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Partial Inventory: all items held at Bahá'í Library Online

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Inventory title title transliterated English title language words found in catalog found in tags
AB00001 Alvah-i-Visaya Will and Testament Persian 5820 Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Bahá Will and Testament of `Abdu'l-Bahá
AB00002 Tadhkiratu'l-Vafa Memorials of the Faithful Persian 42100 Memorials of the Faithful; Memorials of the Faithful, by Abdu'l-Bahá Memorials of the Faithful (book)
AB00003 Maqaliy-i-Shakhs Sayyah A Traveller's Narrative Persian 22000 Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Báb, A; Traveler's Narrative, A Travelers Narrative (book)
AB00004 Asrar al-ghaybiyah li-asbab al-madaniyah Secret of Divine Civilization Persian 20800 Secret of Divine Civilization; Mysterious Forces of Civilization (Secret of Divine Civilization) Secret of Divine Civilization (book)
AB00005 Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti Tablet of the Thousand Verses Arabic; Persian 10300 Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti (Tablet of the Thousand Verses, two tablets)
AB00006 Tafsir-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyyan Commentary on the Hadith of the Hidden Treasure Arabic; Persian 8270 Commentary on the Islamic Tradition "I Was a Hidden Treasure..." (Tafsír-i-Hadith-i-Kuntu Kanzan Makhfíyyan) Sharh-i Kuntu Kanzan Makhfiyan (Commentary on the tradition of the Hidden Treasure)
AB00007 Tafsir Ghulibatu'r-Rum Commentary on the Hadith Arabic 6630 Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary on the Qur'ánic Verses Concerning the Overthrow of the Byzantines Tafsir Ghulibatu'r-Rum (Commentary on the Hadith 'Rome was Overthrown')
AB00008 Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti II Second Tablet of the Thousand Verses Arabic; Persian 6520 Lawh-i-Hizar Bayti (Tablet of the Thousand Verses, two tablets)
AB00009 Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-az Suriy-i-Kahf Commentary on a Verse from the Surih of the Cave Arabic 5500 Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn; As to what is meant by Gog and Magog, these were two factions that were in constant strife…" Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-az Suriy-i-Kahf (Commentary on a Verse from the Surih of the Cave)
AB00010 Lawh-i-Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahan Tablet on the Martyrs of Yazd and Isfahan Arabic; Persian 5290 Treatise on Persecution of Bahá'ís in 1903 Lawh-i-Shuhaday-i-Yazd va Isfahan (Tablet on the Martyrs of Yazd and Isfahan)
AB00011 Siyasiyyih The Art of Divine Polity - Treatise on Politics Persian 5110 Treatise on Leadership (Risáliy-i-Síyásíyyih); Treatise on Leadership; La Politique Risaliy-i-Siyasiyyih (Treatise on Leadership)
AB00013 Tafsir-i-Bismillah Arabic 4760 Creation Tafsír-i-Bismilláh ar-Raḥmán ar-Raḥím (Commentary on the opening verse of the Quran)
AB00016 Lawh-i-Lahih Tablet to The Hague Arabic; Persian 4540 Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague); Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague) Lawh-i-Hague (Tablet to The Hague)
AB00020 Lawh-i-Dr Forel Tablet to Dr Forel Persian 3770 Tablet to Auguste Forel Tablet to Auguste Forel
AB00022 Lawh-i-Du-Niday-i-Falah va Najah Two Calls to Success and Prosperity Arabic; Persian 3040 Abdu'l Bahá's Tablet of the Two Calls Tablet of the Two Calls
AB00023 Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih Tablet of the Celestial Spheres Arabic 3020 Tablet of the Universe (Lawh-i-Aflákiyyih); Abdu'l-Bahá — de l'Univers Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih (Tablet of the Universe)
AB00104 Persian 1070 River of Life, The
AB00109 Lawh-i-Tanzih va Taqdis (Lawh-i-Dukhan) Tablet of Chastity and Purity Arabic; Persian 1040 Tablet of Purity Lawh-i-Tanzih va Taqdis (Tablet of Chastity and Purity)
AB00151 Arabic; Persian 920 Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet on the Functioning of the Universal House of Justice; Universal House of Justice and the Principles of Jurisprudence Universal House of Justice and the Principles of Jurisprudence
AB00153 Commentary on the Unity of Existence Arabic; Persian 920 Tablet on the Unity of Existence (Sharh Wahdat al-Wujúd); Abdu'l-Bahá's Response to the Doctrine of the Unity of Existence Commentary on the Unity of Existence
AB00173 Tafsír-i-Áyat-i-Yuhanna Commentary on Verses of John Arabic; Persian 870 Commentary on Verses of John (Tafsír-i-Áyát-i-Yuhanná) Tafsir-i-Ayat-i-Yuhanna (Commentary on Verses of John)
AB00197 Arabic; Persian 820 Letter to Martha Root
AB00207 Arabic 800 Tablet on the Inmost Heart Tablet on the Inmost Heart
AB00328 Sharh-i-Fass-i-Nigin on the Ringstone Symbol Arabic; Persian 660 Tablet on the Greatest Name (Lawh-i Ism-i A'zám)
AB00373 Commentary on passages from the Tablet of Wisdom Arabic; Persian 520 Lawh-i-Hikmat; Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Explaining Three Verses in the Lawh-i-Hikmat, A
AB00398 Arabic 610 Life of Thomas Breakwell, The Tablet of Visitation for Thomas Breakwell
AB00423 Tablet to the Hague II Persian 590 Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace, The Hague (Lawh-i-Hague) Second Tablet to The Hague
