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95 results

Title RIS type
1. A Baha'i Temple for CanadaTHES
2. A Pan-Islamist in Istanbul: Jamal ad-Din Afghani and Hamidian Islamism, 1892-1897THES
3. A Singular Room: An Exploration of Baha'i Houses of WorshipTHES
4. A Study of Architectural Monuments in South-East Zone of Nigeria: Evolving Appropriate LisTHES
5. All is One: Becoming Indigenous and Baha'i in Global North AmericaTHES
6. An Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Baha'i World FaTHES
7. An Historical Study of the North American Speaking Tour of 'Abdu'l-Baha and a Rhetorical ATHES
8. Baha'i Apocalypticism: The Concept of Progressive RevelationTHES
9. Baha'i Faith and the Construction of Social Reality: How do Baha'is Translate the Word of THES
10. Baha'i Students and American University of Beirut in the Early 20th CenturyTHES
11. Baha'i Teachings on Economics and Their Implications for the Baha'i Community and the WideTHES
12. Baha'ism: History, Transfiguration, DoxaTHES
13. Being and Becoming: A Photographic Inquiry with Baha'i Men into Cultures of PeaceTHES
14. Children of Iranian Asylum-Seekers in Turkey: Construction of National and Religious IdentTHES
15. Concepts of Spirituality in The Works of Robert Houle and Otto Rogers with Special ConsideTHES
16. ConsciousnessTHES
17. Desert Enlightenment: Prophets and Prophecy in American Science FictionTHES
18. Devotional Wisdom: Commentaries on Prayer and Supplication in Imami Shi'i IslamTHES
19. Die Grundlagen Der Verwaltungsordnung Der Baha'i: (The foundations of the Baha'i administrTHES
20. Die persische Staatszeitung Ruzname-ye Vaqaye'-e Ettefaqiyye, weit mehr als herrschaftlichTHES
21. Dine Becoming Baha'i: Through the Lens of Ancient PropheciesTHES
22. Dying for God: Martyrdom in the Shii and Babi ReligionsTHES
23. Educational Strategy Selection of Religious Minorities in Modern Iran: The Case of the JewTHES
24. El Legado de Una Nueva Profecia: Historia de la Fe Baha'i en ChileTHES
25. Examination of the Environmental CrisisTHES
26. Exploratory Study Examining the Factors Associated with the Survival of Underground EducatTHES
27. Exploring Learning Processes within a Collaborative Study Circle: Cultural-historical actiTHES
28. Faith, Theory, and Practice: Interracial Marriage as a Symbol of the Oneness of HumanityTHES
29. Food, Justice, and the Baha'i FaithTHES
30. From Sect to Church: A Sociological Interpretation of the Baha'i Movement [excerpt]THES
31. From Shaykhism to Babism: A Study in Charismatic Renewal in Shi'i IslamTHES
32. Greater Boldness: Radical Storytelling with Canadian Baha'i WomenTHES
33. Harlem Preparatory School: An AlternativeTHES
34. Hidden Words and Sounds: Tracing Iranian Legacies and Traumas in the Music of the Baha'is THES
35. Human environment interactions and collaborative adaptive capacity building in a resiliencTHES
36. In search of Martha Root: An American Baha'i feminist and peace advocate in the early twenTHES
37. In Their Place: Marking and Unmarking Shi'ism in Pahlavi IranTHES
38. Increasing Complexity as a Process in Social Evolution: A Case Study of the Baha'i FaithTHES
39. Knowledge Sharing for Community Development: Educational Benefits at the Community Level tTHES
40. La Fe Baha'i: ética y espiritualidad: Una aproximación desde sus textosTHES
41. Le cosmopolitisme dans la foi Baha'ie: vers la négociation d'une identité internationaleTHES
42. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar: Sacred Architecture and the Baha'i faithTHES
43. Measuring Success: An Exploratory Study of United States Baha'i Local Spiritual AssembliesTHES
44. Minorities and Islamic States: Explaining Baha'i and Ahmadi Marginalization in Iran and PaTHES
45. Moral Leadership: The Leadership of the Future: An Exploratory Study in a Baha'i-Inspired THES
46. Mortensen, FredTHES
47. Most Great Reconstruction: The Baha'i Faith in Jim Crow South Carolina, 1898-1965THES
