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Gérard and Solange Chabert
street theatre, performance, France
Transmission, August 2003, performed in Périgueux, France, as part a summer arts festival.
Three 'blue' characters on a "winged-boat mobile" manipulated the wing / leaf -like oars, turned the sail, blew through long horns, and performed a number of other actions while the mobile moved slowly forward along the street.
A loud, lively and rhythmic musical composition blasted out as the public walked around and followed the mobile along the streets.

| Transmission, August 2003, performed in Périgueux, France, as part a summer arts festival.
Their skin was covered in a blue sheen, making their bodies seem surreal. Their gestures related to each other, while not interacting with the audience.
Gérard with the help of others designed and made the structure and costumes.

Transmission, August 2003, performed in Périgueux, France, as part a summer arts festival. Photos: Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Email contact for Solange: solange.chabert {AT}
- Illustration and caption: Just Let the Wind, 2006
 Arts Dialogue, Dintel 20, NL 7333 MC, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands