Inventory |
title |
title transliterated |
English title |
language |
words |
found in catalog |
found in tags |
AB00001 |
Alvah-i-Visaya |
Will and Testament |
Persian |
5820 |
Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá |
Will and Testament of `Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB00002 |
Tadhkiratu'l-Vafa |
Memorials of the Faithful |
Persian |
42100 |
Memorials of the Faithful; Memorials of the Faithful, by Abdu'l-Bahá |
Memorials of the Faithful (book) |
AB00003 |
Maqaliy-i-Shakhs Sayyah |
A Traveller's Narrative |
Persian |
22000 |
Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb, A; Traveler's Narrative, A |
Travelers Narrative (book) |
AB00004 |
Asrar al-ghaybiyah li-asbab al-madaniyah |
Secret of Divine Civilization |
Persian |
20800 |
Secret of Divine Civilization; Mysterious Forces of Civilization (Secret of Divine Civilization) |
Secret of Divine Civilization (book) |
AB00005 |
Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti |
Tablet of the Thousand Verses |
Arabic; Persian |
10300 |
Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti (Tablet of the Thousand Verses, two tablets) |
AB00006 |
Tafsir-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyyan |
Commentary on the Hadith of the Hidden Treasure |
Arabic; Persian |
8270 |
Commentary on the Islamic Tradition "I Was a Hidden Treasure..." (Tafsír-i-Hadith-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfíyyan) |
Sharh-i Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyan (Commentary on the tradition of the Hidden Treasure) |
AB00007 |
Tafsir Ghulibatu'r-Rum |
Commentary on the Hadith |
Arabic |
6630 |
Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary on the Qur'ánic Verses Concerning the Overthrow of the Byzantines |
Tafsir Ghulibatu'r-Rum (Commentary on the Hadith 'Rome was Overthrown') |
AB00008 |
Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti II |
Second Tablet of the Thousand Verses |
Arabic; Persian |
6520 |
Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti (Tablet of the Thousand Verses, two tablets) |
AB00009 |
Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-az Suriy-i-Kahf |
Commentary on a Verse from the Surih of the Cave |
Arabic |
5500 |
Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn; As to what is meant by Gog and Magog, these were two factions that were in constant strife…" |
Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-az Suriy-i-Kahf (Commentary on a Verse from the Surih of the Cave) |
AB00010 |
Lawh-i-Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahan |
Tablet on the Martyrs of Yazd and Isfahan |
Arabic; Persian |
5290 |
Treatise on Persecution of Bahá'ís in 1903 |
Lawh-i-Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahan (Tablet on the Martyrs of Yazd and Isfahan) |
AB00011 |
Siyasiyyih |
The Art of Divine Polity - Treatise on Politics |
Persian |
5110 |
Treatise on Leadership (Risáliy-i-Síyásíyyih); Treatise on Leadership; La Politique |
Risaliy-i-Siyasiyyih (Treatise on Leadership) |
AB00013 |
Tafsir-i-Bismillah |
Arabic |
4760 |
Creation |
Tafsír-i-Bismilláh ar-Raḥmán ar-Raḥím (Commentary on the opening verse of the Quran) |
AB00016 |
Lawh-i-Lahih |
Tablet to The Hague |
Arabic; Persian |
4540 |
Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague); Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague) |
Lawh-i-Hague (Tablet to The Hague) |
AB00020 |
Lawh-i-Dr Forel |
Tablet to Dr Forel |
Persian |
3770 |
Tablet to Auguste Forel |
Tablet to Auguste Forel |
AB00022 |
Lawh-i-Du-Niday-i-Falah va Najah |
Two Calls to Success and Prosperity |
Arabic; Persian |
3040 |
Abdu'l Bahá's Tablet of the Two Calls |
Tablet of the Two Calls |
AB00023 |
Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih |
Tablet of the Celestial Spheres |
Arabic |
3020 |
Tablet of the Universe (Lawh-i-Aflákiyyih); Abdu'l-Bahá — de l'Univers |
Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih (Tablet of the Universe) |
AB00104 |
Persian |
1070 |
River of Life, The |
AB00109 |
Lawh-i-Tanzih va Taqdis (Lawh-i-Dukhan) |
Tablet of Chastity and Purity |
Arabic; Persian |
1040 |
Tablet of Purity |
Lawh-i-Tanzih va Taqdis (Tablet of Chastity and Purity) |
AB00151 |
Arabic; Persian |
920 |
Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet on the Functioning of the Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice and the Principles of Jurisprudence |
Universal House of Justice and the Principles of Jurisprudence |
AB00153 |
Commentary on the Unity of Existence |
Arabic; Persian |
920 |
Tablet on the Unity of Existence (Sharh Wahdat al-Wujúd); Abdu'l-Bahá's Response to the Doctrine of the Unity of Existence |
Commentary on the Unity of Existence |
AB00173 |
Tafsír-i-Áyat-i-Yuhanna |
Commentary on Verses of John |
Arabic; Persian |
870 |
Commentary on Verses of John (Tafsír-i-Áyát-i-Yuhanná) |
Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-Yuhanna (Commentary on Verses of John) |
AB00197 |
Arabic; Persian |
820 |
Letter to Martha Root |
AB00207 |
Arabic |
800 |
Tablet on the Inmost Heart |
Tablet on the Inmost Heart |
AB00328 |
Sharh-i-Fass-i-Nigin |
on the Ringstone Symbol |
Arabic; Persian |
660 |
Tablet on the Greatest Name (Lawh-i Ism-i A'zám) |
AB00373 |
Commentary on passages from the Tablet of Wisdom |
Arabic; Persian |
520 |
Lawh-i-Hikmat; Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Explaining Three Verses in the Lawh-i-Hikmat, A |
AB00398 |
Arabic |
610 |
Life of Thomas Breakwell, The |
Tablet of Visitation for Thomas Breakwell |
AB00423 |
Tablet to the Hague II |
