Title |
RIS type |
1. |
Abdu'l-Baha | ENCYC |
2. |
Abdu'l-Baha | ENCYC |
3. |
Abdu'l-Baha 'Abbas | ENCYC |
4. |
Abdu'l-Baha, Ascension of (November 28) | ENCYC |
5. |
Abdu'l-Baha: Life and Teachings | ENCYC |
6. |
Abdul Baha; Babism | ENCYC |
7. |
Abdul-Baha | ENCYC |
8. |
Acre, Israel | ENCYC |
9. |
Adib Talaqani (Hand of the Cause) | ENCYC |
10. |
Administration, Baha'i | ENCYC |
11. |
Afnan: Genealogy of the Afnan Family | ENCYC |
12. |
Ages and Cycles | ENCYC |
13. |
Ahsa'i, Shaykh Ahmad | ENCYC |
14. |
Akhund, Haji (Haji Mulla 'Ali-Akbar Shahmirzadi) | ENCYC |
15. |
Alain Locke | ENCYC |
16. |
Alaviyyih Khanum and 'Ali Jan, Mulla | ENCYC |
17. |
Ali Akbar Shahmirzadi (Hajji Akhund) | ENCYC |
18. |
Ali Bastami, Mulla | ENCYC |
19. |
Ali Bastami, Mulla | ENCYC |
20. |
Ali Bastami, Mulla | ENCYC |
21. |
Allen, Wellesca Pollock | ENCYC |
22. |
America is a Multifaith Nation | ENCYC |
23. |
Amin Hajji: trustees of Huququ'llah | ENCYC |
24. |
Amin, Haji Abu'l-Hasan | ENCYC |
25. |
Áqa Khan Kermani | ENCYC |
26. |
Aqasi, Haji Mirza ('Abbas Iravani) | ENCYC |
27. |
Ardakani, Hajji Abu'l-Hasan (Hand of the Cause) | ENCYC |
28. |
Ashkhabad (Ashgabat), Baha'i Community of | ENCYC |
29. |
Ashraf, Ghodsieh | ENCYC |
30. |
Augur, George Jacob | ENCYC |
31. |
Australia: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
32. |
Áyati, Abdu'l-Husayn | ENCYC |
33. |
Ayyam-i-Ha (February 25) | ENCYC |
34. |
Azali | ENCYC |
35. |
Azali Babism | ENCYC |
36. |
Bab (Door, Gate) | ENCYC |
37. |
Bab al-Bab (Mulla Husayn Bushrui, the Babu'l-Bab) | ENCYC |
38. |
Bab, Babis | ENCYC |
39. |
Bab, Birth of | ENCYC |
40. |
Bab, Birth of | ENCYC |
41. |
Bab, Festival of the Birth of the (October 20) | ENCYC |
42. |
Bab, Martyrdom of the (July 9) | ENCYC |
43. |
Bab, The (ʿAli Mohammad Shirazi) | ENCYC |
44. |
Babi | ENCYC |
45. |
Babi Executions and Uprisings | ENCYC |
46. |
Babi Movement | ENCYC |
47. |
Babi, or Babists | ENCYC |
48. |
Babiism | ENCYC |
49. |
Babis | ENCYC |
50. |
Babis, Baha'is, Shaykhis | ENCYC |
51. |
Babism | ENCYC |
52. |
Babism | ENCYC |
53. |
Babism | ENCYC |
54. |
Babism in Nayriz | ENCYC |
55. |
Babysme, Babys | ENCYC |
56. |
Badasht | ENCYC |
57. |
Badi' Calendar | ENCYC |
58. |
Badi' Khurasani | ENCYC |
59. |
Bagdadi Family | ENCYC |
60. |
Baha'i | ENCYC |
61. |
Baha'i and Babi Schisms | ENCYC |
62. |
Baha'i Calendar and Festivals | ENCYC |
63. |
Baha'i Communities | ENCYC |
64. |
Baha'i Conventions | ENCYC |
65. |
Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
66. |
Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
67. |
Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
68. |
Baha'i Faith and Social Action | ENCYC |
69. |
Baha'i Faith, roots of | ENCYC |
70. |
Baha'i Faith, Scholarship on | ENCYC |
71. |
Baha'i Faith: A Portrait | ENCYC |
72. |
Baha'i Faith: Overview | ENCYC |
73. |
Baha'i History | ENCYC |
74. |
Baha'i Literature | ENCYC |
75. |
Baha'i Persecutions | ENCYC |
76. |
Baha'i Pioneers | ENCYC |
77. |
Baha'i Schools | ENCYC |
78. |
Baha'i Shrines | ENCYC |
79. |
Baha'i World Centre | ENCYC |
80. |
Baha'i: History, Beliefs, Practices, Theological Exchanges, and Current Issues | ENCYC |
