Bahai Library Online

Book / article / music reviews

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  1. 175 Years of Persecution: A History of the Bábís and Bahá'ís of Iran, by Fereydun Vahman: Review, by Christopher Buck (2021-03-22).
  2. A Leaf of Honey and the Proverbs of the Rainforest, by Joseph Shepperd: Review, by Lin Poyer (1989).
  3. A Lost History of the Baha'i Faith, by Eric Stetson: Review, by Grover Gonzales (2016). Critical review of a book about the history of some covenant-breaker groups.
  4. A Way Out of No Way, by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman: Review, by Donald T. Streets (2017).
  5. Abdu'l-Bahá in America, by Robert H. Stockman, and Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey West: The Course of Human Solidarity, ed. Negar Mottahedeh: Reviews, by Firuz Kazemzadeh (2013).
  6. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in the West: A Biographical Guide of the People Associated with His Travels, by Jan Teofil Jasion: Review, by Anne Gordon Perry (2015).
  7. Abdu'l-Bahá: The Centre of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review, by L. P. Elwell-Sutton (1973).
  8. Abraham: One God Three Wives Five Religions by Frances Worthington: Review, by Alex Gottdank (2012).
  9. Achieving Peace by the Year 2000, by John Huddleston: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1989).
  10. Advancement of Women: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Janet and Peter Khan: Transforming the roles of women and men, a Review, by Veronica Shoffstall (1999-10).
  11. Ageing: Challenges and Opportunities, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review, by Deborah K. van den Hoonaard (1994).
  12. Ageing: Challenges and Opportunities, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review, by Jacqueline McClaran (1994).
  13. Agnes Baldwin Alexander, Hand of the Cause of God, by Earl Redman and Duane Troxel: Review, by Sheridan Sims (2023-05).
  14. Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Derik Smith (2008).
  15. Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy, by Christopher Buck: Reviews, by William P. Collins, Anthony Fitchue, Derik Smith (2006/2007). Three reviews of the book Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy.
  16. Alcoholics Anonymous: Reviews of two books by James Duncan, by Jack McLean (2005/2011). Reviews of World Awakening: AA and Higher Power Mutual Aid and Living the Twelve Steps: Change Ourselves and Change the World. No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  17. Alzheimer's Disease: An Eclipse Before Sunset, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review, by Brian Kirsh (2017).
  18. An Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith: Review, by Sergio Carro Martin (2012).
  19. Angel Ruckus, by B. K. Filson: Review, by Albert Ouimet (1999).
  20. Apocalypse Unsealed, The: Some thoughts on the use of Christian Scripture in the Bahá'í community, by Robert Riggs: Review and Commentary, by Sen McGlinn (2002). On Bahá'í use of Biblical literature, especially interpretations of end-time symbolism and the Book of Revelation.
  21. Arc of Ascent: The Purpose of Physical Reality II, by John S. Hatcher: Review, by Ross Woodman (1994).
  22. Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání: Review, by Graham Hassall (1991).
  23. Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism and The Secret of our Century: Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani: Reviews, by Cybele Sohrab (1993).
  24. Author's Response to Commentaries on "The Purpose of Poetry", by Shirin Sabri (1989-1990).
  25. Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, Hussein Ahdieh, trans. (2013-09). English translation of a short review in Persian.
  26. Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Anne Pearson (2015).
  27. Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Naysan Naraqi (2013-10-21). Brief review of book, and short interview with Ahdieh, conducted by
  28. Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Robert Harris (2013).
  29. Báb, The: The Herald of the Day of Days, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review, by L. P. Elwell-Sutton (1975).
  30. Bahá'í Cause Today, The: Review, by Marzieh Gail (1941-05). Critiques William McElwee Miller’s 1940 article on the Bahá’í Faith, highlighting inaccuracies, biases, and misinterpretations while defending Bahá’í teachings, leadership, and global unity principles.
  31. Bahá'í Ethics in Light of Scripture, by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Ian Kluge (2015).
  32. Bahá'í Faith and Economics, The by Bryan Graham: Commentary, by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon (1999).
  33. Bahá'í Faith in America as Panopticon 1963-1997, by Juan Cole: Review, by Ian Kluge (1999).
  34. Bahá'í Faith in America as Panopticon 1963-1997, by Juan Cole: The Myth of the Objective Observer, by Peter Terry (1999).
  35. Bahá'í Faith in America, The: 1900-1912, by Robert Stockman: Review, by Derek Cockshut (1995 Summer).
  36. Baha'i Faith in America, The: Origins 1892-1900, by Robert Stockman: Review, by Author unknown (1985-09-25).
  37. Baha'i Faith in America, by William Garlington: Review, by Peter Terry (2017).
  38. Bahá'í Faith, Sect or Religion? by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Roger Lapointe (1989).
  39. Bahá'í Faith, The, by John Boykin: Underlying Principles and Approach for a Bahá'í Response, by Shahriar Razavi, Khazeh Fananapazir (1992). A case study in opposition literature and anti-Bahá'í polemicism.
  40. Bahá'í Faith: Its History and Teachings, The, by William Miller: Review, by L. P. Elwell-Sutton (1976).
  41. Bahá'í Faith: Its History and Teachings, The by William Miller: "Missionary as Historian: William Miller and the Bahá'í Faith", by Douglas Martin (1978-12). Lengthy review of Miller's book, and a broad discussion of anti-Bahá'í polemic and historiography.
  42. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Roland Faber (2021-11-30).
  43. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Moojan Momen (2022-02).
  44. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Susan Maneck (2022-04).
  45. Baha'i Faith: The Basics by Christopher Buck: Review, by Jack McLean (2020-01).
  46. Bahá'í Families: Perspectives, Principles, Practice, by Patricia Wilcox: Review, by Michael J. Bruwer (1992).
  47. Bahá'í Focus on Development, by Moojan Momen: Review, by Kurt Hein (1990).
  48. Baha'i Leads out of the Labyrinth, by Ruth White: Review, by Author unknown (1944-07-26).
  49. Bahá'í, I by Margit Warburg: Review, by Daniela Pinna (2001-11).
  50. Bahá'í, The Spirit of the Age, by Horace Holley: Review, by Robert M. Labaree (1922). Short review of Holley's book by a Christian missionary.
  51. Baha'i, The: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review, by Juan Cole (2001-09).
  52. Bahá'í, The: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review, by Lynn Echevarria (2002-03-22).
  53. Bahá'í-Christian Dialogue: Some Key Issues Considered, by Francis Beckwith: A Bahá'í Response, by David Friedman (1998). Lengthy theological apologia.
  54. Bahá'í: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity, by Michael McMullen: Review, by William P. Collins (2001).
  55. Baha'is as a Mystic Community, by Moojan Momen, The: Response, by Jack McLean (2006). The meanings of mysticism in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and Shoghi Effendi.
  56. Bahá'ís of Iran: Socio-Historical Studies, ed. Dominic Brookshaw and Seena Fazel: Review, by Soli Shahvar (2011).
  57. Bahá'ís, The, by Bahá'í International Community: Review, by Seena Fazel (1993).
  58. Bahá'ísm and Its Claims, by S. G. Wilson: Review, by C. M. Buchanan (1916-01). Short review of an early anti-Bahá'í book by a Christian missionary.
  59. Bahá'ísm and Its Claims and Modern Movements among Mohammedans, by S. G. Wilson: Reviews, by Orvis Fairlee Jordan (1915-10). Short reviews of two early anti-Bahá'í books by a Christian missionary.
  60. Bahá'ísm, by Arthur Vail: Review, by Henry Bentson (1914). One-paragraph summary of Vail's book.
  61. Basic Bahá'í Chronology, The, by Glenn Cameron, and Historical Dictionary of the Bahá'í Faith, by Hugh Adamson: Review, by William P. Collins (1998).
  62. Behold the Man: Baha'u'llah on the Life of Jesus, by Juan Cole: Review, by Christopher Buck (1997).
  63. Being Human: Bahá'í Perspectives on Islam, Modernity, and Peace, by Todd Lawson: Review, by Christopher Buck (2021-11-30).
  64. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Burl Barer (1996-04).
  65. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Christopher Buck (1996).
  66. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Loni Bramson-Lerche (1995).
  67. Beyond the Culture of Contest: From Adversarialism to Mutualism in an Age of Interdependence, by Michael Karlberg: Review, by Brad Pokorny (2004).
  68. Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths 1844-1985, by William Collins: Review, by Roger M. Dahl (1991).
  69. Body of God: A Reader's Guide to Bahá'u'lláh's Surih of the Temple, by John Hatcher: Review, by Tom Lysaght (2023-08). Review of John Hatcher's book about Bahá'u'lláh's Súriy-i-Haykal (Súrih of the Temple).
  70. Brilliant Proof, The, by Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani: Review, by Devin Stewart (2002-06).
  71. Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Review, by Jonah Winters (1994). Issues raised by Momen's attempt to show that both religions are compatible, that the manifestation of Bahá'u'lláh fulfills the prophecies of the Buddha on the coming of a future Maitreya Buddha, and Bahá'í re-interpretations of Buddhist theology.
  72. Catastrophe, Armageddon and Millennium: Some Aspects of the Bábí-Bahá'í Exegesis of Apocalyptic Symbolism, by Stephen Lambden: Commentary, "The Apocalyptic Upheaval Completed?", by William P. Collins (2001). Commentary on earlier article by Stephen Lambden.
  73. Century of Light, by the Universal House of Justice: Review, by John Taylor (2002).
  74. Century of Light: New Trends in Understanding, by Earl Redman (2003). "Century of Light" turns conventional wisdom on its head in expressing Bahá'u'lláh's statement about the world’s equilibrium being upset by his new World Order, examines the 20th century in a holistic sense, and gives a new perspective on history.
  75. Champions of Oneness: Louis Gregory and His Shining Circle, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen: Review, by Lex Musta (2016).
  76. Child of the Covenant, by Adib Taherzadeh: Review, by Tricia Fallon-Barry (2001). Brief review of this sequel to Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh.
  77. Circle of Unity, ed. Anthony Lee: Reviews, by Various (1986). Three short reviews, published in three national Bahá'í journals: New Zealand Bahá'í Newsletter, Bahá'í Canada, and Bahá'í Journal of England.
  78. Circle of Unity: Responses to reviews, by Various (1986). Responses to reviews of this book (in dialogue 1:1), by Ron Price, Brent Poirier, Anthony Lee, Lawrence M. Miller, James Tyson, Mark Foster, and Leon Jones.
  79. Collected Poems of Robert Hayden, by Robert Hayden: Review, by Harryette Mullen (1997-03-22).
  80. Collective Security within Reach by Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing: Review, by Graham Hassall (2013).
  81. Commentary on "Equality of Women: The Bahá'í Principle of Complementarity," by Linda O'Neil: Response, by Nancy Lease (1991).
  82. Comments on "Infallible Institutions?" by Udo Shaefer and "Response" by Peter Terry, by Wm. Keith Bookwalter (2020/2023). Thoughts on infallibility of the Universal House of Justice through a case study of predictions regarding the "unity of nations" and the Lesser Peace by the year 2000.
  83. Community Histories, by Richard Hollinger: Review, by Graham Hassall (1995).
  84. Compassionate Woman: The Life and Legacy of Patricia Locke by John Kolstoe: Review, by Patricia Verge (2012).
  85. Concise Encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith: Review, by William P. Collins (1999).
  86. Concise Encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith, A: Review, by Edwin McCloughan (2001). An invaluable reference book for Bahá'í scholars.
  87. Constitutionality of Teaching Islam, The: The University of North Carolina Qur'an Controversy, by Christopher Buck (2012-07). Legal commentary on the lawsuit Yacovelli v. Moeser, filed in 2002 against UNC Chapel Hill over its academic orientation program requiring freshmen to read selected passages from the Qur’an. Includes review of Sell's Approaching the Qur'an.
