretation in al-Rashtí's "Commentary on the supplication of signs" in articulating Shaykhi thought; how God interacts with creation through prophetic archetypes. Link to thesis "Devotional Wisdom: Commentaries on Prayer and Supplication."
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Books: Moojan Momen, ed. Studies in Bábí and Bahá'í History (1982). Five articles from the first collection of scholarly essays on the history of the Faith to be published as a book (in English): on Shaykhi reactions and Christian relations in Iran, and three studies of early communities in America.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Bibliographies: Studies in Bábí and Bahá'í History / Studies in Bábí and Bahá'í Religions: List of volumes (1982). List of all 23 volumes in the SBBH / SBBR series from Kalimat Press.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Books: Moojan Momen, ed. Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi (1988). A bio-bibliography of Balyuzi; five academic examinations of: symbols in the writings of the Báb, non-absolutism of religious truth, early British Bahá'í history, and history of the early years of the Guardianship. (Only articles shared by author.)
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Books: Moshe Sharon, ed. Studies in Modern Religions, Religious Movements, and the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths (2004). Five articles posted by their authors: new religions and religious movements; the eschatology of globalization; the Bábí-state conflict in Mázandarán; the Azálí-Bahá'í Crisis of September 1867; Muhammad 'Abduh's friendship with 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Books: Morten Bergsmo, ed. Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi (1991). Six items from this book that have been shared by their authors at various times.
- Posted 2025-03-04 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice: Universal House of Justice. Original Text of the Súriy-i-Haykal, The (2002). About the question of which manuscript of this lengthy Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh served as the basis for its authorized translation in The Summons of the Lord of Hosts.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Essays and short articles: H. M. Munje. 1844 A.D.: Pinpoint Target of All Faiths (1982). On the great figures who arose around the world during the Axial Age and founded Christianity, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism; some saints of India.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Theses: Gianni Izzo. Devotional Wisdom: Commentaries on Prayer and Supplication in Imami Shí'í Islam (2025). Dissertation exploring Shi'i supplication (du'ā'), analyzing commentaries by four scholars, including Siyyid Kazim, to reveal its theological, devotional, and social significance in Imami Shi'ism. (Link to document, offsite.)
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Biographies: H. T. D. Rost Dr. Harilal M. Munje. Bio written by the son-in-law of Munje.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Published articles: Moojan Momen. Early Relations Between Christian Missionaries and the Bábí and Bahá'í Communities (1982). Historical overview of interactions between the Bábís and the early Bahá'ís and a number of Christian missionaries in Persia, Palestine, and Syria in the 1800s.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Books: Dipchand Khianra. Immortals, The (1988). Biographies of 16 notable Bahá'ís in Indian history.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Books: H. M. Munje. Reincarnation Mystery Revealed, The (1992).
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Books: Suheil Bushrui. Style of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, The: Aspects of the Sublime (1995). Analysis of the Aqdas and its universal teachings of a new divine Revelation leading humanity to the next stage of its evolution: a world civilization of a unified human race and world peace; on the rhymed prose style found in some Arabic writings.
- Posted 2025-03-03 in Books: H. M. Munje. Whole World is but One Family, The (1980). Booklet demonstrating, with scriptural references, that the world is a unified human family. Includes many quotes from the Vedas and the Bhagavad-Gita in English and Sanskrit, and the Bahá'í Writings.
- Posted 2025-03-02 in Essays and short articles: Anita Graves. Mazra'ih: A Footnote (n.d.). Overview of the Bahá'í Holy Place of Mazra'ih, its connection with Lilian Vaughan Barron McNeill and her husband Angus McNeill, and the Cyprus connection to that beautiful property situated near 'Akká.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. Ancient Covenants (1999). God fulfills his promises; the twin duties of faith and obedience; fulfillment of ancient covenants.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. Daniel's Visions (1999). On the vision of the "Abomination that makes desolation" and the "cleansing of the sanctuary after 2300 years."
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. 'Descent' of Revelation on 'Clouds' (1999). The use of "clouds" in Jewish and Christian prophecy; literal vs symbolic meanings of "clouds"; progressive revelation.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. Principles for Effective Parenting (2000). A cycle for successful family development; preparation for marriage; parental roles; virtues education; support of institutions.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. Salvation by Deeds and Grace (1999). Christian approaches to salvation; belief and faith; obedience; good works; acquisition of virtues.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. Some Thoughts on Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the Christians (1999). The lamp and the light; east-west movement of the lamp; Carmel, the mountain of the Lord and the seat of the unfolding institutions; the symbolic terms names, glory, and the spirit of truth.