81. |
Baha'i: Religion and Diet | ENCYC |
82. |
Baha'is | ENCYC |
83. |
Baha'is | ENCYC |
84. |
Baha'iyyih Khanum | ENCYC |
85. |
Baha'u'llah | ENCYC |
86. |
Baha'u'llah | ENCYC |
87. |
Baha'u'llah | ENCYC |
88. |
Baha'u'llah, Ascension of (May 29) | ENCYC |
89. |
Baha'u'llah, birth and ascension of | ENCYC |
90. |
Baha'u'llah, Birth/Ascension of | ENCYC |
91. |
Baha'u'llah, Festival of the Birth of (November 12) | ENCYC |
92. |
Bahai | ENCYC |
93. |
Bahaʾ Allah | ENCYC |
94. |
Bahaʾi Faith | ENCYC |
95. |
Baker, Euphemia Eleanor | ENCYC |
96. |
Baker, Richard Edward St. Barbe | ENCYC |
97. |
Balagi, Muhammad Jawad (anti-Baha'i activist) | ENCYC |
98. |
Balyuzi, H. M. | ENCYC |
99. |
Baraghani, Muhammad Taqi | ENCYC |
100. |
Barbados | ENCYC |
101. |
Barfurushi, Muhammad 'Ali | ENCYC |
102. |
Bausani, Alessandro | ENCYC |
103. |
Bayan | ENCYC |
104. |
Behaism | ENCYC |
105. |
Biography of Napoleon: Tablet to Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyun) | ENCYC |
106. |
Biography of Pope Pius IX: Tablet to Pope Pius IX (Lawh-i-Pap) | ENCYC |
107. |
Biography of Queen Victoria: Tablet to Queen Victoria (Lawh-i-Malikih) | ENCYC |
108. |
Biography of Tsar Alexander: Tablet to Tsar Alexander II (Lawh-i-Malik-i-Rus) | ENCYC |
109. |
Biography of Wilhelmina Sherriff Bain | ENCYC |
110. |
Bourgeois, Jean-Baptiste Louis (1856-1930) | ENCYC |
111. |
British influence in Persia in the 19th century | ENCYC |
112. |
Brittingham, Isabella | ENCYC |
113. |
Browne, Edward Granville | ENCYC |
114. |
Browne, Edward Granville: Babism and Baha'ism | ENCYC |
115. |
Browne, Edward Granville: life and academic career | ENCYC |
116. |
Browne, Edward Granville: Persian Constitutional movement | ENCYC |
117. |
Buddhism and the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
118. |
Burial: in Baha'i Communities | ENCYC |
119. |
Bushru'i, Mulla Muhammad Husayn | ENCYC |
120. |
Bushrui, Hasan Foadi | ENCYC |
121. |
Calendar, Baha'i, and Rhythms of Worship | ENCYC |
122. |
Chase, Thornton | ENCYC |
123. |
Chase, Thornton | ENCYC |
124. |
Chase, Thornton | ENCYC |
125. |
Chihriq | ENCYC |
126. |
Children | ENCYC |
127. |
Circumpolar Regions (Arctic): History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
128. |
Community, Baha'i | ENCYC |
129. |
Constitutional Revolution (Iran): Intellectual Background | ENCYC |
130. |
Constitutional Revolution: Intellectual Background | ENCYC |
131. |
Conversion: to Babi and Baha'i Faiths | ENCYC |
132. |
Cosmogony and Cosmology | ENCYC |
133. |
Covenant, Day of the (November 26) | ENCYC |
134. |
Covenant, The, and Covenant-breaker | ENCYC |
135. |
Creation: The Nature of God and the Creation of the Universe in Baha'i Cosmology | ENCYC |
136. |
Dawlatabadi, Sayyed Yahya | ENCYC |
137. |
Death and Dying in the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
138. |
Declaration of the Bab, Festival of | ENCYC |
139. |
Deganawida, the Peacemaker | ENCYC |
140. |
Dhikr: in the Babi and Baha'i Religions | ENCYC |
141. |
Discourse Theory and Peace | ENCYC |
142. |
Discovering [The Qur'an] | ENCYC |
143. |
Divorce | ENCYC |