Persian |
590 |
Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague) |
Second Tablet to The Hague |
AB00451 |
Arabic; Persian |
580 |
Abdu'l-Baha's commentary on the Islamic tradition 'God doth give victory to this religion by means of a wicked man' |
AB00457 |
Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the Relation between Science and Religion, A |
AB00492 |
Tablet Concerning Covenant-Breakers |
AB00495 |
A Tablet of Abdu’l-Baha, for Spiritual Qualities |
Persian; Arabic |
560 |
Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB00585 |
A Tablet from 'Abduʼl-Bahá regarding the Twelfth Imám |
AB00635 |
River of Life, The |
AB00652 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB00763 |
River of Life, The |
AB00830 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB00939 |
Concourse on High |
AB00943 |
Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics |
AB00961 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB01184 |
Center of the Covenant |
AB01258 |
River of Life, The |
AB01265 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB01312 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB01314 |
Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics |
AB01990 |
Necessity for Prayer, The |
AB02000 |
Prayer for Fathers |
AB02045 |
Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City |
AB02275 |
River of Life, The |
AB02507 |
Letter to Corinne True re Women on the House of Justice |
AB02513 |
Research Department, Functions of; Etymologies of three terms |
AB02573 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB02587 |
Man of Courage, The; Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn |
AB02682 |
Man of Courage, The |
AB02798 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB02957 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB02983 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB02996 |
Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics |
AB03056 |
Tablet Concerning the Day of the Martyrdom of His Holiness, the Exalted One; Significance of the Day of the Martyrdom of the Bab |
AB03082 |
Ziyarat-Namih |
Tablet of Visitation |
Arabic; Persian |
210 |
Tablet of Visitation for 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB03425 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB03463 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB03589 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB03912 |
Arabic; Persian |
180 |
Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God (Lawh-i-Ismael) |
Lawh-i-Ismael (Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God) |
AB03962 |
Man of Courage, The |
AB03987 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB04397 |
Man of Courage, The |
AB04828 |
Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances |
AB04891 |
Tablet to Abu'l-Hasan Mírzá (Lawh-i-Abu'l-Hasan Mírzá) |
AB04958 |
Tablet to 'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyát (Lawh-i-'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyát) |
Lawh-i-Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat (Tablet to Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat) |
AB05123 |
Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn |
AB05884 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB06176 |
Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City |
AB06286 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB06477 |
Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances |
AB06483 |
Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances |
AB06698 |
Concourse on High |
AB06728 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB06945 |
Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City |
AB07386 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB07480 |
Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá' |
AB07514 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB07565 |
Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City |
AB07738 |
A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Forgiveness |
Persian |
110 |
Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB08182 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB08209 |
ای مشتاق ملکوت ابهی - لوحی از آثار حضرت عبدالبھاء |
AB08643 |
Man of Courage, The |
AB08820 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB09177 |
Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City |
AB09479 |
Prayer for Steadfastness |
AB09916 |
Persian |
70 |
Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A |
AB10317 |
Tablet 27 Feb 1913 to Graham Pole (Secretary General Theosophical Society) |
AB10532 |
A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Spiritual Qualities |
Persian |
60 |
Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB10875 |
Prayer by Abdu’l-Baha for Spiritual Qualities |
Persian |
50 |
Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
AB10945 |
Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts |
AB11349 |
Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A |
ABU0015 |
Christians, Muhammadans, and Jews |
ABU0018 |
Interview with Pasteur Monnier at his theological seminary in Paris, 1913-02-17 |
Persian |
2180 |
Abdu'l-Bahá on Christ and Christianity |
Interview with Pasteur Monnier (1913) |
ABU0021 |
Address to the Theosophical Society, An |
ABU0078 |
Address at Theosophical Society of Edinburgh, 1913-01-09 |
A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Guidance |
Persian |
1380 |
Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá |
ABU0121 |
Abdu'l-Bahá's Address at Clark University |