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Gail Radley
writer, author of children's books, U.S.A.
A children's book cover: vanishing from Forests and Jungles, written by Gail Radley, published by Carolrhoda Books, Inc., Minneapolis, U.S.A., 2001. Illustrated by Jean Sherlock.
The book also includes poems about these animals by: Gerard Benson, Gail Radley, Jill Morgan Hawkins, Issa, Georgia Roberts Durston, Jack Prelutsky, Class 4S, Simons Marks Primary Schook, Dorothy Aldis, Isak Dinesen, and William Blake.
...more info to come...
Gail Radley's website
Nothing Stays The Same, an e-novel can be read at nothingstaysthesame.htm
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands