- 1852: The Darkest Period in the Babi History: Essay and Translation of Article from Vaghaye-e-Ettenfagheih, Mohammad Norozi, comp. (2024). English translation of and overview of article from official Iranian newspaper Vaghaye-e-Ettefagheih about events that took place after the Shah's attempted assassination; scan of original and typed version of article (in Farsi).
- 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1970-1995). Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995.
- 1996: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1996). Collection of newspaper articles from 1996.
- 1997: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1997). Collection of newspaper articles from 1997.
- 1998: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1998). Collection of newspaper articles from 1998.
- 1999: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1999). Collection of newspaper articles from 1999.
- 2000: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2000). Collection of newspaper articles from 2000.
- 2001: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2001). Collection of newspaper articles from 2001.
- 2002: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2002). Collection of newspaper articles from 2002.
- 2003: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2003). Collection of newspaper articles from 2003.
- 2004: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2004). Collection of newspaper articles from 2004.
- 2005: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (2005). Collection of newspaper articles from 2005.
- 50,000 Newspaper Clippings from newspapers.com, Steven Kolins, comp. (2023). Excel files with OCRed text, and PDF files with thumbnail image clippings linked to newspapers.com, of tens of thousands of articles from 1748-2023.
- A Última Heterodoxia, by Ana Cristina Leonardo (2006-03-11). Article published in Expresso, a very influential newspaper in Portugal. A positive article towards the Faith.
- Abdel Karim Effendi: He Visits America and Sets Aside the False Teachings of Dr. Kheiralla, by Author unknown (1900-07-01). A short account in a non-Bahá'í periodical of Haji Abdu'l-Karim Effendi's visit to New York in May 1900 to counter Ibrahim Kheiralla's actions against the Covenant.
- `Abdu'l-Bahá in Manhattan, by Kurt Asplund (2013-01-15). Maps of all the places visited by `Abdu'l-Bahá in 1912, from Miniature Atlas of the Borough of Manhattan in One Volume, complete with detailed descriptions of each location, quotations from people present, and excerpts from newspaper articles.
- `Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 Howard University Speech: A Civil War Discourse for Interracial Emancipation, by Christopher Buck, Nahzy Abadi Buck (2012-12-22). Presentation at Grand Canyon Bahá'í Conference on Abdu'l-Bahá and the Black Intelligentsia, especially W. E. B. Du Bois; his speech to the NAACP; and reproductions of many newspaper clippings covering his visit to Washington, DC.
- ['Abdu'l-Bahá] Declares Zionists Must Work with Other Races: From the Globe and Commercial Advertiser (New York, July 17, 1919), by Marion Weinstein (1919-09-08). An interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the League of Nations, Bahá'í ideas for peace, and the Holy Land. [Note: at this time in history, years before the Second World War, the terms "Zionist" and "Palestine" had somewhat different meanings.]
- 'Abdul Baha Talks to Kate Carew of Things Spiritual and Mundane, by Kate Carew (1912-05-05).
- Address of Col. A. C. Fisk: Before the Bahai Assembly, in New York City, Giving His Personal Views of What the Movement Means, by Archie C. Fisk (1910-11). The Bahá'í teachings are more than idealistic theories; the Faith is a practical instrument made for the present age; on the responsibilities of rulers, universal language, social evolution, unity of religion, and global justice.
- Appreciations of the Bahá'í Faith, by Various, Author unknown, comp. (1941). Excerpts from books, magazines, newspaper articles, and testimonials.
- Are Independents Just Partisans In Disguise?, by Shankar Vedantam (2012-08-22). Political attitudes and voting patterns in the United States, including brief interview with a Bahá'í voter.
- As Others See Him: Jesus asks all people 'Who do people say that I am?': Replies from several non-Christians, by Christopher Buck, et al. (1997-03-30). A short collection of non-Christian perspectives on Jesus, published in commemoration of Easter.
- As sure as spring follows winter, better times are ahead, by Ted Slavin (2011). Seasonal spring can be a metaphor for spiritual spring: the renewal of faith. Bahá'ís celebrate both in the annual festival of Ridvan, and this April they will also be praying for the release of imprisoned Iranian Bahá'ís.
- Báb, The: Newspaper Articles and Other Publications 1845-1859, Jan T. Jasion, comp. (2019-12-26). List of 1490 articles from newspapers, books, and journals referencing The Báb and the Bábís, from Europe, the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand.
- Babi Attempt on the Life of the Shah, 1852: Coverage in the New York Times, by New York Times, Ralph D. Wagner, comp. (1852). Five brief newspaper reports, among the earliest known references to the Báb in an American publication.