48. Native Conversion, Native Identity: An oral history of the Baha'i faith among First NationTHES
49. Naturalistic Assumptions in School Counseling and the Baha'i Principle of the Unity of SciTHES
50. Nonpartisan Engagement in Public Affairs: A Critical Analysis of the Baha'i Approach to DiTHES
51. Organizing Digital Collections: The Case of the Baha'i Academics Resource LibraryTHES
52. Preliminary Analysis of the Baha'i Concept of Mental HealthTHES
53. Redefining Resiliency, Resistance, and Oppression: A Case Study of the Baha'i Underground THES
54. Religion and Relevance: The Baha'is in Britain 1899 - 1930THES
55. Religious Contentions in Modern Iran, 1881-1941THES
56. Revolutions without Revolutionaries?: Social Media Networks and Regime Response in EgyptTHES
57. Sacred spaces and secular visions in the Baha'i Holy GardensTHES
58. Searching for May Maxwell: Baha'i Millennial Feminism, Transformative Identity and GlobaliTHES
59. Selected Topics of Comparison in Christianity and the Baha'i FaithTHES
60. Shared Value Priorities in Groups: The Impact of the Baha'i Faith on ValuesTHES
61. Social Justice, Wealth Equity and Gender Equality: Baha'is and non-Baha'is of AlbertaTHES
62. Some Aspects of Isra'iliyyat and the Emergence of the Babi-Baha'i Interpretation of the BiTHES
63. Teaching As Worship: Pedagogy of the Spirit in the Narratives of Baha'i EducatorsTHES
64. The Anti-Secular Regulation of Religious Difference in EgyptTHES
65. The Babi Movement in Iran: From Religious Dissent to Political Revolt, 1844THES
66. The Baha'i Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International RelationsTHES
67. The Baha'i Electoral Process: Servant Leadership or New Paradigm?THES
68. The Baha'i Faith in Malwa: A Study of a Contemporary Religious MovementTHES
69. The Coming Age of Humanity and its Implications for PsychotherapyTHES
70. The Concept of Process in the Baha'i WritingsTHES
71. The Development of Precast Exposed Aggregate Concrete Cladding: The Legacy of John J. EarlTHES
72. The Development of Shaykhi Thought in Shi'i IslamTHES
73. The Early Years of the Babi Movement: Background and DevelopmentTHES
74. The Faith Community as Extended Family: The Influence of Shared Spiritual Values as ExperiTHES
75. The Growth and Spread of the Baha'i FaithTHES
76. The Historical Development of Genoa Square in Acre Israel from the Seventh Century to the THES
77. The Humanity of Evil: Baha'i Reflections on the film The Act of KillingTHES
78. The Lover's Way: A Critical Comparison of the Nazm al-Suluk by Ibn al-Farid with the QasidTHES
79. The Nine Valleys - Towards Embodied Experience: Understanding the Confluence of Material aTHES
80. The Numinous Land: Examples of sacred geometry and geopiety in formalist and landscape paiTHES
81. The Paucity of Music in Baha'i Devotional Practice and Considerations in the Composition oTHES
82. The Qur'an Commentary of Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad, the Bab: Doctoral dissertationTHES
83. The Same Hesitant RhythmTHES
84. The Same Yet Different: Baha'i Perspectives on Achieving Unity out of DifferenceTHES
85. The World Into One Nation: World Peace and the Baha'i FaithTHES
86. Theology of Revolution: Messianic Traditions and the Revolutions They InspiredTHES
87. Theses and dissertations on the Baha'i Faith: 1954-1994/2003THES
88. Thinking in Buddhism: Nagarjuna's Middle WayTHES
89. To what extent can the 'blogs' of sympathisers and representatives of the Baha'i Faith be THES
90. Trial and Triumph: The Origins of the Baha'i Faith in Black AmericaTHES
91. Unity in Diversity: Acceptance and Integration in an Era of Intolerance and FragmentationTHES
92. When Science and Religion Merge: A Modern Case StudyTHES
93. World Baha'i Institute in New YorkTHES
94. Zoroastrian Conversions to the Baha'i Faith in Yazd, IranTHES
95. Духовное послание Льва Толстого сквозь призму ноTHES

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