Bahai Library Online

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37 results

Title RIS type
1. A Spiritual Approach to Microcredit ProjectsWEB
2. Baha'i Sacred TextsWEB
3. Website ArchiveWEB
4. Bridge over Troubled Waters: The City of Haifa in Lavie Tidhar's StoriesWEB
5. Bulletin Board Archive 1997-2003WEB
6. Central Figures of the Baha'i FaithWEB
7. Corporate Social Responsibility and Business SuccessWEB
8. Cycle of Lectures on Universal and Contemporary ThemesWEB
9. Epilogue on Neo-Darwinian TheoryWEB
10. Ethics and Entrepreneurship, An Oxymoron?: A Transition to a Free Market Economy in EasterWEB
11. Fear of Teaching: A Meditation on Authenticity in Human RelationshipsWEB
12. Heilsgeschichte und Paradigmenwechsel: Zwei Beiträge zur Baha'i-TheologieWEB
13. Introduction to the Baha'i FaithWEB
14. List of Baha'i Studies and TranslationsWEB
15. Management of Small Rural Businesses: Some Views of the European Baha'i Business ForumWEB
16. Marking the Bicentenary of the Birth of the BabWEB
17. Peace and ProsperityWEB
18. Precis Commentary on One Common FaithWEB
19. Progress of the Baha'i Faith in South Africa since 1911WEB
20. Reconstructing the AcademyWEB
21. Responsible Entrepreneurship: Engaging SMEs in Socially and Environmentally Responsible PrWEB
22. Role and Function of Baha'i Institutes in the Life of the Baha'i CommunityWEB
23. Sites hosted by the Baha'i Library OnlineWEB
24. soc.religion.bahai: Complete ArchivesWEB
25. Socially Responsible Enterprise RestructuringWEB
26. The Baha'i Faith and Science FictionWEB
27. The Baha'i Faith and Science FictionWEB
28. The Baha'i Faith: A Non-ideological Approach to ReligionWEB
29. The Ethics of ProfitWEB
30. The Role of Business in Enhancing The Prosperity of HumankindWEB
31. The Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance: Towards a Just Civilization and Sustainable EconWEB
32. The Star Tablet of the BabWEB
33. Toward a New Paradigm of ManagementWEB
34. UK Baha'i Histories: Links to stories of individual Baha'is in the United KingdomWEB
35. William S. Hatcher 1935-2005WEB
36. Women Entrepreneurs: Catalysts for TransformationWEB
37. Прежняя версия библиотекиWEB

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