- Babs of Persia, The, by Thomas Chaplin (1871-10-05). Eight versions/excerpts of an article originally published in The Times of London Oct. 5, 1871, and then reprinted elsewhere.
- Bahá'í: A Second Look, by Marcus Bach (1957-04-10). A positive assessment of the Bahá'í faith by an outsider.
- Baha'i Doctrine Attracts Non-whites, by James S. Tinney (1983-10-20). On the Bahá'í Faith's progress toward racial unity; brief bios of Glenford Mitchell, Amoz Gibson, Wilma Brady, Barbara Eaton Bond, and Alberta Deas; reflections on Black experiences of the Bahá'í community.
- Bahá'í Essays in the Times Colonist, by Badi Shams (2017-2024). 52 essays: spiritual cost of higher a standard of living; religious prejudice; spiritual principles and financial planning; loving vs. fearing God; gap between rich and poor; philosophy of Karma and science and religion; role of spirituality in economics.
- Baha'i Faith Will Advertise: Editorial, by Author unknown (1946-09-25). One-paragraph report of a 1946 outreach effort.
- Bahá'í Message, The, by Walter Bryant Guy (1927-1928). A series of 16 newspaper articles summarizing Bahá'í history and teachings in "Florida's Oldest News Weekly Newspaper" by a writer who visited Abdu'l-Bahá several times between 1901-1921 and traveled extensively among the Bahá'ís in foreign lands.
- Bahá'í News: Complete issues, by Various (1924-1990). Link to offsite documents.
- Bahá'í Schism Battles It out in Court, by Manya A. Brachear (2009-05-30). Short article touching on a lawsuit to prevent covenant-breakers from using the word "Bahá'í" and "The Greatest Name."
- Bahá'í Temple Moves Toward Completion, by Author unknown (1941-10-22). One-paragraph blurb from 1941.
- Bahá'ís have outsized MLK presence, by Abe Levy (2013-01-18). Bahá'ís play an increasingly-active role in events celebrating the message of Martin Luther King.
- Bahá'ís Têm Nova Direcção Mundial, by Antonio Marujo (2003-05-08). Article on the Election of the Universal House of Justice, published in a Portuguese newspaper.
- Bahá'ísm Today, by Wilhelmina Bain (1913-08). Short, early overview of the Bahá'í Faith, among the first published in New Zealand.
- Brief Account of the Bahai Movement, A, by Archie C. Fisk (1910-10). Short profile of the Faith's history and teachings.
- California Digital Newspaper Collection: Unformatted Partial Archive 1872-2017, by Various (1872-2017). 9,851 uncorrected OCR-ed clippings from the California Digital Newspaper Collection, in Excel or HTML format.
- Cases of Dhabihu'llah Mahrami and Musa Talibi, The, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, Amnesty International, United States Department of State, Alan Dershowitz (1998-04). In June 1994 and January 1996, two Bahá'ís in Iran were arrested and later sentenced to death for the crime of apostasy from Islam. These 9 documents and articles are about their case.
- Celebrating a 'revolutionary' who ushered in a new age, by Ted Slavin (2009-10-17). The heretical and progressive message of The Báb.
- Celebrating Survival, by Ted Slavin (2011). Hardships lead to spiritual growth. Grief is sent by God to perfect us, and comfort comes from passing through difficult times.
- Chicago Defender: Newspaper Archive 1910-1975, by Various (1910-1975). 1,677 clippings, unsorted, in scanned PDF.
- Comunidade Bahá'í em Portugal, by Rute Moreira (2001-01-13). An article published in a Portuguese Newspaper with an introductory text to the Bahai Faith.
- Criminalizing the Bahá'í Religion, by Christopher Buck (2009-03-15). The opposite of freedom of religion is the banning of religion; the Bahá'í community in Iran being a case in point; the pattern of oppression.
- Cultivation of Belief, The: 'The Gardener,' Mohsen Makhmalbaf's Inquiry Into Religion, by Manohla Dargis (2013-08-08). A review of The Gardener, a meditative documentary by an outsider which is partly about the Bahá'í Faith.
- Destiny of America and The Promise of World Peace, The, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (2001-12-23). Statement published as a full-page ad in New York Times on prerequisites for world peace: acceptance of the oneness of humanity; eradication of racism; emancipation of women; elimination of wealth disparity; end to nationalism; religious harmony.
- Dichotomies of Charles Dickens still hold true today, The, by Ted Slavin (2011-02-19). On the state of the present-day world, which swings between the extremes of unprecedented achievements and unimaginable horrors.
- Earliest Published Mention of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in the West: Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung April 8, 1845, by Author unknown (1845-04-08). Clippings from the newspaper Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (1805 Freiburg – 1859 Leipzig), April 8 1845, the earliest known published mention of the Bábí Faith in the West.
