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345 results

Title RIS type
1. Abdu'l-BahaENCYC
2. Abdu'l-BahaENCYC
3. Abdu'l-Baha 'AbbasENCYC
4. Abdu'l-Baha, Ascension of (November 28)ENCYC
5. Abdu'l-Baha: Life and TeachingsENCYC
6. Abdul Baha; BabismENCYC
7. Abdul-BahaENCYC
8. Acre, IsraelENCYC
9. Adib Talaqani (Hand of the Cause)ENCYC
10. Administration, Baha'iENCYC
11. Afnan: Genealogy of the Afnan FamilyENCYC
12. Ages and CyclesENCYC
13. Ahsa'i, Shaykh AhmadENCYC
14. Akhund, Haji (Haji Mulla 'Ali-Akbar Shahmirzadi)ENCYC
15. Alain LockeENCYC
16. Alaviyyih Khanum and 'Ali Jan, MullaENCYC
17. Ali Akbar Shahmirzadi (Hajji Akhund)ENCYC
18. Ali Bastami, MullaENCYC
19. Ali Bastami, MullaENCYC
20. Ali Bastami, MullaENCYC
21. Allen, Wellesca PollockENCYC
22. America is a Multifaith NationENCYC
23. Amin Hajji: trustees of Huququ'llahENCYC
24. Amin, Haji Abu'l-HasanENCYC
25. Áqa Khan KermaniENCYC
26. Aqasi, Haji Mirza ('Abbas Iravani)ENCYC
27. Ardakani, Hajji Abu'l-Hasan (Hand of the Cause)ENCYC
28. Ashkhabad (Ashgabat), Baha'i Community ofENCYC
29. Ashraf, GhodsiehENCYC
30. Augur, George JacobENCYC
31. Australia: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
32. Áyati, Abdu'l-HusaynENCYC
33. Ayyam-i-Ha (February 25)ENCYC
34. AzaliENCYC
35. Azali BabismENCYC
36. Bab (Door, Gate)ENCYC
37. Bab al-Bab (Mulla Husayn Bushrui, the Babu'l-Bab)ENCYC
38. Bab, BabisENCYC
39. Bab, Birth ofENCYC
40. Bab, Birth ofENCYC
41. Bab, Festival of the Birth of the (October 20)ENCYC
42. Bab, Martyrdom of the (July 9)ENCYC
43. Bab, The (ʿAli Mohammad Shirazi)ENCYC
44. BabiENCYC
45. Babi Executions and UprisingsENCYC
46. Babi MovementENCYC
47. Babi, or BabistsENCYC
48. BabiismENCYC
49. BabisENCYC
50. Babis, Baha'is, ShaykhisENCYC
51. BabismENCYC
52. BabismENCYC
53. BabismENCYC
54. Babism in NayrizENCYC
55. Babysme, BabysENCYC
56. BadashtENCYC
57. Badi' CalendarENCYC
58. Badi' KhurasaniENCYC
59. Bagdadi FamilyENCYC
60. Baha'iENCYC
61. Baha'i and Babi SchismsENCYC
62. Baha'i Calendar and FestivalsENCYC
63. Baha'i CommunitiesENCYC
64. Baha'i ConventionsENCYC
65. Baha'i FaithENCYC
66. Baha'i FaithENCYC
67. Baha'i FaithENCYC
68. Baha'i Faith and Social ActionENCYC
69. Baha'i Faith, roots ofENCYC
70. Baha'i Faith, Scholarship onENCYC
71. Baha'i Faith: A PortraitENCYC
72. Baha'i Faith: OverviewENCYC
73. Baha'i HistoryENCYC
74. Baha'i LiteratureENCYC
75. Baha'i PersecutionsENCYC
76. Baha'i PioneersENCYC
77. Baha'i SchoolsENCYC
78. Baha'i ShrinesENCYC
79. Baha'i World CentreENCYC
80. Baha'i: History, Beliefs, Practices, Theological Exchanges, and Current IssuesENCYC
81. Baha'i: Religion and DietENCYC
82. Baha'isENCYC
83. Baha'isENCYC
84. Baha'iyyih KhanumENCYC
85. Baha'u'llahENCYC
86. Baha'u'llahENCYC
87. Baha'u'llahENCYC
88. Baha'u'llah, Ascension of (May 29)ENCYC
89. Baha'u'llah, birth and ascension ofENCYC
90. Baha'u'llah, Birth/Ascension ofENCYC
91. Baha'u'llah, Festival of the Birth of (November 12)ENCYC
92. BahaiENCYC
93. Bahaʾ AllahENCYC
94. Bahaʾi FaithENCYC
95. Baker, Euphemia EleanorENCYC
96. Baker, Richard Edward St. BarbeENCYC
97. Balagi, Muhammad Jawad (anti-Baha'i activist)ENCYC
98. Balyuzi, H. M.ENCYC
99. Baraghani, Muhammad TaqiENCYC
100. BarbadosENCYC
101. Barfurushi, Muhammad 'AliENCYC
102. Bausani, AlessandroENCYC