AB00451 Arabic; Persian 580 Abdu'l-Baha's commentary on the Islamic tradition 'God doth give victory to this religion by means of a wicked man'
AB00457 Tablet of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the Relation between Science and Religion, A
AB00492 Tablet Concerning Covenant-Breakers
AB00495 A Tablet of Abdu’l-Baha, for Spiritual Qualities Persian; Arabic 560 Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
AB00585 A Tablet from 'Abduʼl-Bahá regarding the Twelfth Imám
AB00635 River of Life, The
AB00652 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB00763 River of Life, The
AB00830 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB00939 Concourse on High
AB00943 Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics
AB00961 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB01184 Center of the Covenant
AB01258 River of Life, The
AB01265 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB01312 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB01314 Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics
AB01990 Necessity for Prayer, The
AB02000 Prayer for Fathers
AB02045 Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City
AB02275 River of Life, The
AB02507 Letter to Corinne True re Women on the House of Justice
AB02513 Research Department, Functions of; Etymologies of three terms
AB02573 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB02587 Man of Courage, The; Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn
AB02682 Man of Courage, The
AB02798 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB02957 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB02983 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB02996 Attitude of Bahá'ís towards Persian Politics
AB03056 Tablet Concerning the Day of the Martyrdom of His Holiness, the Exalted One; Significance of the Day of the Martyrdom of the Bab
AB03082 Ziyarat-Namih Tablet of Visitation Arabic; Persian 210 Tablet of Visitation for 'Abdu'l-Bahá
AB03425 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB03463 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB03589 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB03912 Arabic; Persian 180 Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God (Lawh-i-Ismael) Lawh-i-Ismael (Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God)
AB03962 Man of Courage, The
AB03987 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB04397 Man of Courage, The
AB04828 Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances
AB04891 Tablet to Abu'l-Hasan Mírzá (Lawh-i-Abu'l-Hasan Mírzá)
AB04958 Tablet to 'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyát (Lawh-i-'Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyát) Lawh-i-Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat (Tablet to Ustad Husayn-i-Khayyat)
AB05123 Various Interpretations of Dhu'l-Qarnayn
AB05884 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB06176 Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City
AB06286 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB06477 Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances
AB06483 Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances
AB06698 Concourse on High
AB06728 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB06945 Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City
AB07386 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB07480 Selections from the Writings of His Holiness 'Abdu'l-Bahá'
AB07514 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB07565 Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City
AB07738 A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Forgiveness Persian 110 Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
AB08182 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB08209 ای مشتاق ملکوت ابهی - لوحی از آثار حضرت عبدالبھاء
AB08643 Man of Courage, The
AB08820 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB09177 Abdu'l-Baha Writes to Kansas City
AB09479 Prayer for Steadfastness
AB09916 Persian 70 Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A
AB10317 Tablet 27 Feb 1913 to Graham Pole (Secretary General Theosophical Society)
AB10532 A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Spiritual Qualities Persian 60 Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
AB10875 Prayer by Abdu’l-Baha for Spiritual Qualities Persian 50 Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
AB10945 Early History of the Bahá'í Community in Boston, Massachusetts
AB11349 Reflection on the Theory of Alchemy as Explained in the Bahá'í Writings, A
ABU0015 Christians, Muhammadans, and Jews
ABU0018 Interview with Pasteur Monnier at his theological seminary in Paris, 1913-02-17 Persian 2180 Abdu'l-Bahá on Christ and Christianity Interview with Pasteur Monnier (1913)
ABU0021 Address to the Theosophical Society, An
ABU0078 Address at Theosophical Society of Edinburgh, 1913-01-09 A Prayer by Abdu'l-Bahá for Guidance Persian 1380 Some Prayers by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
ABU0121 Abdu'l-Bahá's Address at Clark University

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