  88. "Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary, by Foad Katirai (1992).
  89. "Conversive Relationality in Bahá'í Scholarship," by Susan B. Brill: Commentaries and Response, by Sandra S. Fotos, Stephen R. Friberg, Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez (1998).
  90. Created Rich, by Patrick Barker: Reviews, by Mary Fish, M. E. Muttart (1995).
  91. Creative Circle: Art, Literature and Music in the Bahá'í Perspective, ed. Michael Fitzgerald: Review, by Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis (1989-1990).
  92. Crystallizations: 20 Works by Bahá'í Artists, ed. Ross Woodman: Review, by Shirin Sabri (1999).
  93. Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation, by Jennifer Harvey: Review, by Dianne Coin (2017).
  94. Deft Adjustment, The: English-language poetry in present-day Israel, by Roger White (1988). Discussion of Israeli and Jewish poems, and reviews of the books Voices within the Ark, Modern Hebrew Poetry, Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse, Seven Gates: Poetry from Jerusalem, and Voices Israel.
  95. Dialogues with Scientists and Sages: The Search for Unity, by Renee Weber: Review, by Kishan Manocha (1992).
  96. Dimensions in Spirituality, by Jack McLean: Review, by William G. Huitt (1997).
  97. Dimensions of Spirituality, by Jack McLean: Review, by Julio Savi (1995).
  98. Divisive Barbarity or Global Civilization? ed. M. L. Bradbury and Suheil Bushrui: Review, by Naysan Sahba (1998).
  99. Do They Hear You When You Cry, by Fauziya Kassindja and Layli Miller Bashir: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1998-04).
  100. Drawings, Verse, and Belief, by Bernard Leach: Review, by Julie Badiee (1989).
  101. Earthly Paradise, An: Bahá'í Houses of Worship Around the World, by Julie Badiee: Review, by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1997).
  102. Eco Principle, The: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Dahl: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1996-10-05).
  103. Eco Principle, The: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Dahl: Review, by Stephen Vickers (1997).
  104. Eco Principle: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Lyon Dahl: Review, by Peter Calkins (1997).
  105. Education of women and socio-economic development, by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon: Commentary, by Erin Murphy Graham, Felicity Rawlings (1998).
  106. Edward Granville Browne and the Bahá'í Faith, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review, by L. P. Elwell-Sutton (1972).
  107. Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review, by Nazila Ghanea-Hercock (1992).
  108. Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review, by Sen McGlinn (1993-07-01).
  109. Environnement: Patrimoine de l'humanité, by ABS Francophone Europe: Review, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (1993).
  110. Equal Circles, by Peggy Caton: Review, by Shiva Tavana (1987).
  111. Equality of Women and Men: The Experience of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, by Deborah and Will van den Hoonaard: Review, by Lynn Echevarria (2006).
  112. Eternal Quest For God, The, by Julio Savi: Review, by William S. Hatcher (1992).
  113. Ethel Jenner Rosenberg, by Robert Weinberg: Review, by Peter P. Morgan (1997).
  114. Ethel Rosenberg: The Life and Times of England's Outstanding Pioneering Worker, by Robert Weinberg: Review, by Richard Hollinger (1996).
  115. Evolution and Bahá'í Belief, by Keven Brown and Eberhard von Kitzing: Commentary, by Stephen R. Friberg (1998). Commmentary on Keven Brown's "Are 'Abdu'l-Bahá's views on evolution original?" and Eberhard von Kitzing's "Is the Bahá'í view of evolution compatible with modern science?"
  116. "Evolution of Reality," by George Land: Commentary, by Tony Michel (1991).
  117. "Exploring Male Oppressions from a Family-Systems Perspective,: Commentary and Response, by Hoda Mahmoudi, Janet Huggins (1991).
  118. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, a Bahá'í Perspective, by Giuseppe Robiati: Review, by Sen McGlinn (1998).
  119. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review, by Mary Fish (1991).
  120. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review, by Edward Rappaport (1991).
  121. Farrakhan, Cabala, Bahá'í, and 19, by Martin Gardner: Response, by William P. Collins (1997). Context of Bahá'í numerology.
  122. Five Books About 'Abdu'l-Baha: Review, by Kazem Kazemzadeh, Firuz Kazemzadeh (1971 Fall). Brief reviews of books by Myron Phelps (1904), Howard Colby Ives (1962), Mirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani (1914), Habib Mu'ayyad (1961), and Yunis Khan-i-Afrukhtih (1952).
  123. "Forging More Perfect Unions," by William Barnes: Commentary, by John A. Grayzel (1994).
  124. Forgotten Schools: The Baha'is and Modern Education in Iran, 1899-1934, by Soli Shahvar: Review, by Amin Banani (2010).
  125. Gardeners of God: An Encounter with Five Million Bahá'ís, by Colette Gouvion and Philippe Jouvion: Review, by Marc Foxhall (1998).
  126. Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Stephen Lambden (2010-04). Though limited in scholastic accuracy, this book will be appreciated by those seeking an introduction to the life and writings of the Bab, and is a worthwhile volume that contributes significantly to the neglected field of Babi-Bahá'í studies.
  127. Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Robert Stockman (2010-08).
  128. Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Jack McLean (2009). Review of the book, expanded into an essay on the Bab's ethics, laws, and use of symbolism.
  129. Gnostic Apocalypse and Islam, by Todd Lawson: Review, by Christopher Buck (2012).
  130. God Passes By, by Shoghi Effendi: Review, by Author unknown (1945-01-31). Brief review by a non-Bahá'í journal, written shortly after the publication of God Passes By.
  131. God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible, by Adam Nicolson: Review, by Geza Farkas (2005-12/2015-06).
  132. God, Chance, and Necessity, by Keith Ward: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1997-10).
  133. "Good of the World and the Happiness of the Nations: A Study of Modern Utopian and Dystopian Literature,: Commentary, by Ross Woodman (1989).
