Bahai Library Online


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  1. Bahá'í Reference Library Wiki Overlay, by Brett Zamir (2013). Broswer add-on (software) overlaying the official Bahá'í Reference Library ( with links back to collaboratively editable wikis (at,,, and for compiling info by work/paragraph.
  2. Efficient Searches and Shortcuts, by Brett Zamir (2022). A series of videos introducing rationales for, and details on use of, browser keyword shortcuts with the Bahá'í Writings
  3. Kitab-i-Aqdas Windows Help File software, by Peyman Talaei (1999). A hyperlinked version of the Aqdas in the Windows Help File format (for Windows 3) which can be used for easy study and reading.
  4. Microsoft Word Autocorrect Tool for Bahá'í Words, by David William House (2018). A set of about 180 proper nouns encountered in the Bahá'í Faith, which can be added to the custom dictionary in Microsoft Word to help automate their orthography and transliteration.
  5. Obligatory Prayer Reminder Script: Applescript code for Entourage 2004 (Macintosh only), by Brett Zamir (2005). Microsoft Entourage apple script to remind one to say the obligatory prayer before sunset. Script retrieves the sunset time from the internet for your local area and uses that as a basis for the reminder.
  6. Ocean 2.0 Interfaith Reader: Bahá'í Writings search engine, Chad Jones, comp. (1998–). Complete search engine for Bahá'í texts and books from other religions (offsite).
  7. TextBrowser, Bahaiwritings, and Web apps for browsing the Bahá'í Writings with customizability, by Brett Zamir (2022-02-23). Tutorial videos on an experimental web app to browse Writings with high customizability and in parallel.
  8. Transliteration-Ready Fonts, by Violetta Zein (2021). Downloads of four font sets — AbrilFatface, Apollo, Cinzel, and Didot — modified to contain the 5 underdotted letters (and their 5 capitals) often used in Bahá'í transliteration. For Mac or PC.
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