- Posted 2025-03-01 in Essays and short articles: Don Dainty. You Were Right about 1844: The New 'Good News' About The 'Great Disappointment (1999). On expectations regarding the return of Christ, the Millerites, and Bahá'í interpretations of revelation.
- Posted 2025-02-28 in Essays and short articles: Michael Zirinsky. Lethal Encounter in Tehran, A: The Attack on U.S. Vice Consul Robert Imbrie and Its Aftermath (2022). Almost a century ago, an American diplomat died overseas at the hands of a mob. The implications of this tragic incident reached far beyond Iran’s capital city.
- Posted 2025-02-28 in Provisional translations: The Báb, Mohammad Norozi, trans. Epistle of the Báb to His Uncles, Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad and Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali (2025). Introduction to and annotated provisional translation of the Epistle revealed by the Báb to His maternal uncles Haji Mirza Siyyid Muhammad (the Greater Uncle) and Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali (the Greatest Uncle).
- Posted 2025-02-28 in Newspaper articles: Badi Shams. Fasting: A Time of Spiritual House Cleaning (2022). It may look strange to connect fasting with unity, but most conflicts and problems are caused by the lack of a spiritual approach to difficult issues; fasting and praying are effective tools.
- Posted 2025-02-28 in Essays and short articles: Henry S. Villard. Murder in Tehran (1982). In 1924 Vice Consul Robert W. Imbrie was killed by an angry mob spurred on by religious fanatics after he tried to photograph a fountain that was believed to be sacred, a foreshadowing of the 1979 embassy seizure.
- Posted 2025-02-28 in Provisional translations: The Báb, Mohammad Norozi, trans. Prayers and Tablets from the Báb, Some (2025). A provisional translation of the Tablet revealed by the Báb while He was confined in the castle of Máh-Kú for Mulla Nowruz Ali, and a selected prayer from the Writings of the Báb.
- Posted 2025-02-27 in Book excerpts: Mentions of the Faith in the Journal of the American Foreign Services Association (1937). All 14 issues containing keyword "Baha'i." With the exception of articles "Murder in Tehran" and "Lethal Encounter in Iran," the other 12 references to the Bahá'í Faith are just in passing, with few details.
- Posted 2025-02-21 in Published articles: Steven Phelps. Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, The (2021).
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 21 (1992-1993) (1993). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 22 (1993-1994) (1994). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 25 (1996-1997) (1998). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 26 (1997-1998) (1999). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 27 (1998-1999) (2000). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 28 (1999-2000) (2001). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 29 (2000-2001) (2002). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 30 (2001-2002) (2003). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 31 (2002-2003) (2004). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 32 (2003-2004) (2005). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 33 (2004-2005) (2006). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 34 (2005-2006) (2007). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
- Posted 2025-02-18 in Books: Various, Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 35 (2006-2021) (2025). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. This document is not yet online, but is linked here for completeness.
- Posted 2025-02-17 in Published articles: Iraj Poostchi. 'Adasiyyah: A Study in Agriculture and Rural Development (2010). On the labor of farmers and sharecroppers in a Jordanian village, on land purchased by 'Abdu'l-Bahá; features of Bahá'í development in rural areas, prayer and consultation in community decision-making, conflict resolution, and self-sufficiency.
- Posted 2025-02-17 in Essays and short articles: Ahang Rabbani. Dating Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude (1998). Brief research note, confirming that the Kitáb-i-Íqán was revealed prior to mid-January, 1861.
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Acre, Israel (2025).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Azalī (2011).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Bahāʾ Allāh (2024).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Bahāʾī Faith (2024).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Haifa, Israel (2025).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Mashriq al-Adhkār (2015).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Mīrzā Yaḥyā Ṣobḥ-e Azal (2025).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Mount Carmel (2024).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Shoghi Effendi Rabbānī (2024).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Spiritual Assembly (2017).
- Posted 2025-02-16 in Encyclopedia articles: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. Bāb, The (2024).
- Posted 2025-02-14 in BIC documents: Bahá'í International Community. Strengthening Solidarity: Social Cohesion as a Driver of Development (2025). A statement to the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development: Social cohesion, grounded in moral principles, is essential for sustainable development, fostering unity, resilience, and collective prosperity beyond material resources.
- Posted 2025-02-14 in Unpublished articles: Jack McLean. Big Bang Standard Model and Bahá'í Cosmology, The: Resolving a Present Disparity Through Science and Religion (2025). On cyclic models that posit a universe before the Big Bang; comparison of theories of dynamic expansion and contraction vs. Steady State and Cosmic Inflation; parallels between modern science and ancient Greek, Jewish and Hindu cosmology.