  134. Great Adventure, by Florence Mayberry: Review, by Roger M. Dahl (1997).
  135. Groovin' High: The Life of Dizzy Gillespie, by Alyn Shipton: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1999-07).
  136. Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith, by Della L. Marcus: Review, by Robert Postlethwaite (2000).
  137. Hidden Bounties: Memories of Pioneering on the Magdalene Islands, by Larry Rowdon: Review, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1994).
  138. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Review, by William Garlington (1998).
  139. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Review, by Anne Pearson (1990).
  140. In Iran: Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, vol. 3: Review, by Juan Cole (1988).
  141. "'In the Beginning Was the Word': Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul," by Ross Woodman: Commentary, by B. Hoff Conow (1995).
  142. Inner Limits of Mankind: Heretical Reflections on Today's Values, Culture and Politics, by Ervin Laszlo: Review, by John Danesh (1991).
  143. Islam and the Baha'i Faith: A comparative study of Muhammad `Abduh and `Abdul-Baha `Abbas: Review, by Denis MacEoin (2010).
  144. Jesus and Early Christianity in the Gospels: A New Dialogue, by Daniel Grolin: Review, by Christopher Buck (2003).
  145. Jesus Christ in the Bahá'í Writings, by Robert Stockman: Review: Commentary concerning the differences between Christian and Bahá'í terminology, by Michael W. Sours (1993). Discusses the station and titles of Christ in an attempt to find common ground with Christians.
  146. Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet, by Suheil Bushrui: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1999-01).
  147. Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin: Review, by Robert Stauffer (1999).
  148. Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin: Review, by Paul Dodenhoff (1998).
  149. Lab, the Temple, and the Market, ed. Sharon Harper: Review, by Glen A. Eyford (2002).
  150. Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, by Francis Collins: Review, by Carol Skrenes Trabing (2007).
  151. Last War: Racism, Spirituality, and the Future of Civilization, by Mark L. Perry: Review, by Richard Thomas (2006).
  152. Law and International Order: Proceedings of the First European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order: Review, by Joshua Lincoln (1997-10). Review of conference proceedings, highlighting Bahá'í law, governance, human rights, and future perspectives.
  153. Law of Love Enshrined, The: Selected Essays, by John Hatcher and William Hatcher: Review, by Susan Maneck (1997).
  154. Lectures on Bahá'í Inspired Curricula, by Farzam Arbab: Review, by Rodney H. Clarken (1995).
  155. Legacies of the Heart, by Larry Rowdon: Review, by Ian Kluge (1999).
  156. Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, by Anita Ioas Chapman, and Lua Getsinger, Herald of the Covenant, by Velda Piff Metelmann: Reviews, by Robert Weinberg (1999).
  157. Les Jardiniers de Dieu: À la Rencontre de Cinq Millions de Bahá'ís, par Colette Gouvion et Philippe Jouvion: Review, by Robert LaLiberte (1990).
  158. Letters and Essays, The Master in Akká, and In Iran: Studies in Babi and Baha'i History vol. 3: Reviews, by Todd Lawson (1988). Reviews of three books by Kalimat Press.
  159. Lexus and the Olive Tree, The, by Thomas Friedman: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1999-04).
  160. Life after Death: A Study of the Afterlife in Religions, by Farnaz Ma'sumian: Review, by Jack McLean (1998).
  161. Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi, The by M. H. Phelps: Review, G. Stanley Hall, ed. (1904-05). Sympathetic review of one of the earliest English-language books on the Faith.
  162. Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi, by Myron Henry Phelps: Review, G. Stanley Hall, ed. (1905).
  163. Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada, by Lynn Echevarria: Review, by Prem Kumari Srivastava (2014).
  164. Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada: Constructing Religious Identity in the Twentieth Century by Lynn Echevarria: Review, by Deborah K. van den Hoonaard (2014).
  165. Lighting the Western Sky: The Hearst Pilgrimage and the Establishment of the Bahá'í Faith in the West by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson: Review, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen (2014).
  166. Logos and Civilization: Spirit, History, and Order in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Seena Fazel, Dominic Parvis Brookshaw (2001).
  167. Logos and Civilization: Spirit, History, and Order in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Christopher Buck (2004-03).
  168. Logos and Civilization: Spirit, History, and Order in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Christopher Buck (2024-12). Review of Nader Saiedi's book that focuses on the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh.
  169. Love and Estrangement in the Bahá'í Community, by Arnold Nerenberg: Review, by Sidney Edward Morrison (1987). On personal feelings of alienation in the Bahá'í community, self image, and backbiting.
  170. Love, Power, and Justice: The Dynamics of Authentic Morality, by William Hatcher: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1998-07).
  171. Making of Portraits of Some Bahá'í Women by O.Z. Whitehead, The, by Wendi Momen (2003). Recollections by the editor/publisher of stories behind the writing of O.Z. 'Zebby' Whitehead's books, and some biographical information about Whitehead himself. Includes brief review by Edwin McCloughan from The Irish Times.
  172. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Christian Cannuyer, Greg Massiah, trans. (1998).
  173. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Denis MacEoin (2001-06).
  174. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Seena Fazel (2004-01-20).
  175. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Heshmat Moayyad (1998). A commentary for Bahá’ís examining the balance of critical thought with loyalty to Bahá’í institutions.
  176. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Seena Fazel (2004).
  177. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Manfred Hutter (1997-10).
  178. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Christian Cannuyer (1997).
  179. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Christian Cannuyer (1997).
  180. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer, Nicola Towfigh, and Ulrich Gollmer: Review, by Iain S. Palin (2000 November).
  181. Making the Crooked Straight, review by Denis MacEoin: Responses, by Anthony Lee, Kavian Sadeghzade Milani, Udo Schaefer (2001). Responses by Tony Lee, Kavian Milani, and Udo Schaefer to Denis MacEoin's review of Making the Crooked Straight by Udo Schaefer et al.