- Early History of the Bahá'í Faith in Stornoway/Western Isles, An, by Pixie MacCallum (2024). Introduction to and history of the Faith in the Scottish Isles, including collection of newspaper clippings and photographs. (Link to document, offsite.)
- Early Mention of Bábís in Western Newspapers, Summer 1850, by Various (1850). Very brief newspaper mentions about the rise of the Bábí movement: Tioga Eagle (Wellsborough, Pennsylvania) 1850-08-21; Church and State Gazette (Middlesex, London) 1850-07-19; Nevada State Journal 1871-12-23.
- Early Published Mention of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faiths in the West: Morning Advertiser April 16, 1845, by Author unknown (1845-04-16). Clippings from the newspaper Morning Advertiser, April 16 1845, which one of the earliest known published mentions of the Bábí Faith in the West.
- Faith and Works: Maoris and the Bahá'í Faith, by Various (1995-05). The transcript of an interview with two New Zealand Bahá'ís, Huti Toataua and Hedi Moani, aired by the New Zealand National Radio show "Faith and Works" (May, 1995) on "the growing relationship between the Maori community and the Bahá'í Faith."
- Fasting: A Time of Spiritual House Cleaning, by Badi Shams (2022-02-02). It may look strange to connect fasting with unity, but most conflicts and problems are caused by the lack of a spiritual approach to difficult issues; fasting and praying are effective tools.
- Fasting period ends Sunday, by Ted Slavin (2011-03-19). The Fast helps us remember the goals of eradicating poverty and achieving gender equality.
- First Newspaper Stories of the Events of the Bábí Faith: November 1845, Steven Kolins, comp. (2013). Six versions of some the first public mentions in English of the Bábís, from November 1845. [Mentions from April 1845 have since been found.]
- First Public Mentions of the Bahá'í Faith in the West, by Bahá'í Information Office of the UK (1998). Short essay based on research by Moojan Momen and Derek Cockshutt. The first mention for the Faith in the West was not in 1893, but rather in a number of earlier talks on the Faith in England, and reports on the Babis in the 1850s.
- From Nayriz to New York: Hussein Ahdieh and the Story of Harlem Prep, by Sean Nevins (2016-08-19). Brief overview of the history of the Harlem Prep School and bio of its founder.
- Hainsworth, Philip, by Author unknown (2001-12-21). Bio of a prominent pioneer, administrator, and author.
- Harrison G. Dyar: Articles, by John Kelly (2012). Links to a 10-part series of columns about Harrison Dyar, one of Washington D.C.’s most unusual residents (the "mysterious tunnel builder"), and another Bahá'í, Wellesca Pollock. Includes many mentions of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Bahá'í Faith.
- History of the Bahá'í Faith in Trinidad and Tobago: Biographies and newspaper articles, by Kathryn Anderson, Kathleen Farabi (2010). Link to a website containing photographs, histories, biographies, and the newspaper articles "First Bahá'í wedding in Trinidad" (1970), "First NSA of the Bahá'ís of Trinidad" (1971), and "Hand of the Cause Ugo Giachery" (1972).
- Hojjatiyeh, Mesbahiyeh, and Ahmadinejad, by Muhammad Sahimi (2010-09-29). History of anti-Bahá'í activities in Iran.
- Holy Land's Low-Profile Religion, The, by Oakland Ross (2007/10/22). Brief overview of the Bahá'í Faith and its place in Israel.
- How a 19th-century Persian faith became the second-most common religion in our state: Why So Many Bahá'í?, by Paul Bowers (2014-06-18).
- Huffington Post articles about the Bahá'í Faith, by Various (n.d.). Link to thousands of items at huffingtonpost.com mentioning, or about, the Bahá'í Faithh.
- Human Rights Watch on Persecution of Baha'is in Iran, by Reuters (1997-09-24). Two articles covering a report by Human Rights Watch on the treatment of the Bahá'ís and other minorities in Iran.
- Humankind can't fly until men and women are truly equal, by Ted Slavin (2011). Bahá'ís recognize the importance of International Women's Day. William Hatcher had many observations about the importance of equality and the place of women.
- I am a Bahá'í, by Guy Murchie (1958-07-13). "An Exotic Faith Has Built One of the World's Great Temples Here. A Believer Tells What That Faith Means to Him."
- Imbrie Murder Laid to Religious Hate, by Author unknown (1924-07-24). Two brief articles describing the 1924 murder of an American diplomat by a Muslim mob who thought he was a Bahá'í.
- In the Face of Oppression, by Geoffrey Cameron (2011-07-29). The Bahá'ís in Iran have long been persecuted, but stand strong in their pursuit of a just society.