- Posted 2025-02-13 in Published articles: R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. American Bahá'í Women and the Education of Girls in Tehran, 1909-1934 (1986). On the activities of four teachers and doctors who formed the first resident embassage of Western Bahá'í women in the East, who came to Iran to help expand access to health and education.
- Posted 2025-02-11 in Links: Idris Samawi Hamid. Metaphysics and Cosmology of Process According to Shaykh 'Aḥmad al-'Ahsā'ī, The: Critical Edition, Translation, and Analysis of Observations in Wisdom (1998). Analyzes Shaykh Ahmad's groundbreaking process metaphysics and cosmology through "The Wisdom Observations," marking his departure from traditional Muslim substance-based philosophical thought. (Link to document, offsite.)
- Posted 2025-02-08 in Provisional translations: Abdu'l-Bahá, Adib Masumian, trans. "As to what is meant by Gog and Magog, these were two factions that were in constant strife…" (2025). Provisional translation of a metaphorical interpretation of Gog and Magog by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, with original Arabic and supplementary notes.
- Posted 2025-02-06 in Provisional translations: Mohammad Norozi, trans. Epistle of the Báb to Azal: Commentary and Translation (2025). Introduction, background, and references to the Epistle by the Báb for Mírzá Yahyá, the Tawqi'a Vasyat, commonly and erroneously referred to as the "Will and Testament of the Bab," followed by a provisional translation.
- Posted 2025-02-06 in Essays and short articles: Emma Maxie Jones. Heart, The (1950). Thoughts on the heart of man, physical and spiritual; prepared by Jones for one of her talks in the 1950s while living in Escondido, CA.
- Posted 2025-02-05 in Published articles: Nile Green. Geographies of Transimperial Religion: The Transformation of Religious Space in a World of Empires (2024). Examining how religions changed as they moved across different empires; how new religious spaces, practices, and networks developed, shaping modern global faiths. (Link to article, offsite.)
- Posted 2025-02-05 in Library Miscellany: Jonah Winters. RIS Citation Export (2025). Citation export details for database interoperability; import instructions for reference managers like Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley.
- Posted 2025-02-05 in Published articles: Christopher Cooper-Davies. House of Bahá'u'lláh and the Struggle for Religious Visibility in Mandatory Iraq, The (2025). On the 1920s–1930s legal and political struggles over the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdad, highlighting colonial modernity’s role in shaping anti-Bahá'í persecution in Iraq.
- Posted 2025-02-05 in Published articles: Farzin Vejdani. Transnational Bahá'í Print Culture: Community Formation and Religious Authority, 1890-1921 (2012). Explores how Baha’is used print culture (1890–1921) for community-building, scriptural canonization, and apologetics, emphasizing leadership, transnational networks, and cultural intermediaries. (Link to article, offsite.)
- Posted 2025-01-31 in Essays and short articles: Jack McLean. Various Essays (1994). 43 essays on various topics, many with Bahá'í themes, most published in the Gulf Islands Driftwood of Salt Spring Island, BC.
- Posted 2025-01-25 in Provisional translations: Abdu'l-Bahá, Shidan Ashraf, trans. Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2025). Five prayers or tablets: for forgiveness, for guidance, and for spiritual qualities.
- Posted 2025-01-25 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Shidan Ashraf, trans. Prayers by Bahá'u'lláh, Some (2024). A prayer for aid and assistance, and a prayer for spiritual qualities.
- Posted 2025-01-18 in Personal compilations: Hooshmand Badee, comp. Principles of Spiritual Economics: A Compilation from the Bahá'í Writings (2015). A book-length compilation, in 38 chapters, from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, The Báb, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice on the relationship between economics and 33 sub-topics.
- Posted 2025-01-17 in Books: Linda Kavelin Popov. Virtues Project, The: Educator's Guide (1998). Activities and workshops designed to present, in simple ways, methods to create a culture of character.
- Posted 2025-01-15 in Bahá'í Writings: Bahá'u'lláh. لوحی است از حضرت بهاءالله (حرف باء) خطاب به میرزا هادی قزوینی (حرف هاء) [از حرف "باء" به حرف "هاء\'] (From the Letter Bá' to the Letter Há') (2019). Mixed Persian/Arabic and English text of this tablet.