103. BayanENCYC
104. BehaismENCYC
105. Biography of Napoleon: Tablet to Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyun)ENCYC
106. Biography of Pope Pius IX: Tablet to Pope Pius IX (Lawh-i-Pap)ENCYC
107. Biography of Queen Victoria: Tablet to Queen Victoria (Lawh-i-Malikih)ENCYC
108. Biography of Tsar Alexander: Tablet to Tsar Alexander II (Lawh-i-Malik-i-Rus)ENCYC
109. Biography of Wilhelmina Sherriff BainENCYC
110. Bourgeois, Jean-Baptiste Louis (1856-1930)ENCYC
111. British influence in Persia in the 19th centuryENCYC
112. Brittingham, IsabellaENCYC
113. Browne, Edward GranvilleENCYC
114. Browne, Edward Granville: Babism and Baha'ismENCYC
115. Browne, Edward Granville: life and academic careerENCYC
116. Browne, Edward Granville: Persian Constitutional movementENCYC
117. Buddhism and the Baha'i FaithENCYC
118. Burial: in Baha'i CommunitiesENCYC
119. Bushru'i, Mulla Muhammad HusaynENCYC
120. Bushrui, Hasan FoadiENCYC
121. Calendar, Baha'i, and Rhythms of WorshipENCYC
122. Chase, ThorntonENCYC
123. Chase, ThorntonENCYC
124. Chase, ThorntonENCYC
125. ChihriqENCYC
126. ChildrenENCYC
127. Circumpolar Regions (Arctic): History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
128. Community, Baha'iENCYC
129. Constitutional Revolution (Iran): Intellectual BackgroundENCYC
130. Constitutional Revolution: Intellectual BackgroundENCYC
131. Conversion: to Babi and Baha'i FaithsENCYC
132. Cosmogony and CosmologyENCYC
133. Covenant, Day of the (November 26)ENCYC
134. Covenant, The, and Covenant-breakerENCYC
135. Creation: The Nature of God and the Creation of the Universe in Baha'i CosmologyENCYC
136. Dawlatabadi, Sayyed YahyaENCYC
137. Death and Dying in the Baha'i FaithENCYC
138. Declaration of the Bab, Festival ofENCYC
139. Deganawida, the PeacemakerENCYC
140. Dhikr: in the Babi and Baha'i ReligionsENCYC
141. Discourse Theory and PeaceENCYC
142. Discovering [The Qur'an]ENCYC
143. DivorceENCYC
144. Dodge, ArthurENCYC
145. Dodge, Arthur PillsburyENCYC
146. Dolgorukov MemoirsENCYC
147. DominicaENCYC
148. Dreyfus-Barney, Hippolyte and Laura CliffordENCYC
149. Dunn, Clara and HydeENCYC
150. Dunn, Clara and John Henry HydeENCYC
151. Early Western Accounts of the Babi and Baha'i FaithsENCYC
152. East Africa, Baha'i Communities inENCYC
153. East Leeward IslandsENCYC
154. Edward Granville BrowneENCYC
155. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy ENCYC
156. Encyclopaedia of Islam: Baha'i SelectionsENCYC
157. Encyclopedia of Islam and The Muslim WorldENCYC
158. Eschatology in the Babi and Baha'i FaithsENCYC
159. Esslemont, John EbenezerENCYC
160. Etemad-al-Dawla, Aqa Khan NuriENCYC
161. Exegesis (tafsir)ENCYC
162. Fadl Mazandarani, Mirza Asadu'llahENCYC
163. Faith and BeliefENCYC
164. Family LifeENCYC
165. Fast, Baha'i (March 2ENCYC
166. FastingENCYC
167. Fasting among Zoroastrians, Manicheans, and Baha'isENCYC
168. Fayzi, Abu'l-Qasim (Hand of the Cause)ENCYC
169. Feast, Nineteen-DayENCYC
170. Feminist Movements in the Late Qajar PeriodENCYC
171. Festivals, Baha'iENCYC
172. Forutan, Ali-AkbarENCYC
173. Gail, MarziehENCYC
174. Gobineau, Joseph Arthur deENCYC
175. Greatest Name, The (al-Ism al-A'zam)ENCYC
176. Greenleaf, CharlesENCYC
177. Gregory, Louis GeorgeENCYC
178. GrenadaENCYC
