Brian Corvin, performance / conceptual art, creative writing, poetry, Ireland.
Imelda Maguire, poetry, creative writing, Ireland.
Mary O´Malley, poetry, Ireland.
Conrad Reina, visual arts, design, illumination, Ireland.
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Visual Arts
The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin
- museum space and runs a residency artists' work programme.
Dublin Fringe Festival
- presents over 65 productions and more than 300 performances, squeezed into twenty days and nights of fun and excitement, annually from mid September - October. Begun in 1995 it hosts productions ranging from premieres of new ensemble theatre pieces and evening-length dance works for audiences of 60 to 250, to interactive performance work and visual arts projects intended for intimate settings and limited audiences of 10 to 20 per viewing
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands email: |