- Posted 2025-01-15 in Letters from the Universal House of Justice: Universal House of Justice. To the Bahá'ís in Iran (2014). Emphasizes Mashriqu’l-Adhkár’s integration of worship and service, urging Bahá’ís in Iran to foster unity, resilience, and societal progress through prayer and action.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر اوّل (Ark of Knowledge) (1998). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر بیست (Ark of Wisdom) (2017). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر بیست و دو (Ark of Wisdom) (2019). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر بیست و یک (Ark of Wisdom) (2018). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر دهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2007). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر دوازدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2009). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر دوّم (Ark of Knowledge) (1999). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر سوّم (Ark of Knowledge) (2000). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر سیزدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2010). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر شانزدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2013). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر ششم (Ark of Knowledge) (2003). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر نهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2006). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر نوزدهم (Ark of Wisdom) (2016). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر هجده (Ark of Wisdom) (2015). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر هفتم (Ark of Knowledge) (2004). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر هفدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2014). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر يازدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2008). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر پانزدهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2012). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر پنجم (Ark of Knowledge) (2002). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر چهاردهم (Ark of Knowledge) (2011). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفتر چهارم (Ark of Knowledge) (2001). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-14 in Books: سفينة عرفان: دفترهشتم (Ark of Knowledge) (2005). Articles from papers delivered at annual Irfan Colloquia in Persian.
- Posted 2025-01-13 in Books: Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahá'u'lláh, Frances Esty, comp. Garden of the Heart, The (1930). Early thematic compilation from the Bahá'í Writings.
- Posted 2025-01-11 in Published articles: Todd Lawson. Metaphorical Literalism and the Poetics of Reality: Ahmad Ahsá'í, Figuration, and the World of Images (2024). Overview of the life of Shaykh Ahmad; his thoughts about the technical rhetorical terms mithál, mathal, and mithl (images), which functioned more as metaphor than simile or parable in the Qur'an and the words of the Imams.
- Posted 2025-01-10 in Unpublished articles: Pixie MacCallum. Early History of the Bahá'í Faith in Stornoway/Western Isles, An (2024). Introduction to and history of the Faith in the Scottish Isles, including collection of newspaper clippings and photographs. (Link to document, offsite.)
- Posted 2025-01-10 in Newspaper articles: Author unknown. Earliest Published Mention of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in the West: Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung April 8, 1845 (1845). Clippings from the newspaper Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (1805 Freiburg – 1859 Leipzig), April 8 1845, the earliest known published mention of the Bábí Faith in the West.
- Posted 2025-01-10 in Newspaper articles: Author unknown. Early Published Mention of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in the West: Morning Advertiser April 16, 1845 (1845). Clippings from the newspaper Morning Advertiser, April 16 1845, which one of the earliest known published mentions of the Bábí Faith in the West.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Published articles: Todd Smith. Comments on Power and Authority, Historical Consciousness, and Modes of Communication: Foreword to the 2nd Edition of Planning Progress (2024). Reflections on what Bahá'ís have achieved in the decades since this book was published, particularly in the way they seek to transform the material and spiritual dimensions of life at individual and social levels; the degraded state of today's leadership.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Biographies: Dale Lillico. In Memoriam: Rosie Knowlton (1981). Various materials assembled for a memorial service.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Published articles: Andres Elvira Espinosa. "Justly and Without Bias": Consultation as a Technique for Mitigating Cognitive Biases (2024). Exploring Bahá’í consultation as a framework for mitigating cognitive biases, emphasizing group deliberation, justification, and repeated exposure to diverse perspectives for effective debiasing.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Book reviews: Christopher Buck. Logos and Civilization: Spirit, History, and Order in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, by Nader Saiedi: Review (2024). Review of Nader Saiedi's book that focuses on the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, John S. Hatcher, trans., Amrollah Hemmat, trans., Ehsanollah Hemmat, trans. Mathnaví of the Blessed One (2024). Provisional translation of the Mathnaviyí-i Mubárak, with introduction and notes.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Book reviews: Douglas Perry. On the Originality of Species: The Convergence of Evolutionary Science and Bahá'í Teachings by Bryan Donaldson: Review (2024).
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Biographies: Bill Ekomiak. Report/Memoirs of Bill Ekomiak (2013). Autobiographical memoir of an Inuit from Canada, followed by the booklet "The Sacred Circles of the North and South American Indians."