144. |
Dodge, Arthur | ENCYC |
145. |
Dodge, Arthur Pillsbury | ENCYC |
146. |
Dolgorukov Memoirs | ENCYC |
147. |
Dominica | ENCYC |
148. |
Dreyfus-Barney, Hippolyte and Laura Clifford | ENCYC |
149. |
Dunn, Clara and Hyde | ENCYC |
150. |
Dunn, Clara and John Henry Hyde | ENCYC |
151. |
Early Western Accounts of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths | ENCYC |
152. |
East Africa, Baha'i Communities in | ENCYC |
153. |
East Leeward Islands | ENCYC |
154. |
Edward Granville Browne | ENCYC |
155. |
Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy | ENCYC |
156. |
Encyclopaedia of Islam: Baha'i Selections | ENCYC |
157. |
Encyclopedia of Islam and The Muslim World | ENCYC |
158. |
Eschatology in the Babi and Baha'i Faiths | ENCYC |
159. |
Esslemont, John Ebenezer | ENCYC |
160. |
Etemad-al-Dawla, Aqa Khan Nuri | ENCYC |
161. |
Exegesis (tafsir) | ENCYC |
162. |
Fadl Mazandarani, Mirza Asadu'llah | ENCYC |
163. |
Faith and Belief | ENCYC |
164. |
Family Life | ENCYC |
165. |
Fast, Baha'i (March 2 | ENCYC |
166. |
Fasting | ENCYC |
167. |
Fasting among Zoroastrians, Manicheans, and Baha'is | ENCYC |
168. |
Fayzi, Abu'l-Qasim (Hand of the Cause) | ENCYC |
169. |
Feast, Nineteen-Day | ENCYC |
170. |
Feminist Movements in the Late Qajar Period | ENCYC |
171. |
Festivals, Baha'i | ENCYC |
172. |
Forutan, Ali-Akbar | ENCYC |
173. |
Gail, Marzieh | ENCYC |
174. |
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur de | ENCYC |
175. |
Greatest Name, The (al-Ism al-A'zam) | ENCYC |
176. |
Greenleaf, Charles | ENCYC |
177. |
Gregory, Louis George | ENCYC |
178. |
Grenada | ENCYC |
179. |
Grinevskaia, Izabella Arkad'evna | ENCYC |
180. |
Guadeloupe | ENCYC |
181. |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl | ENCYC |
182. |
Haifa | ENCYC |
183. |
Haifa, Israel | ENCYC |
184. |
Haji Mubarak | ENCYC |
185. |
Halabi, Shaikh Mahmud Khorasani, founder of Hojjatiya | ENCYC |
186. |
Hands of the Cause (Ayadi Amr Allah) | ENCYC |
187. |
Hands of the Cause (Ayadi Amr Allah) | ENCYC |
188. |
Harlem Renaissance | ENCYC |
189. |
Haydar Ali Isfahani | ENCYC |
190. |
Hayden, Robert | ENCYC |
191. |
Haziratu'l-Quds | ENCYC |
192. |
Heaven | ENCYC |
193. |
Hidden Words (Kalemat-i-Maknuna) | ENCYC |
194. |
Historiography: Qajar Period and Babi and Baha'i works | ENCYC |
195. |
Hoar, William | ENCYC |
196. |
Hojjatieh (Hujjatiya) | ENCYC |
197. |
Holley, Horace Hotchkiss | ENCYC |
198. |
House of Justice (Baytu'l-'Adl) | ENCYC |
199. |
Ibn Abhar, Hand of the Cause | ENCYC |
200. |
Ibn Asdaq, missionary and martyr | ENCYC |
201. |
Introduction to the Bahá'í Tradition | ENCYC |
202. |
Iran, Baha'i Community of | ENCYC |
203. |
Iran: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
204. |
Iran: Province of Ádharbayjan | ENCYC |
205. |
Iran: Province of Fars | ENCYC |
206. |
Iran: Province of Gilan | ENCYC |
207. |
Iran: Province of Isfahan | ENCYC |
208. |
Iran: Province of Kashan and Central Provinces (Sultanabad, Mahallat, and Gulpaygan) | ENCYC |
209. |
Iran: Province of Khamsih (Zanjan) | ENCYC |
210. |
Iran: Province of Khurasan | ENCYC |
211. |