  182. Making the Invisible Visible: Introductory Books on the Bahá'í Faith, by Denis MacEoin (2012-08). Overview of contemporary issues in Bahá'í scholarship from an outsider's perspective, including definition of "New Religious Movement," links to Islam, and the succession of authority in light of the truncated guardianship and the lack of schisms.
  183. Mantle of the Prophet, The: Religion and Politics in Iran, by Roy Mottahedeh: Review, by Lauran Walker (1997).
  184. Mark Tobey: A retrospective exhibition: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1998-01).
  185. Materialism: Moral and Social Consequences, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review, by Erik Carlson (2019).
  186. Memorials of the Faithful, by Abdu'l-Bahá: Review, by Ron Price (1999). On the themes, biographies, and importance of this book.
  187. Mikhail Sergeev, Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity and the Bahá'í Faith: Review, by Benjamin Olshin (2015).
  188. Mirror of the Divine: Art in the Bahá'í World Community, by Ludwig Tuman: Review, by Constance M. Chen (1997).
  189. Modernity and Millennium, by Juan Cole: Some Reflections, by Amin Banani (1999).
  190. Modernity and the Millennium, a response by Amin Banani: Response to review, by Juan Cole (2000).
  191. Modernity and the Millennium, by Juan Cole: Review, by Barbara D. Metcalf (2000).
  192. Modernity and the Millennium, by Juan Cole: Review, by Sen McGlinn (1999).
  193. Modernity and the Millennium, by Juan Cole: Review, by Merlin Swartz (2000-06).
  194. Modernity and the Millennium, by Juan Cole, by Denis MacEoin (1999).
  195. Muhammad and the Course of Islam, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review, by L. P. Elwell-Sutton (1977).
  196. Music Reviews: Five New Recordings of Bahá'í Music, by Simon Maw hinney (1998). Reviews of Songs of the Ancient Beauty, Lift up Your Hearts and Sing, The Prince of Peace, Here at Black Mesa, and From the Sweet-Scented Streams of Eternity.
  197. Music Reviews, by Simon Maw hinney (1999). Reviews of recordings by Bahá'í artists Geoff and Michaela Smith; Chris Ruhe; Kamran, Khodjasteh, and Averill; Ben Koen and the Unity Ensemble; and Merz.
  198. Music, Devotions, and Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram: Review, by Robert Stockman (1988).
  199. Native Messengers of God in Canada? A test case for Bahá'í universalism, by Christopher Buck: Commentary, by William P. Collins (1998).
  200. Never Be Afraid to Dare: The Story of 'General Jack,' by Jan Jasion: Review, by Lil Osborn (2004).
  201. Night Songs and New Seeds, by Michael Fitzgerald: Review, by Larry Rowdon (1993).
  202. No Jim Crow Church: The Origins of South Carolina's Bahá'í Community, by Louis Venters: Review, by Richard Thomas (2016).
  203. "Notes Postmarked The Mountain of God," by Roger White: Review, by Larry Rowdon (1997).
  204. Occasions of Grace, by Roger White: Review, by Alex Aronson (1991).
  205. Ocean of His Words, by John Hatcher: Review, by Sen McGlinn (1999).
  206. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentary and Responses, by Iraj Ayman, Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez, M. K. Rohani (1991). Ayman comments (1) on determinism vs. fate and (2) that Loehle's article doesn't take into account the original meanings in Arabic and Persian of the word for "chance." Brill and Rohani reply with observations about translation and interpretation.
  207. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentary, by Arash Abizadeh (1990).
  208. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentaries and Responses, by Iraj Ayman, John S. Hatcher, Craig Loehle (1992).
  209. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Response to Commentary, by Keven Brown (1994).
  210. On Jesus' Cry from the Cross, by Christopher Buck (1983-03). Comments on an article by Stephen Lambden on "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
  211. On the Originality of Species: The Convergence of Evolutionary Science and Bahá'í Teachings by Bryan Donaldson: Review, by Douglas Perry (2024-12).
  212. On the Shoulders of Giants, by Craig Loehle: Review, by Gilbert Bartholomew (1994).
  213. One Life, One Memory, by Rúhá Asdáq: Review, by Paul Mantle (2016).
  214. One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, by William Greider: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1997).
  215. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review, by Moojan Momen (1998).
  216. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review, by Graham Hassall (1997).
  217. Origins of the Baha'i Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review, by Michael McMullen (1997-12-22).
  218. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review, by Christopher Buck (1999-12).
  219. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review, by Loni Bramson-Lerche (1998).
  220. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Harold Coward (1999).
  221. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Daniel Grolin (1999).
  222. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Reviews, by Andrew Rippin, John Renard, Will C. van den Hoonaard, et al. (2000/2002). Three short reviews from Studies in Religion, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, and Humanities.
  223. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Kathleen E. McVey (2003).
  224. Paradise and Paradigm, by Christopher Buck: Review, by William P. Collins (2001).
  225. Pattern of Dust, A: Selected Poems 1965-1990, by Timothy Wangusa: Reviews, by Peter Nazareth (1996-03-01).
  226. Peace for Our Planet — A New Approach, by Roya Akhavan: Review, by Warren Waren (2018).
  227. Persian Mirrors, by Elaine Sciolino: Review, by Ira Lapidus (2000-09-27).
  228. Persian Revolution of 1905-1909, The, by E. G. Browne: Reviews, by Various (1996/1997). Three reviews, published in CIRA Bulletin, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, and Journal of Islamic Studies.
  229. Phenomenon of Religion, The by Moojan Momen: Review, by Christopher Buck (1999). This review of The Phenomenon of Religion utilizes Buck's DREAMS paradigm: Doctrinal, Ritual, Ethical, Artistic, Mystical, and Social dimensions of religion, a refinement of the dimensional model of religion.
  230. Philosophic Values and World Citizenship: Locke to Obama and Beyond, ed. Jacoby Adeshai Carter and Leonard Harris: Review, by Christopher Buck (2012).