179. Grinevskaia, Izabella Arkad'evnaENCYC
180. GuadeloupeENCYC
181. Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-FadlENCYC
182. HaifaENCYC
183. Haifa, IsraelENCYC
184. Haji MubarakENCYC
185. Halabi, Shaikh Mahmud Khorasani, founder of HojjatiyaENCYC
186. Hands of the Cause (Ayadi Amr Allah)ENCYC
187. Hands of the Cause (Ayadi Amr Allah)ENCYC
188. Harlem RenaissanceENCYC
189. Haydar Ali IsfahaniENCYC
190. Hayden, RobertENCYC
191. Haziratu'l-QudsENCYC
192. HeavenENCYC
193. Hidden Words (Kalemat-i-Maknuna)ENCYC
194. Historiography: Qajar Period and Babi and Baha'i worksENCYC
195. Hoar, WilliamENCYC
196. Hojjatieh (Hujjatiya)ENCYC
197. Holley, Horace HotchkissENCYC
198. House of Justice (Baytu'l-'Adl)ENCYC
199. Ibn Abhar, Hand of the CauseENCYC
200. Ibn Asdaq, missionary and martyrENCYC
201. Introduction to the Bahá'í TraditionENCYC
202. Iran, Baha'i Community ofENCYC
203. Iran: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
204. Iran: Province of ÁdharbayjanENCYC
205. Iran: Province of FarsENCYC
206. Iran: Province of GilanENCYC
207. Iran: Province of IsfahanENCYC
208. Iran: Province of Kashan and Central Provinces (Sultanabad, Mahallat, and Gulpaygan)ENCYC
209. Iran: Province of Khamsih (Zanjan)ENCYC
210. Iran: Province of KhurasanENCYC
211. Iran: Province of KhuzistanENCYC
212. Iran: Province of QazvinENCYC
213. Iran: Province of Tehran (including Qumm, Simnan, and Damghan)ENCYC
214. Iran: Province of YazdENCYC
215. Iran: Provinces of Kirman and SistanENCYC
216. Iran: Provinces of Kirmanshah, Hamadan, Kurdistan, and LuristanENCYC
217. Iran: Provinces of Mazandaran and GurganENCYC
218. Ishraq KhavariENCYC
219. Italy: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
220. Judeo-Persian Communities of Iran in the Qajar Period: Conversion to the Baha'i FaithENCYC
221. Kashan: Religious Communities: Baha'i CommunityENCYC
222. Kasravi, AhmadENCYC
223. Kazem RashtiENCYC
224. Kitab-i Aqdas, the Most Holy BookENCYC
225. Kitab-i-AqdasENCYC
226. Kitab-i-ÍqanENCYC
227. Kitab-i-Iqan: An Introduction to Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude with Two Digital ReprintsENCYC
228. Knobloch, FannyENCYC
229. Lawh (Tablet)ENCYC
230. Les Bahaïs du Caucase: b.a.-ba d'une communaute meconnueENCYC
231. Les Tablettes de Baha'u'llah revelees apres le Kitab-i-AqdasENCYC
232. Letters of the Living (Huruf al-Hayy)ENCYC
233. Locke, AlainENCYC
234. Macnutt, HowardENCYC
235. MartiniqueENCYC
236. MartyrdomENCYC
237. Martyrs, BabiENCYC
238. Mashriq al-AdhkarENCYC
239. Mashriqu'l-AdhkarENCYC
240. Mashriqu'l-AdhkarENCYC
241. Mazhar [Manifestation]ENCYC
242. Mazhar-i Ilahi (Manifestation of God)ENCYC
243. Medhat PashaENCYC
244. Mentions of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in Encyclopedia Iranica: Sixty ExcerptsENCYC
245. Mihdi, MirzaENCYC
246. MiraclesENCYC
247. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl GulpayeganiENCYC
248. Mirza Yahya Sobh-e AzalENCYC
249. Moody, SusanENCYC
250. Mount CarmelENCYC
251. Muhammad-Taqi Wakil al-Dawla ShiraziENCYC
252. Mulla 'Abdu'l-Karim Qazvini (Mirza Ahmad Katib)ENCYC
253. Mulla Husayn BushruiENCYC
254. Mulla Sadiq-i-Khurasani (Muqaddas)ENCYC
255. Nabil al-Dawla: Iranian diplomat and translator of Baha'i scripturesENCYC
256. Nabil-i A'zam (Mulla Muhammad Zarandi)ENCYC
