Sonja van Kerkhoff |
Member of the BAFA board: 1989 -
Sonja edits some of the Arts Dialogue articles, conducts interviews, and generally hassles people into sending in material. Currently she tends to co-ordinate the material for each issue and throws the layout of Arts Dialogue together. She designed this site (launched in April 1999), along with everyone else's input and is putting the first book together
Sonja and Sen McGlinn moved from Aotearoa / New Zealand in 1989,
mainly out of curiosity and to do further study.
They lived in Maastricht, then The Hague, and currently live in Leiden.
Sonja works parttime as a web designer, mostly making educational games (www.schooltv.nl), is a visual artist, as well as co-raising
their two sons, Toroa and Tamatea.
 Tamatea and Toroa, The Hague, 1998.
Sonja at the Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada, 1998 and Sen in Leiden, 1998. |
She often travels in connection with her art projects, which can be anything from a
tiny print to an installation a couple of kilometres long.
She also makes videos and performances as artforms and writes art reviews.
Excerpts of some articles that have been published in Arts Dialogue are:
ISEA '98, InterSociety for Electronic Arts event, Manchester, U.K.,
December 1998.
The Hague Appeal for Peace conference, May 99,
June 1999.
See some of her work on her profile page on this site,
or see more of her websites at: www.sonjavank.com |
Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.
http://Bahá´í-library.org/bafa email: bafa@bahai-library.com