- Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. Anjam Khursheed (1998). The Bahá'í view of human nature involves an interaction between spirit, soul and body — these three elements exist both in the Semitic religions and in the Far Eastern ones; Western dualist and Eastern monist traditions are in fact all tripartite. Articles.
- Crossing Religious Boundaries: Interfaith Challenges for the Future. Anjam Khursheed (1999). Bahá'í approach to inter-religious harmony: coming together with other faiths in the search for truth; understanding that there are relativistic elements to faith; testing theology by its moral effects; propagating religious truth by the force of example. Articles.
- Hindu Concept of God, The: Unity in Diversity. Anjam Khursheed (1997). The fundamental unity behind Hindu concepts of God and those found in the Semitic traditions, and the principle of unity in diversity, allow Hindu and Bahá'í beliefs to come together and further their common goal of uniting the world's religions. Articles.
- Jesus the Son of God and the Incarnation Doctrine. Antonella Khursheed, Anjam Khursheed (1996). The Bahá'í approach to the sonship and divinity of Christ is consistent with Old and New Testament usage. It examines the Incarnation Doctrine, the roots of which can be traced to pagan influences coloring Christian belief in its early centuries. Articles.
- Medieval Islam: The Influence of Islam on Judaism and Christianity. Anjam Khursheed (1997). Prior to the Renaissance, Islam inspired revivals in the cultural traditions of Christianity and Judaism, indicating a harmony between the three religions. The reforms inspired by Islam were a prelude to the modern scientific revolution. Articles.
- Obituary: Antonella Khursheed (1958-2000). Anjam Khursheed (2000). Bio of the co-founder and secretary of the Singapore Association for Bahá'í studies, who organized every annual Singapore ABS conference. Biographies.
- Religion in the Modem World. Anjam Khursheed (2001). On aspects of the Western secular rebellion against theocracy and the rise of free enquiry and freedom of conscience through the lens of the European Reformation and Galileo’s conflict with the Papacy; religion's role in strengthening family unity. Articles.
- Science and Religion in Chinese Culture. Anjam Khursheed (2000). Religion lies at the root of philosophy and civilization during the Tang (618-907) and Sung (960-1279) dynasties. Cultural achievements during these periods were influenced by Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, but modern sciences did not develop. Articles.
- Selected Talks and Statements on Interfaith Issues by Religious Leaders and Scholars. George Townshend, Swami Vivekananda, Dalai Lama, et al., Anjam Khursheed, comp. (1999). Compilation of addresses to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore; also includes talks by Jonathan Sacks, Abdullah Yusof Ali, Robert Runcie, and Pope John Paul II. Essays.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 1. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (1996). Selected papers presented at the first Singapore Bahá'í Studies Conference, held at the Singapore Bahá'í Centre, April 1996. Books.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 2. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (1997). Papers on the topic of the fundamental unity of religions, some of which began as talks given at the second Singapore Bahá'í Studies conference, April 1997. Books.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 3. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (1998). Papers on the topic of spirit and the never-ending journey of the soul, originally delivered at the third Bahá'í Studies conference in Singapore, April 1998. Books.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 4. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (1999). Papers on challenges for the New Millennium, some of which began as talks at the fourth Singapore ABS Conference, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore. Books.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 5. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (2000). Papers on Chinese culture and its place amongst the world's spiritual traditions, some of which were delivered at the fifth Singapore Association for Bahá'í Studies conference, April 2000. Books.
- Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review: Volume 6. Anjam Khursheed, ed. (2001). Papers on the topic of dialogue among civilizations, some of which were presented at the sixth Singapore Association for Bahá'í Studies conference, April 2001. Books.
- Spiritual Foundations of Science, The. Anjam Khursheed (1996). In contrast to modern western accounts of science, which reduce it to methods of logic and experiment, the Bahá'í reference point is the spiritual nature of man. The experience of some outstanding scientists of the past supports the Bahá'í view.