Iran: Province of Khuzistan | ENCYC |
212. |
Iran: Province of Qazvin | ENCYC |
213. |
Iran: Province of Tehran (including Qumm, Simnan, and Damghan) | ENCYC |
214. |
Iran: Province of Yazd | ENCYC |
215. |
Iran: Provinces of Kirman and Sistan | ENCYC |
216. |
Iran: Provinces of Kirmanshah, Hamadan, Kurdistan, and Luristan | ENCYC |
217. |
Iran: Provinces of Mazandaran and Gurgan | ENCYC |
218. |
Ishraq Khavari | ENCYC |
219. |
Italy: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
220. |
Judeo-Persian Communities of Iran in the Qajar Period: Conversion to the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
221. |
Kashan: Religious Communities: Baha'i Community | ENCYC |
222. |
Kasravi, Ahmad | ENCYC |
223. |
Kazem Rashti | ENCYC |
224. |
Kitab-i Aqdas, the Most Holy Book | ENCYC |
225. |
Kitab-i-Aqdas | ENCYC |
226. |
Kitab-i-Íqan | ENCYC |
227. |
Kitab-i-Iqan: An Introduction to Baha'u'llah's Book of Certitude with Two Digital Reprints | ENCYC |
228. |
Knobloch, Fanny | ENCYC |
229. |
Lawh (Tablet) | ENCYC |
230. |
Les Bahaïs du Caucase: b.a.-ba d'une communaute meconnue | ENCYC |
231. |
Les Tablettes de Baha'u'llah revelees apres le Kitab-i-Aqdas | ENCYC |
232. |
Letters of the Living (Huruf al-Hayy) | ENCYC |
233. |
Locke, Alain | ENCYC |
234. |
Macnutt, Howard | ENCYC |
235. |
Martinique | ENCYC |
236. |
Martyrdom | ENCYC |
237. |
Martyrs, Babi | ENCYC |
238. |
Mashriq al-Adhkar | ENCYC |
239. |
Mashriqu'l-Adhkar | ENCYC |
240. |
Mashriqu'l-Adhkar | ENCYC |
241. |
Mazhar [Manifestation] | ENCYC |
242. |
Mazhar-i Ilahi (Manifestation of God) | ENCYC |
243. |
Medhat Pasha | ENCYC |
244. |
Mentions of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in Encyclopedia Iranica: Sixty Excerpts | ENCYC |
245. |
Mihdi, Mirza | ENCYC |
246. |
Miracles | ENCYC |
247. |
Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpayegani | ENCYC |
248. |
Mirza Yahya Sobh-e Azal | ENCYC |
249. |
Moody, Susan | ENCYC |
250. |
Mount Carmel | ENCYC |
251. |
Muhammad-Taqi Wakil al-Dawla Shirazi | ENCYC |
252. |
Mulla 'Abdu'l-Karim Qazvini (Mirza Ahmad Katib) | ENCYC |
253. |
Mulla Husayn Bushrui | ENCYC |
254. |
Mulla Sadiq-i-Khurasani (Muqaddas) | ENCYC |
255. |
Nabil al-Dawla: Iranian diplomat and translator of Baha'i scriptures | ENCYC |
256. |
Nabil-i A'zam (Mulla Muhammad Zarandi) | ENCYC |
257. |
Nabil-i Akbar | ENCYC |
258. |
Naw-Ruz, Festival of (March 21) | ENCYC |
259. |
Naw-Ruz: The Baha'i New Year | ENCYC |
260. |
Nazif, Suleyman | ENCYC |
261. |
Netherlands: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
262. |
New York, History of the Baha'i Faith In | ENCYC |
263. |
Nicolas, Alphonse (A.-L-.M. Nicolas) | ENCYC |
264. |
Nineteen Day Feast | ENCYC |
265. |
Nineteen Day Feast | ENCYC |
266. |
Nuqtat al-Kaf | ENCYC |
267. |
Persia | ENCYC |
268. |
Prayer and Worship | ENCYC |
269. |
Prejudice and Discrimination | ENCYC |
270. |
Progressive Revelation | ENCYC |
271. |
Public Schools May Teach About Religion — Not Teach Religion | ENCYC |
272. |
Qa'eni, Shaikh Mohammad-ʿAli | ENCYC |
273. |
Quddus | ENCYC |
274. |
Race Unity Day | ENCYC |
275. |
Ransom-Kehler, Keith | ENCYC |
276. |