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Biographies: Various. Rowland Estall: In Memoriam (1993). Various materials assembled for a memorial service, from tributes written by Jameson Bond and Michael Rochester, with research from Will van den Hoonaard.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Essays and short articles: Horace Holley. God Who Walks with Men, The (1954). Emphasizing humanity's connection to God through His Messengers, advocating love, unity, and spiritual renewal as essential for overcoming societal divisions and achieving global peace.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Biographies: Steven Kolins. Life, Faith, and Death of Helen Clevenger, 1917-1936, The (2023). On the death of an 18-year-old Bahá'í in North Carolina in 1936; racial injustices of the era; sensationalization of media coverage; implications for racial and religious discourse.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Book reviews: Robert Stockman. Reception of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Britain: East Comes West, by Brendan McNamara, The: Review (2024).
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Published articles: Roger Neyman, Charlotte Wenninger. Transformative Dialogue: A Key to Elevating Discourses (2024). "Transformative Dialogue" is a process that can facilitate understanding among dialogue partners; a distinct mode of dialogue with a recognizable set of precepts and processes, it can be studied, systematically developed, and used within communities.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Published articles: Craig L. Volker, Mary Goebel Noguchi. Translating the Bahá'í Writings into Languages Other Than English (2024). Challenges in translation, including questions about spelling, terminology, politeness strategies employed in the original work, and idiosyncrasies of English usage; case study of passage of Bahá'u'lláh as translated into Japanese and Tok Pisin.
- Posted 2025-01-09 in Published articles: Chris Lowry. Turning a Somersault to Land at the Feet of the Báb: The Spiritual Journey of Ross Woodman (2024). Examining Ross G. Woodman’s 1942 dream of the Báb, its influence on his spiritual journey, and the interplay between faith, aesthetics, and academia.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Songs & Music: Ruhi Institute. Collection of Songs for Children's Class Teachers, A (2021). Links to audio recordings and song book with tablature of 24 songs that appear in Ruhi lessons for Grade 1, and some for children in later years. (Documents offsite.)
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Unpublished articles: Natalia Behnam. L'implantation de la foi baha'ie en France: et impact de la venue de Abdu'l Bahá à Paris au début du XXème siècle (The establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in France and the impact of the arrival of Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century) (2006). French society at the end of the 19th century; Western expansion of the Bahá'í Faith; Abdu'l-Bahá's stays in Paris 1911-1913; religious minorities in France; on meeting Guillaume Apollinaire, Romain Rolland, Auguste Forel, Queen Marie of Romania, et al.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Essays and short articles: Marion Holley. "Most Great Peace," The: A New Phase of Human Thought (1935). On the causes of war; the need for international relations; no plan so unites every movement, so harmonizes efforts towards the goal of world peace, as does the Bahá'í Faith.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Biographies: Gayle Hoover. Notes on Marzieh Gail (2015). Recollections and materials compiled for a memorial service.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Published articles: Horace Holley, Ruhi Afnan. Bahá'í Religion, The: Papers Read at the Conference on some Living Religions within the British Empire, 1924 (1925). Text of two presentations at the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, in 1924, both titled "The Bahá'í Religion."
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Published articles: George Orr Latimer. Lesser and the Most Great Peace, The (1944). A discussion of the evolution of world peace from political to spiritual civilization; the need for world control; more than human power is required to help overcome these problems.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Newspaper articles: Zia M. Bagdadi, comp. and trans. Memorial Services of Abdu'l-Bahá' on Mount Carmel, Palestine, The (1921). Pamphlet of various materials: article from newspaper Annafir "The Most Great Calamity"; life of Abdu'l-Bahá; funeral procession; eulogies.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in NSA Compilations: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Power of the Covenant, The: A Compilation (1956).
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Published articles: Allan L. Ward. Ten-Year Crusade, The: Seven Thousand Years In Retrospect (1960). A brief, dramatic sketch of the spiritual development of man, beginning with Adam, to help Bahá'ís grasp the meaning of the present World Crusade as the most urgent stage in Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan unveiled 40 years earlier.
- Posted 2025-01-08 in Visual Materials: Various. Vineyard of the Lord: Mount Carmel Bahá'í Projects Updates (2000). Two volumes of a multi-volume journal of essays and photographs showing the development of the Arc; progress reports; essay "Shrines and Gardens" by Beatrice Irwin; Haifa as the bride of Carmel; historical connection with India.
- Posted 2025-01-05 in Presentations: Godrat Rafat. Dizzy Gillespie "One World for All" Concerts: Documentation of a Bahá'í Project (1990). Collection of photos and newspaper articles documenting this series of concerts in 1990 in Berlin, Moscow, and Prague.