  231. Phoenix and the Ashes: The Bahá'í Faith and the Modern Apocalypse, by Geoffrey Nash: Review, by John Huddleston (1988). 19th-century optimism, disillusionment with contemporary society, philosophy of history, political theory, Arthur Koestler and Aldous Huxley, and the future of humanity. Includes review of Jon Winokur's The Portable Curmudgeon, by Robert Ballenger.
  232. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy 1831-1896, by Abbas Amanat: Review, by Sholeh A. Quinn (1998).
  233. Planning Progress: Lessons from Shoghi Effendi, by June Manning Thomas: Review, by Lynn Echevarria-Howe (2000).
  234. Processes of the Lesser Peace, ed. by Babak Bahador and Nazila Ghanea: Review, by William P. Collins (2004).
  235. Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Commentary and Responses, by Michael W. Sours, Christopher Buck (1994). Editorial statement about the nature of Bahá'í scholarship and academic debate, followed by responses from each of the authors.
  236. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review, by Cyrus Agahi (1999).
  237. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review, by Stephen Miller (1997).
  238. Psychology of Spirituality, The, by H.B. Danesh: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1995).
  239. "Purpose of Poetry," by Shirin Sabri: Commentary, by David L. Erickson (1989).
  240. Question of Gender, A: A Forum on the Status of Men in Bahá'í Law, by Susan Stiles Maneck, Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani, R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, Anthony Lee (1987). Six authors address issues of theology, sociology, law, inheritance, equality, the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, marriage, and feminism raised by John and Linda Walbridge's article "Bahá'í Laws on the Status of Men" (World Order 1984).
  241. "Race, Immorality and Money in the American Bahá'í Community: Impeaching the Los Angeles Spiritual Assembly," by Juan Cole: Commmentary, by Robert Stockman (2000-04). Response to Cole's article in the same issue, which analyzes the dissolution of the Bahá'í local assembly of Los Angeles in 1986-88 by the US NSA.
  242. Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, by Richard Thomas: Review, by Nassim Berdjis (1996).
  243. Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, by Richard Thomas: Review, by Graham Hassall (1997).
  244. Radio Baha'i Ecuador, by Kurt Hein: Review, by Des O'Shea (1989).
  245. Reading of Sona Farid-Arbab's Moral Empowerment: In Quest of a Pedagogy, A, by Gerald Filson (2018). On the central goal of education and how it can address our evolving need to learn about both the physical and social world at a time when knowledge and information are accumulating at such an incredible pace.
  246. Reception of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Britain: East Comes West, by Brendan McNamara, The: Review, by Robert Stockman (2024-12).
  247. Religion and Relevance: The Baha'is in Britain 1899-1930, by Lil Osborn: Review, by Moojan Momen (2017).
  248. Religion, Orientalism and Modernity: Mahdi Movements of Iran and South Asia, by Geoffrey Nash: Review, by Dietrich Jung (2023). Link to review (offsite).
  249. Religious Minorities in Iran, by Eliz Sanasarian: Review, by Farideh Farhi (2001-06-22).
  250. Religious Minorities in Iran, by Eliz Sanasarian: Review, by Robert Brenton Betts (2001-12-01).
  251. Religious Myths and Visions of America, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Richard Kyle (2011-06).
  252. Religious Myths and Visions of America, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Iren E. Annus (2012-02).
  253. Remembering the Master: A Review of Ramona Allen Brown's Memories of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: Recollections of the Early Days of the Bahá'í Faith in California, by Firuz Kazemzadeh (1980 Spring/Summer).
  254. Representing the Unpresentable: Historical Images of National Reform, by Negar Mottaheddeh: Review, by Jack Kalpakian (2008). Book review that touches on the Islamic Republic's treatment of judgment day and how it relates to Bábí doctrine; the image of the Bábí as the internal, modern other inside Iran's national psyche; Qurrat al-'Ayn as a female equivalent of Joseph.
  255. Response, by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani: Review, by Elizabeth Shema (1986).
  256. Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Bábí Movement in Iran, by Abbas Amanat: Review, by Amin Banani (1989-1990).
  257. Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention: A Fresh Legal Approach Based on Fundamental Ethical Principles in International Law and World Religions, by Brian Lepard: Review, by Dwight Bashir (2004).
  258. Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá'í Pioneers, by Evelyn Loft Watts and Patricia Verge: Review, by Lee Brown (2013). History of the first Aboriginal believers in Canada, who moved from Michigan to pioneer in the Tyendinaga First Nation in Ontario in 1948.
  259. Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá'í Pioneers, by Evelyn Loft Watts and Patricia Verge: Review, by Louise Profeit-LeBlanc (2014).
  260. Revelation and Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality, by Paul Lample: Review, by Kenneth E. Bowers (2009).
  261. Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology, by Jack McLean: Review, by Susan Maneck (1999).
  262. Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology, ed. Jack Mclean: Review, by David Piff (1999).
  263. Revisiting Vietnam: A Case for Reading "Those War Books", by David Langness (1986). Brief reviews of a dozen books about the Vietnam war.
  264. Rhapsody, God's Whimsy, and Planet Dreams, by Michael Fitzgerald: Reviews, by Ann Boyles (1991).
  265. Rituals in Babism and Bahá'ísm, by Denis MacEoin: Review, by Christopher Buck (1996-08). A compact, well-documented academic study including a representative selection of texts; by focussing only on texts it omits actual Bahá'í practice and over-emphasizes the ritual elements found in the Bahá'í Faith.
  266. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, by John Walbridge: Review, by R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram (1996).
  267. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time, by John Walbridge: Review, by Michael McMullen (1999).
  268. Saddlebag, The: A Fable for Doubters and Seekers, by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani: Review, by Carolyn See (2000-09-15).
  269. Saddlebag: A Fable for Doubters and Seekers, by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani: Review, by Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis (2002).
