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Chapter 58
is one of the symbolic terms used to refer to Independent Prophets, who
receive their revelation direct from God; then, in turn, provide
revelation to their Dependent (Lesser) Prophets.
In the following passage, Muhammad, the Independent Prophet, is the Root.
"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a
thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in sackcloth."[1]
These two witnesses are Muhammad the Messenger of God, and Ali, son of
Abu Talib.
[1 Rev. 11:3.]
In the Qur'án it is said that God addressed Muhammad, the Messenger of
God, saying: "We made You a Witness, a Herald of good news, and a
Warner" -- that is to say, We have established Thee as the witness, the
giver of good tidings, and as One bringing the wrath of God.[1] The
meaning of "a witness" is one by whose testimony things may be
verified. The commands of these two witnesses were to be performed for
twelve hundred and sixty days, each day signifying a year. Now,
Muhammad was the root, and Ali the branch, like Moses and Joshua. It is
said they "are clothed in sackcloth," meaning that they, apparently,
were to be clothed in old raiment, not in new raiment; in other words,
in the beginning they would possess no splendor in the eyes of the
people, nor would their Cause appear new; for Muhammad's spiritual Law
corresponds to that of Christ in the Gospel, and most of His laws
relating to material things correspond to those of the Pentateuch. This
is the meaning of the old raiment.
[1 This sentence is the Persian translation of the Arabic text of the Qur'án which has been quoted.
-- Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 48
In the following passage, Baha'u'llah, the Independent Prophet, is the Root.
O EMPEROR of Austria! He who is the Dayspring of God's Light
dwelt in the prison of 'Akká, at the time when thou didst set forth to
visit the Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem). Thou passed Him by, and inquired not
about Him, by Whom every house is exalted, and every lofty gate
unlocked. We, verily, made it (Jerusalem) a place whereunto the world
should turn, that they might remember Me, and yet thou hast rejected
Him Who is the Object of this remembrance, when He appeared with the
Kingdom of God, thy Lord and the Lord of the worlds. We have been with
thee at all times, and found thee clinging unto the Branch and heedless
of the Root. Thy Lord,
verily, is a witness unto what I say. We grieved to see thee circle
round Our Name, whilst unaware of Us, though We were before thy face.
Open thine eyes, that thou mayest behold this glorious Vision, and
recognize Him Whom thou invokest in the daytime and in the
night-season, and gaze on the Light that shineth above this luminous
-- Baha'u'llah, The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, p. 39
The following passage on the two
classes of Prophets names Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, the Báb and
Bahá'u'lláh as "Manifestations of universal Prophethood" (Root).
Solomon, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are examples of Dependent
Prophets (Branches).
Question.--How many kinds of Prophets are there? Answer.--Universally,
the Prophets are of two kinds. One are the independent Prophets Who are
followed; the other kind are not independent and are themselves
The independent Prophets are the lawgivers and the founders of a new
cycle. Through Their appearance the world puts on a new garment, the
foundations of religion are established, and a new book is revealed.
Without an intermediary They receive bounty from the Reality of the
Divinity, and Their illumination is an essential illumination. They are
like the sun which is luminous in itself: the light is its essential
necessity; it does not receive light from any other star. These
Dawning-places of the morn of Unity are the sources of bounty and the
mirrors of the Essence of Reality.
The other Prophets are followers and promoters, for they are branches
and not independent; they receive the bounty of the independent
Prophets, and they profit by the light of the Guidance of the universal
Prophets. They are like the moon, which is not luminous and radiant in
itself, but receives its light from the sun.
The Manifestations of universal Prophethood Who appeared independently
are, for example, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muhammad, the Báb and
Bahá'u'lláh. But the others who are followers and promoters are like
Solomon, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. For the independent
Prophets are founders; They establish a new religion and make new
creatures of men; They change the general morals, promote new customs
and rules, renew the cycle and the Law. Their appearance is like the
season of spring, which arrays all earthly beings in a new garment, and
gives them a new life.
With regard to the second sort of Prophets who are followers, these
also promote the Law of God, make known the Religion of God, and
proclaim His word. Of themselves they have no power and might, except
what they receive from the independent Prophets.
-- `Abdu'l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p.165
In the following passage, Baha'u'llah, the Independent Prophet is the Root. Abdu'l-Baha is the Branch.
Say: Verily, the ocean of pre-existence hath branched forth from this
most great Ocean. Blessed, therefore, is he who abides upon Its shores,
and is of those who are established thereon. Verily, this most sacred
temple of Abha -- -the Branch of Holiness -- - hath branched
forth from the Sadratu'l-Muntaha. Blessed is whosoever sought shelter
beneath it and is of those who rest therein.
Say: Verily, the branch of command hath sprung forth from this root
which God hath firmly planted in the ground of the will, the limb of
which has been elevated to a station which encompasses all existence.
Therefore, exalted be He for this creation, the lofty, the blessed, the
inaccessible, the mighty!
O ye people! Draw nigh unto It, and taste the fruits of its knowledge
and wisdom on the part of the mighty, the knowing One. Whosoever will
not taste thereof shall be deprived of the bounty, even though he hath
partaken of all that is in the earth -- - were ye of those who
Say: Verily a word hath gone forth in favor from the most great Tablet
and God has adorned It with the mantle of Himself, and made it
sovereign over all in the earth and a sign of His grandeur and
omnipotence among the creatures; in order that, through it, the people
shall praise their Lord, the mighty, the powerful, the wise; and that,
through it, they shall glorify their creator and sanctify the self of
God which standeth within all things. Verily, this is naught but a
Revelation upon the part of the wise, the ancient One!
Say: O people, praise ye God, for its Manifestation, for verily it is
the most great favor upon you and the most perfect blessing upon you;
and through Him every moldering bone is quickened. Whosoever turns to
Him hath surely turned unto God, and whosoever turneth away from Him
hath turned away from My beauty, denied My proof and is of those who
transgress. Verily, He is the remembrance of God amongst you and His
trust within you, and His manifestation unto you and His appearance
among the servants who are nigh. Thus have I been commanded to convey
to you the message of God, your Creator; and I have delivered to you
that of which I was commande His messengers, and then His holy servants.
-- Baha'u'llah, Tablet of the Branch
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