- Posted 2025-01-04 in Published articles: José Velásquez Arce, Katherine Zamora Caro, Alex Calfuqueo Calfucura, Leonardo Díaz-Collao. El archivo de música mapuche de la Radio Bahá'í: Diagnóstico, inventario, desafíos y reflexiones (2024). On the process of identification, diagnosis and inventory of the archive of Radio Bahá'í; the work of the archivist; safeguarding and enhancing this Mapuche sound archive, the oral expressions of the Wallmapu community. Link to article (offsite).
- Posted 2025-01-04 in Theses: Carolyn Patterson Sawin. Native Conversion, Native Identity: An oral history of the Bahá'í faith among First Nations people in the southern central Yukon Territory, Canada (2000). Factors influencing religious conversion among Yukon Bahá'ís; correlation between participation in the Bahá'í community and the degree to which First Nations are able to express their cultural identity; oral narratives. (Link to PDF offsite.)
- Posted 2025-01-04 in Personal letters: Winifred Harvey. Report through the New Territories Committee to the Knight of Bahá'u'lláh (1957). Winifred Harvey's report of the funeral services in London upon the passing of the Guardian.
- Posted 2025-01-04 in Published articles: Amin Ghadimi. Globality of Suffering, The: Tokutomi Kenjirō Meets 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Palestine, 1919 (2024). Exploring Japanese author Tokutomi Kenjirō's 1919 encounter with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, analyzing themes of suffering, globality, religion, and personal transformation within the context of modernity.
- Posted 2025-01-03 in Published articles: Matthew W. Hughey. "...angels which Thou hast created of snow and of fire": Bahá'í Angelology and God's Dialogic Relationship to Humanity (2024). A 5-type classification of Bahá'í angels: avatars of the Holy Spirit, celestial beings, spiritually evolved people, manifestations of God, or personifications of virtue. Religion is a balance of divine will vs human agency. Link to article (offsite).
- Posted 2025-01-03 in Study Guides: Ehsan Bayat, comp. God Passes By: Study Guide (2025). This study guide offers an accessible exploration of Shoghi Effendi's seminal work. It provides summaries, insights, and reflection questions to deepen understanding of Bahá’í history, key themes, and spiritual significance.
- Posted 2025-01-03 in Books: John A. Davidson. Pathways to Transformation: The Bahá'í Journey (2023). Compilation on Bahá'u'lláh's vision of building a peaceful and progressive planetary civilization, and of the Bahá'í community's approach to individual and collective learning in working to manifest this global transformation. Link to book (offsite).
- Posted 2025-01-01 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, William F. McCants, trans. Resurrection and the World to Come (2018). Extract from the Lawh-i-Yusuf (Tablet of Joseph), explaining the meaning of 'paradise', 'hellfire', 'resurrection', and similar terms.
- Posted 2024-12-29 in Study Guides: Ehsan Bayat, comp. 2 March 2013 Letter from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá'ís of Iran: Study (2024). Study guide to the letter sent to all NSAs on avoiding partisan politics: Bahá'ís can contribute to global civilization-building through the community's own growth, non-political involvement in society, and practicing the oneness of humanity.
- Posted 2024-12-29 in Books: Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl Gulpáygání, Wilhelm Herrigel, trans. Geschichte und Wahrheitsbeweise der Bahai-Religion (History and Evidence of Truth of the Bahá'í Faith) (1919). Eine Einführung in die Bahai-Religion, die sich besonders an die Leserschaft aus westlichen Ländern richtet und die in klarem. Diese fünf waren ursprünglich als umfassenden Einführung in alle Religionen gedacht, das er nicht mehr fertig.
- Posted 2024-12-29 in Books: Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl Gulpáygání, Friedrich Schweizer, trans. Glänzender Beweis (The Brilliant Proof) (1915). Sein letztes Werk und eine Antwort auf die Angriffe eines evangelikalen britischen Predigers gegen die Person und Lehren Abdu'l-Bahas. Hier behandelt Abu’l-Faḍl einen Vorwurf, mit dem alle Religionen konfrontiert waren: der fehlenden Innovation.
- Posted 2024-12-29 in Study Guides: Ehsan Bayat, ed. Ruhi Book 6: Notes (2024). These notes for Ruhi Book 6 explore the spiritual principles and practical approaches to teaching the Bahá’í Faith, emphasizing personal and collective efforts, unity, consultation, systematic planning, capacity building, and fostering community growth.
- Posted 2024-12-29 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Tablet of Emancipation, The (2014). Authorized translation of a prayer in which Bahá'u'lláh frees a slave.
- Posted 2024-12-24 in Essays and short articles: Shahriar Jahanian. Price for Remaining Bahá'í, A (2022). Summary overview of current restrictions on Bahá'ís in Iran, state-sponsored persecution, and loss of homes.