  270. Salaam Cinema: On Mohsen Makhmalbaf, by Adina Hoffman (2013-10-07). An Iranian director's ongoing meditations on the nature of illusion and reality, truth and consequences. Includes a review of The Gardener, a documentary about the Bahá'í Faith.
  271. Saving Private Ryan: Review, by Milan Voykovic, Shamim Razavi (1998). Review of film, with thoughts for Bahá'ís: Is there such a thing as a "just war"? What forms of "sacrifice" can be justified? When should collective ethics override individual conscience?
  272. Science and Religion: Towards the Restoration of an Ancient Harmony, by Anjam Khursheed: Review, by G. A. Bartholomew (1988).
  273. "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God," by William S. Hatcher: Commentaries and Responses, by Arash Abizadeh, Ross Woodman, William S. Hatcher (1997).
  274. "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God," by William S. Hatcher: Commentaries and Responses, by Gordon Dicks, Philip Belove, William S. Hatcher (1994).
  275. Scripture and Revelation, ed. Moojan Momen: Review, by Daniel Grolin (2000 Spring).
  276. Scripture and Revelation, ed. Moojan Momen: Review, by Brian A. Miller (2001).
  277. Search for a Just Society, The, by John Huddleston: Review, by Danesh Sarooshi (1994).
  278. Search for a Just Society, by John Huddleston: Review, by Richard G. R. Schickele (1990).
  279. Secret of Divine Civilization, by 'Abdu'l-Baha: The Education of Nations: A Review, by Barbara Casterline (1972-09).
  280. Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne on the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, ed. Moojan Momen: Review, by John Danesh (1989).
  281. Sense of History, by John S. Hatcher: Review, by Michael Fitzgerald (1990).
  282. Seven Candles of Unity: The Story of `Abdu'l-Bahá in Edinburgh, by Anjam Khursheed: Review, by Wendi Momen (1993).
  283. Shaykhisme à la période qajare, by Denis Hermann: Review, by Fares Gillon (2019).
  284. Shaykhisme à la période qajare, by Denis Hermann: Review, by Yann Richard (2020).
  285. Shoghi Effendi in Oxford and Earlier, by Riaz Khadem: Review, by Anne Furlong (2000).
  286. Shoghi Effendi in Oxford, by Riaz Khadem, and Her Eternal Crown, Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith, by Della Marcus: Reviews, by Lil Osborn (2001).
  287. Shoghi Effendi through the Pilgrim's Eye by Earl Redman: Review, by Catherine Nash (2017).
  288. Short History of the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith, and Short Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Reviews, by Christopher Buck (1997).
  289. Social and Economic Development: A Bahá'í Approach, by Holly Hanson Vick: Review, by Glen A. Eyford (1990).
  290. Songs for the Phoenix, by Michael Fitzgerald: Review, by Anne Gordon Perry (1997).
  291. Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History, The: A Survey, by Denis MacEoin: Review, by John Walbridge (1993-07-01).
  292. Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History, by Denis MacEoin: Some Notes, by Grover Gonzales (2022).
  293. Story of David and Esther Tanyi, by Enoch Tanyi Nyenti: Review, by Moojan Momen (2018).
  294. Striving Together: A Way Forward in Christian-Muslim Relations, by Charles Kimball: A Jihad for All Seasons: Review, by Seena Fazel (1994).
  295. Strong Foundationalism in the Bahá'í Faith?: An Analysis of Michael Karlberg's 'Ontological Foundationalism', by Filip Boicu (2022-04). A close reading of Michael Karlberg's Constructing Social Reality. An Inquiry into the Normative Foundations of Social Change, and reflections on the Bahá’í methodology for social justice and social change that he has put forward.
  296. Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions vol. 5, ed. Moojan Momen: Review, by Frank Lewis (1999-12). Review of a collection of five articles about various subjects.
  297. Study of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to the Christians, by Michael Sours, A: Review, by Jack McLean (1990).
  298. Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi, by Morten Bergsmo: Review, by Melanie Smith (1992).
  299. Style of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, The: Aspects of the Sublime, by Suheil Bushrui: Review, by Miles L. Bradbury (1998).
  300. Style of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, The: Aspects of the Sublime, by Suheil Bushrui: Review, by Sen McGlinn (1996).
  301. Substance Abuse Alcohol and Drug Abuse: A Psychosocial and Spiritual Approach to Prevention, by A.M. Ghadirian: Review, by John Guilfoyle (2011-01).
  302. Symbol and Secret: Qur'an Commentary in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Jonah Winters (1999).
  303. Symbol and Secret: Qur'an Commentary in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan, by Christopher Buck: Review, by Frank Lewis (1996).
  304. Symbol and Secret and Revisioning the Sacred: Reviews, by Jonah Winters (1999-12).
  305. "Symbolism in the Badí' Calendar," by Robin Mihrshahi: Review, by Ismael Velasco (2004).
  306. "Symbols of Individuation in E. S. Stevens's The Mountain of God," by Cal E. Rollins: Review, by Ross Woodman (1989-1990).
  307. Tafsír as Mystical Experience, by Todd Lawson: Review, by Christopher Buck (2020-04).
  308. "Tahirih: A Religious Paradigm of Womanhood," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary, by Janet Cundall (1992).
  309. Take My Love to the Friends: The Story of Laura R. Davis, by Marlene Macke: Review, by Lynn Echevarria (2008). Key figures in the development of the Bahá'í community in Canada.
  310. The Bábí and Bahá'í Religions: From Messianic Shi'ism to World Religion, by Peter Smith: Review, by Jack McLean (1988).
  311. The Bahá'ís of America: The Growth of a Religious Movement, by Mike McMullen: Review, by Christopher Buck (2017-08-22).
  312. The Bahá'ís of America: The Growth of a Religious Movement by Mike McMullen: Review, by Moojan Momen (2016).
  313. The Bahá'ís of Iran: Socio-historical Studies, by Dominic Brookshaw and Seena Fazel: Reviews, by Stephen Lambden, Sholeh A. Quinn, Oliver Scharbrodt, Soli Shahvar (2008). Four reviews from various publications.
