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TAGS: * Arts and crafts; - Aboriginal people; - Indigenous people; Australia; Bahá'í history; Bahá'í studies
The complete issue of volume 2. Some papers were delivered at the 18th annual ABS conference "The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Bahá’í Faith" (Melbourne, September 1999).
Also available as one single PDF: australian_bahai_studies_2.pdf.

On the history of this journal, see the Yerrinbool reports on scholarship for 1997, 1998, and 1999.

See also Vol 1:2, Vol 3, and Vol 4.

Australian Bahá'í Studies:

Vol. 2

[various authors]

published in Australian Bahá'í Studies

vol. 2

Ingleside, NSW: Association for Bahá'í Studies Australia, 2000


Editorial...................................................................................... 3

Section One: The Creative Inspiration

Creativity and Spirituality - are they related?................................................ 6
   Negin Sanaei

The Beautiful Flight toward the Light: Reflections on an Artist’s Life........................ 10
   Robin M. Chandler

The Creative Inspiration: Symbolism and Seeing................................................ 19
   Karel Fontaine

Of Paramount Importance - Addressing the Paucity of Music in Bahá’í Devotional Practice....... 42
   Michael Knopf

The Passionate Artist......................................................................... 48
   Ron Price

Building Creative Communities: approaching the arts as social & economic development 
   through professionalizing, training, and networking internationally........................ 56
   Robin M. Chandler

Arts Can Move the Youth....................................................................... 66
   Mahyar Amjadi

Letters inscribed upon His sacred scroll: An anthology of poetry by Australian Bahá’ís 1999... 71
   Belinda Belton

Remembrance of Clara & Hyde Dunn.............................................................. 92
   Hooshang Eshraq-Khavari

The Bot. Series............................................................................... 94
   Vahid Payman

Section Two: On the Road to Reconciliation 

Something Regal: Uncle Fred Murray. A compilation of tributes, photographs and stories........ 97
   June Perkins

A lonely road to native title determination.................................................. 109
   Walter Waia

Section Three: History

Mr Faizi and Mr Furútan in Australia: the Yerrinbool tapes................................... 125
   Hands of the Cause, Mr Abdul Qasim Faizi and Mr ‘Ali-Akbar Furútan

Women and Religious Change: a case study in the colonial migrant experience.................. 211
   Miriam Dixson

The Practice of Taqiyyih (Dissimulation) in the Bábí and Bahá’í Religions.................... 219
   Sepehr Manuchehri

Section Four: Research and Literature

A “Phoenix Schedule” for the Dewey “200s” – Suggested in particular for Bahá’í Libraries..... 253
   Paul Gerard

Report on scholarship........................................................................ 282

Download complete issue in one file: abs_australia_volume_2.pdf
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