Ransom-Kehler, Keith Bean | ENCYC |
277. |
Registry of Early Canadian Believers | ENCYC |
278. |
Religions Share Enduring Values | ENCYC |
279. |
Religious Background of the 1979 Revolution in Iran | ENCYC |
280. |
Religious Pluralism | ENCYC |
281. |
Remey, Charles Mason | ENCYC |
282. |
Resurgence of Apocalyptic in Modern Islam | ENCYC |
283. |
Ridvan | ENCYC |
284. |
Ridvan, Festival of | ENCYC |
285. |
Ridvan, Festival of | ENCYC |
286. |
Robert Hayden | ENCYC |
287. |
Rogers, Otto Donald | ENCYC |
288. |
Root, Martha Louise | ENCYC |
289. |
Ruh al-Quddus | ENCYC |
290. |
Ruhiyyih Khanum | ENCYC |
291. |
Russia | ENCYC |
292. |
Sabet, Habib | ENCYC |
293. |
Salvation | ENCYC |
294. |
Sayyid Kazim Rashti | ENCYC |
295. |
Schopflocher, Siegfried | ENCYC |
296. |
Schopflocher, Siegfried | ENCYC |
297. |
Science and Religion Are Complementary | ENCYC |
298. |
Scripture | ENCYC |
299. |
Secret of Divine Civilization (Risaliy-i-Madiniyyih) | ENCYC |
300. |
Sheikh Ahmad al-Ahsai | ENCYC |
301. |
Shi'i Islam | ENCYC |
302. |
Shoghi Effendi | ENCYC |
303. |
Shoghi Effendi and Social Justice | ENCYC |
304. |
Shoghi Effendi Rabbani | ENCYC |
305. |
Sobhi, Fazlollah Mohtadi | ENCYC |
306. |
Spiritual Assembly | ENCYC |
307. |
Spiritual Assembly (Mahfel-i-Ruhani) | ENCYC |
308. |
St. Lucia | ENCYC |
309. |
Tablet of the Temple (Suratu'l-Haykal) | ENCYC |
310. |
Tablet of Wisdom (Lawh-i-hikmat) | ENCYC |
311. |
Tablet to Fuad (Lawh-i-Fuad): Translator's introduction, and bio from Encyclopedia Britann | ENCYC |
312. |
Tablets to the Rulers (Surat al-Muluk) | ENCYC |
313. |
Tahirih Qurratul-ayn | ENCYC |
314. |
Tehran, Iran | ENCYC |
315. |
Temples, Baha'i | ENCYC |
316. |
Temples, Baha'i | ENCYC |
317. |
Temples, Baha'i | ENCYC |
318. |
The Bab | ENCYC |
319. |
The Bab | ENCYC |
320. |
The Bab; Husayn Bushru'i; Ruh al-Quddus; Tahirih | ENCYC |
321. |
The Babi-Baha'i Community in Khorasan | ENCYC |
322. |
The Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
323. |
The Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
324. |
The Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
325. |
The Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
326. |
The Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
327. |
The Baha'i Faith and the Environment | ENCYC |
328. |
The Baha'i Faith Seen through the Eyes of Major Encyclopedias | ENCYC |
329. |
The Baha'i Faith: World Religious Statistics | ENCYC |
330. |
Toumansky, Aleksandr Grigorevich | ENCYC |
331. |
Transliteration | ENCYC |
332. |
True, Corinne | ENCYC |
333. |
Turkmenistan | ENCYC |
334. |
United Kingdom: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
335. |
United States of America: History of the Baha'i Faith | ENCYC |
336. |
Vahid (Sayyed Yahya Darabi) | ENCYC |
337. |
Varqa, Ali-Mohammad | ENCYC |
338. |
Varqa, Wali-Allah | ENCYC |
339. |
Virgin Islands, U.S. and British | ENCYC |
340. |
Women in the works of the Bab and in the Babi Movement | ENCYC |
341. |
World Religion Day | ENCYC |
342. |
World Religion Day (January) | ENCYC |
343. |
Worship | ENCYC |
344. |
Yahya, Mirza | ENCYC |
345. |
Zuhur al-Haqq | ENCYC |