257. Nabil-i AkbarENCYC
258. Naw-Ruz, Festival of (March 21)ENCYC
259. Naw-Ruz: The Baha'i New YearENCYC
260. Nazif, SuleymanENCYC
261. Netherlands: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
262. New York, History of the Baha'i Faith InENCYC
263. Nicolas, Alphonse (A.-L-.M. Nicolas)ENCYC
264. Nineteen Day FeastENCYC
265. Nineteen Day FeastENCYC
266. Nuqtat al-KafENCYC
267. PersiaENCYC
268. Prayer and WorshipENCYC
269. Prejudice and DiscriminationENCYC
270. Progressive RevelationENCYC
271. Public Schools May Teach About Religion — Not Teach ReligionENCYC
272. Qa'eni, Shaikh Mohammad-ʿAliENCYC
273. QuddusENCYC
274. Race Unity DayENCYC
275. Ransom-Kehler, KeithENCYC
276. Ransom-Kehler, Keith BeanENCYC
277. Registry of Early Canadian BelieversENCYC
278. Religions Share Enduring ValuesENCYC
279. Religious Background of the 1979 Revolution in IranENCYC
280. Religious PluralismENCYC
281. Remey, Charles MasonENCYC
282. Resurgence of Apocalyptic in Modern IslamENCYC
283. RidvanENCYC
284. Ridvan, Festival ofENCYC
285. Ridvan, Festival ofENCYC
286. Robert HaydenENCYC
287. Rogers, Otto DonaldENCYC
288. Root, Martha LouiseENCYC
289. Ruh al-QuddusENCYC
290. Ruhiyyih KhanumENCYC
291. RussiaENCYC
292. Sabet, HabibENCYC
293. SalvationENCYC
294. Sayyid Kazim RashtiENCYC
295. Schopflocher, SiegfriedENCYC
296. Schopflocher, SiegfriedENCYC
297. Science and Religion Are ComplementaryENCYC
298. ScriptureENCYC
299. Secret of Divine Civilization (Risaliy-i-Madiniyyih)ENCYC
300. Sheikh Ahmad al-AhsaiENCYC
301. Shi'i IslamENCYC
302. Shoghi EffendiENCYC
303. Shoghi Effendi and Social JusticeENCYC
304. Shoghi Effendi RabbaniENCYC
305. Sobhi, Fazlollah MohtadiENCYC
306. Spiritual AssemblyENCYC
307. Spiritual Assembly (Mahfel-i-Ruhani)ENCYC
308. St. LuciaENCYC
309. Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal)ENCYC
310. Tablet of Wisdom (Lawh-i-hikmat)ENCYC
311. Tablet to Fuad (Lawh-i-Fuad): Translator's introduction, and bio from Encyclopedia BritannENCYC
312. Tablets to the Rulers (Surat al-Muluk)ENCYC
313. Tahirih Qurratul-aynENCYC
314. Tehran, IranENCYC
315. Temples, Baha'iENCYC
316. Temples, Baha'iENCYC
317. Temples, Baha'iENCYC
318. The BabENCYC
319. The BabENCYC
320. The Bab; Husayn Bushru'i; Ruh al-Quddus; TahirihENCYC
321. The Babi-Baha'i Community in KhorasanENCYC
322. The Baha'i FaithENCYC
323. The Baha'i FaithENCYC
324. The Baha'i FaithENCYC
325. The Baha'i FaithENCYC
326. The Baha'i FaithENCYC
327. The Baha'i Faith and the EnvironmentENCYC
328. The Baha'i Faith Seen through the Eyes of Major EncyclopediasENCYC
329. The Baha'i Faith: World Religious StatisticsENCYC
330. Toumansky, Aleksandr GrigorevichENCYC
331. TransliterationENCYC
332. True, CorinneENCYC
333. TurkmenistanENCYC
334. United Kingdom: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
335. United States of America: History of the Baha'i FaithENCYC
336. Vahid (Sayyed Yahya Darabi)ENCYC
337. Varqa, Ali-MohammadENCYC
338. Varqa, Wali-AllahENCYC
339. Virgin Islands, U.S. and BritishENCYC
340. Women in the works of the Bab and in the Babi MovementENCYC
341. World Religion DayENCYC
342. World Religion Day (January)ENCYC
343. WorshipENCYC
344. Yahya, MirzaENCYC
345. Zuhur al-HaqqENCYC

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