- Posted 2024-12-24 in Essays and short articles: Shahriar Jahanian. Education under Fire (2022). Overview of past and recent obstacles to education in Iran.
- Posted 2024-12-20 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Lawh-i-Abdu'r-Razzáq: Parallel Translation (English) (2024). Comparison of three English language translations, from River of Life (1914), Bahá'í Scriptures (1923), and Gleanings (1935).
- Posted 2024-12-20 in Book excerpts: Shahriar Jahanian. Unimaginable Resilience of a Pen: Book (2022). Historical story of Maryam, a young woman in Iran who dared to think differently, was denied an education, and whose relatives were imprisoned or killed because of their beliefs. Refusing to be silenced, she fought back with nothing but a pen in hand.
- Posted 2024-12-20 in Scripts and screenplays: Shahriar Jahanian. Unimaginable Resilience of a Pen: Screenplay (2022). Historical screenplay about Maryam, a young woman in Iran who dared to think differently, was denied an education, and whose relatives were imprisoned or killed because of their beliefs. Refusing to be silenced, she fought back with only a pen in hand.
- Posted 2024-12-19 in Presentations: Mohammad Norozi. Presentations on Various Topics of Bahá'í Teachings (2024). Eight presentations: references to the next Manifestation; equality in the writings of the Bab; listing Letters of the Living in order of conversion; Abdu'l-Bahá's love for Iran; Tablet of Unity; removal of the Sword with the Word; Ocean of Tenderness.
- Posted 2024-12-19 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Joshua Hall, trans. Tablet on the Simple Reality, The (Lawḥ-i-Basíṭu'l-Ḥaqíqih) (2023). Bahá’u’lláh’s Tablet of the Simple Reality examines Mullá Ṣadrá's dictum "The Simple Reality is all things," providing a nuanced, non-pantheistic interpretation.
- Posted 2024-12-19 in Provisional translations: Abdu'l-Bahá, Shidan Ashraf, trans. ای مشتاق ملکوت ابهی - لوحی از آثار حضرت عبدالبھاء (O thou zealous seeker of the Abha Kingdom: A Tablet by Abdu'l-Baha) (2024). Text of a tablet to Agha Seyed Hamzeh, taken from a prayer book which does not include the opening part about the name and address of the recipient.
- Posted 2024-12-18 in Biographies: Mohammad Norozi, comp. Hajji Sulayman Khan Tabrizi (2024). Extract from "To dance like Solomon: Imitation and Martyrdom in a Qajar Ghazal" by Dominic Parvis Brookshaw.
- Posted 2024-12-18 in Poetry: Julio Savi. Lontananza: Poesie, saggi e lettere (1955-2025) (Remoteness: Poems, Essays, and Letters) (2024). Collection of poetry; English, Italian and French versions (offsite).
- Posted 2024-12-18 in Audio: Nader Saiedi. Text and Context in the Bahá'í Heroic Age (2014). A series of 12 talks by Nader Saiedi exploring Bahá'í history, key writings, and the need for scholarly study, translation, and contextual analysis of Bahá'í texts.
- Posted 2024-12-17 in Bahá'í Writings: Bahá'u'lláh. La proclamation de Bahá'u'lláh (2016).
- Posted 2024-12-16 in Unpublished articles: Janet Ruhe-Schoen. Who Will Bell the Cat?: 'Abdu'l-Bahá at Lake Mohonk (2012). History of the Lake Mohonk conference center and addresses there by Alí Kulí Khán in 1911 and Abdu'l-Bahá and 1912.
- Posted 2024-12-13 in Books: Isaac Adams. Persia by a Persian: Personal Experiences, Manners, Customs, Habits, Religious and Social Life in Persia (1906). Answers to "questions about the manners, customs, and peculiarities of my own people" received while the author was on lecture tours in the U.S.; an account of Iranian life, culture, and local religious practices before the modern petroleum state.
- Posted 2024-12-13 in Personal letters: Phoebe Hearst. Two Letters of Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst (1938). Brief description of Phoebe A. Hearst's transformative visit to ‘Akká in 1899, from the book Persia by a Persian by Rev. Isaac Adams.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Personal compilations: Mohammad Norozi, comp. and ed. Bahá'u'lláh, The Liberator of the Oppressed (2024). Brief compilation of accounts of two Ethiopian slaves in Iran; African servants in Bahá'u'lláh's household; Tablets in honour of Mubarak (a servant of Bahá'u'lláh's father) and Mas'ud (a servant in Akká); prohibition of slavery in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Essays and short articles: Mohammad Norozi. Conversation with a Christian (2024). Brief Bahá'í responses to: are we judged at the end of our lives, and if so, by behavior or belief? Does Bahá'u'lláh play a role in redemption? Is there eternal hell, or is it self-created? Are there various levels to paradise?