  314. The Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh and The Ministry of the Custodians: Reviews, by John Danesh, Seena Fazel (1993). Review of works by Adib Taherzadeh and the Bahá’í World Centre.
  315. The Development of the Bábí/Bahá'í Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives, by Youli Ioannesyan: Review, by Christopher Buck (2015-05).
  316. The Life of Laura Barney, by Mona Khademi: Review, by Jack McLean (2023-07).
  317. The Maxwells of Montreal, volumes 1-2, by Violette Nakhjavani: Review, by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson (2013).
  318. The Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Review, by Christopher Buck (1992).
  319. The Psychology of Spirituality, by Hossein B. Danesh: Review, by Rhett Diessner (1995).
  320. "The Purpose of Poetry," by Shirin Sabri: Commentary, by Jack McLean (1989).
  321. The Quickening: Unknown Poetry of Tahirih, by John S. Hatcher and Amrollah Hemmat: Review, by Shahbaz Fatheazam (2015).
  322. "The Role of Material Goods in Spiritual Development," by Lin Poyer: Commentary, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1989).
  323. The Spirit of Agriculture, ed. Paul Hanley: Review, by Arthur Lyon Dahl (2005).
  324. The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment, by Robert Prescott-Allen: Review, by Kim Naqvi (2003).
  325. The Woman Who Read Too Much: A Novel, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavani: Review, by Mary A. Sobhani (2018).
  326. The World of the Bahá'í Faith, ed. Robert H. Stockman: Review, by Michael Sabet (2023-07).
  327. Theocratic Assumptions in Bahá'í Literature," by Sen McGlinn: Review, by Susan Maneck (2007-03).
  328. Thief in the Night or The Strange Case of the Missing Millennium, by William Sears: Review, by Anonymous (1998).
  329. Three Books on Self-Help and Healing: Review, by Mary K. Radpour (2017).
  330. Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran, by Ervand Abrahamian: Review, by Mansour Farhang (2000-06-26).
  331. Toward a Socially Responsible Psychology for a Global Era, ed. edited by Elena Mustakova-Possardt et al.: Review, by Michael L. Penn (2016).
  332. Toward the Most Great Justice: Elements of Justice in the New World Order, by Charles Lerche: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1996-07).
  333. Towards the Summit of Reality, by Julio Savi: Review, by Ismael Velasco (2008).
  334. Transition to a Global Society, by Suhail Bushrui: Review, by Susan Lamb (1994).
  335. Translator of Desires: Poems by Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabí, trans. by Michael Sells: Review, by Todd Lawson (2022). Book review includes a brief discussion of the word tarjumán, "translation" (and the name of a Bahá'í email list), and touches on themes relevant to the Bahá'í Writings, but contains no mention of the Bábí or Bahá'í Faiths.
  336. Two Books on the Life of Tahirih: Review, by Catherine Nash (2019). Reviews of Rejoice in My Gladness: The Life of Táhirih and The Calling: Táhirih of Persia and Her American Contemporaries.
  337. Unité dans la diversité — les religions au service de la verité, by O. P. Ghai: Review, by Pierre-Yves Mocquais (1989).
  338. Unity: The Creative Foundation of Peace, by H. B. Danesh: Review, by Susan Lamb (1988).
  339. Universe Within, The: An Exploration of the Human Spirit, by Anjam Khursheed: Review, by Brad Pokorny (1995).
  340. Unless and Until: A Bahá'í Focus on the Environment, by Arthur Lyon Dahl: Review, by William Gregg (1991).
  341. Unlocking the Gate of the Heart, by Lasse Thoresen: Review, by Duane Troxel (2000).
  342. Unofficial Bahá'í Lore, by David Piff: Review, by Iarfhlaith Watson (2001).
  343. Unveiling the Hidden Words, by Diana Malouf: An Extended Review, by Frank Lewis (1998). Book review, and a commentary on the need for Bahá'í academia aimed at a secular audience, and the possibility of updating the Guardian's translations when English evolves in the future.
  344. Unveiling the Hidden Words, by Diana Malouf: Commentary on "Translating the Hidden Words,' review by Franklin Lewis, by Dominic Parvis Brookshaw (1999).
  345. Unveiling the Hidden Words, by Diana Malouf: Review, by Ann Boyles (1999).
  346. Visions of Peace, Strategies for Change: Bahá'í Books on Creating a New World Order, by William Garlington (1986). Reviews of To the Peoples of the World: A Bahá'í Statement on Peace, by the Universal House of Justice, World Peace and World Government, by Jan Tyson, and Circle of Peace. ed. Anthony Lee.
  347. Way to Inner Freedom: A Practical Guide to Personal Development, by Erik Blumenthal: Review, by Dawn K. Smith (1989).
  348. When the Saints Come Marching In: The Art of Bahá'í Biography, by Sidney Edward Morrison, Frank Lewis (1986). Comments on hagiography, including reviews of nine popular Bahá'í biographies. Includes response "In Praise of Saints" by Frank Lewis (from dialogue 1:3).
  349. "Whither the International Auxiliary Language?" by Phyllis Ghim Lian Chew: Commentary, by Susan Gilman (1990).
  350. "Who is Writing the Future? Reflections on the Twentieth Century": Thoughts on the Statement Prepared by the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Public Information, by Jack McLean (2001). Reflections on the structure and themes of this document.
  351. Who is Writing the Future? Reflections on the Twentieth Century, by Bahá'í International Community: Review, by Iain S. Palin (1999-10).
  352. Will and Testament of Abdul Baha, The: An Analysis, by Ahmad Sohrab: Review, by Author unknown (1944-08-16).
  353. Wisdom and Wit of Roger White, The: Two Reviews, by Marzieh Gail, Hilda Phillips (1987). Reviews of White's books One Bird One Cage One Flight and A Sudden Music.
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