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TAGS: * Philosophy; * Science; Houris (huris); John Hatcher; Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude); Love; Maid of Heaven; Manifestations of God; Scholarship
Three versions of this paper: Powerpoint presentation, audio file, and published article.
Presentation delivered at the 29th ABS Annual Conference "Science, Religion and Social Transformation," Cambridge MA, August 13 2005.

Audio and Powerpoint mirrored with permission from PDF mirrored with permission from

Author affiliation: professor and graduate director of English literature, University of South Florida


Unveiling the Huri of Love

John S. Hatcher

published in Journal of Bahá'í Studies

15:1-4, pp. 1-40

Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies North America, 2005

Abstract: As ordinary human beings, most of us are acquainted with the issues that science and religion must resolve to become reconciled in their mutually exclusive descriptions of reality. As Bahá’ís, we are privileged to have been made aware of the fundamental questions and answers relating to the interplay between these twin expressions of reality. As Bahá’í scholars, we are obliged to help discover and forge pathways from these essential questions to the foundational answers so that all may come to understand how physical and metaphysical aspects of reality are, when correctly understood, exact counterparts of each other. [Abstract taken from 2005 conference program.]

1. Powerpoint presentation

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2. Audio presentation

Part 1:

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Download MP4 version, part 1 [10 MB, 46 min., 22kHz, 29kbps]

Part 2:

Download WMA version, part 2 [70 MB, 50 min., 44kHz, 196kbps]
Download MP4 version, part 2 [11 MB, 50 min., 22kHz, 29kbps]

3. Published version

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