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Personal compilations: Mohammad Norozi, comp. and ed. Some Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed for His Female Relatives (2024). Women of the Middle East in the 19th century are generally absent from the pages of history; compilation of tablets of Bahá'u'lláh revealed for His mother and sisters, in which he also talks about his sufferings in the path of God.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Joshua Hall, trans. Tablet of the Gems of Unity, The (Lawh-i-Javáhir-i-Tawhíd) (2022). Composite authoritative and provisional translation, partially from Gleanings section 27.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Personal compilations: Mohammad Norozi, comp. and ed. Existence of Extraterrestrial Lifeforms in the Bahá'í Writings, The (2024). An overview of Bahá'í perspectives on the existence of lifeforms on other planets, from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Provisional translations: Author unknown. Oneness of the Reality of Humankind, The (1912). Summary of Bahá'í principles: investigation of reality, oneness of humanity, harmony of science and religion, religion as the bond that unites mankind, elimination of prejudices, gender equality, economic equality, and humanity's need for the Holy Spirit.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Study Guides: Mohammad Norozi, comp. Tablet to Hardegg (Lawh-i-Hirtik), The (2024). Summary of German Templers and their leader, David Hardegg, who came to Haifa in 1868; their interactions with the Bahá'ís and Bahá'u'lláh; brief study of the tablet of Bahá'u'lláh to Hardegg. Includes authorized translation.
- Posted 2024-12-12 in Published articles: Dominic Parvis Brookshaw. "To dance like Solomon": Imitation and Martyrdom in a Qajar Ghazal (2004). Maryam Bushru'i (1815-1902), a sister of Mulla Husayn Bushru'i, produced a bold, emotionally charged response to a celebrated poem by Rumi, lending a broader definition to the community of Qajar poets that transcends social, doctrinal, and gendered lines.
- Posted 2024-12-11 in Transcripts of videos and audio: Bridging Beliefs. 35 Common Objections to the Bahá'í Faith (2018). Responses to common critiques of, doubts about, and objections to the Bahá'í Faith and against religion in general.
- Posted 2024-12-11 in Published articles: Reed M. Breneman. 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Bahá'í Students (2021). Examining ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s influence on Bahá’í students and Syrian Protestant College (now American University of Beirut), promoting education that harmonizes intellectual, moral, and spiritual development for universal peace and unity.
- Posted 2024-12-11 in Transcripts of videos and audio: Bahá'í Blog, Fred Badiyan. Jewel in the Lotus: The Extraordinary Story of the Baha'i House of Worship in New Delhi, India (2021). Background of the Lotus Temple, one of the most outstanding architectural achievements of the 20th century; principles guiding its design, geometry, and fabrication.
- Posted 2024-12-11 in Published articles: Anil Singh. Turning the Tide: Reducing Biodiversity Loss and Restoring Decimated Ecosystems (2024). Exploring the urgent need to mitigate biodiversity loss, advocating for sustainable ecosystem management, ecological awareness, and collective responsibility to restore degraded habitats.
- Posted 2024-12-10 in Provisional translations: Bahá'u'lláh, Shidan Ashraf, trans. آيات الهی جلد دوم گلچينی از آثار حضرت بهاءاللّه ٦ ﻧﻮﺍﻣﺒﺮ (Verses of God vol 2, Selections from Writings of Baha'u'llah for November 6) (2024). English translation of passage on recognizing and knowing the Manifestation of God, from Persian Daily Readings for 3/13 BE, or Nov. 6.
- Posted 2024-12-09 in Research notes: Mohammad Norozi, comp. 1852: The Darkest Period in the Babi History: Essay and Translation of Article from Vaghaye-e-Ettenfagheih (2024). English translation of and overview of article from official Iranian newspaper Vaghaye-e-Ettefagheih about events that took place after the Shah's attempted assassination; scan of original and typed version of article (in Farsi).
- Posted 2024-12-09 in Books: Audrey C. Price, ed., Selvi Adaikkalam Zabihi, ed. Religious Perspectives on the Narratives of America: The Search for Just, Honest, Inclusive and Forward-looking Tellings (2024). Eleven essays by contributors from different communities, exploring how religious insights can create an inclusive, empowering American narrative that fosters unity and racial justice across diverse communities.