- In the Footsteps of 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Master in the British Isles 1911, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom (2011/2021). A collection of extracts from the Writings, pilgrims' notes, and newspapers summarizing Abdu'l-Bahá's first visit to the United Kingdom, prepared by the NSA of the United Kingdom for centenary observations.
- In tough times, we could all be a little more spiritual, by Ted Slavin (2009-06-20). The importance of praying with and for our friends and neighbors.
- Investment in your community reaps priceless profits, by Ted Slavin (2010-90-18). Getting to know people in your community, and being helpful to your neighbors, has unexpected benefits.
- Iran Seeks to Suppress Baha'i Faith: Editorial, by Author unknown (1955-06-08). One-paragraph editorial from 1955.
- Iran's Genocidal Mentality, by W. Andy Knight (2010-08-19). The systematic, government-sanctioned persecution of the Bahá'í minority in Iran can be considered a crime against humanity.
- Iranian Bahá'ís in captivity are living, and suffering, for all of us, by Ted Slavin (2011). Why did a group of Bahá'ís in Iran in 1983 choose to be executed rather than renounce their faith? A new group of Bahá'ís in Iran is facing the same fate.
- Iranian fun and games with Bahá'í followers, by Ted Slavin (2010-08-21). Satirical look at contemporary Iranian persecutions of the Bahá'ís.
- Iranian Intellectuals and the Bahá'ís, Ahang Rabbani, comp. and trans. (2010-04). 59 essays from 2008-2009 in Iranian newspapers or IranPressWatch.org by influential thinkers, about the Bahá'í Faith in contemporary Iran. Most of these were also translated by Ahang Rabbani.
- It's not a great weight-loss plan, but fasting is good for the soul, by Ted Slavin (2011). Humorous look at the Fast and questions from non-Bahá'ís, and an overview of the laws of fasting.
- Le Journal de Constantinople, by Various (1848-1851). Collection of 818 files, unsorted. They contain an unknown number of references to the Báb and his milieu. Four entries have been found so far, and searching this archive may yield more.
- Letter on the Attempted Assassination of Nasir al-Din Shah, by Alfred von Goumoens (1852-10-12). Austrian captain Alfred von Goumoëns witnessed and reported on the attempted assassination of Násir ad-Dín Sháh and sent this letter to an Austrian newspaper.
- Letter [on Babis and Nestorians], by Austin Wright (1853). Letter from November 1852, with a brief mention of the assassination attempt on the Sháh.
- Life Histories of Bahá'í Women in Canada: Constructing Religious Identity in the Twentieth Century, by Lynn Echevarria (2011). Introductory chapter of a study of the essential features of living a Bahá'í life, examining experiences of a diverse group of Canadian Bahá'ís through a sociological framework and a women-centred perspective. Includes newspaper article about Echevarria.
- Lighthouses of kindness are scattered among us, by Ted Slavin (2010-12-11). The beauty of those who care for others and do special things in their communities.
- Little 'aliens' who spontaneously break into song, by Ted Slavin (2009-07-18). On raising our children ("little aliens") and what they're learning from the contemporary world they see.
- Little Religion That Persists, The: The Bahá'í in Israel, by Kark Vick (2011-07-14).
- Looking for Mother's Helper, at Least 15 Years Old, Able to Swim, by Barbara Kay (2012-07-25). Short essay saying some complimentary things about Bahá'ís, notable partly because published in a mainstream newspaper by a well-known columnist.
- Lost in Translation, by Brian Whitaker (2002-06-10). Transcribing Arabic into the Roman alphabet is fraught with difficulty. And in an age of electronic text, search engines and databases, the problem is only going to get worse.
- Making of a Survivor, The: A Foreigner's Story, by Hussein Ahdieh (2019-05-22). The author on his new book, growing up as a Baha’i in Iran, and how his faith and family nourished and taught him to be who he is today.
- Materialism Wearing Away at Our Kids, by Ted Slavin (2012-02-11). The materialism of modern society and media is distracting many of our children. Adults must be aware that they are key role models for their kids.
- Memorial Services of Abdu'l-Bahá' on Mount Carmel, Palestine, The, Zia M. Bagdadi, comp. and trans. (1921-12-31). Pamphlet of various materials: article from newspaper Annafir "The Most Great Calamity"; life of Abdu'l-Bahá; funeral procession; eulogies.
- Mention of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in the New York Times 1852 - 1922, by Various (1852-1922). 45 articles and brief mentions, spanning 70 years.
- Message from Abdu'l-Baha, Head of the Bahá'ís, A, by Author unknown (1912-04-21). News article of Abdu'l-Bahá's tour. Includes scanned image of various newspaper clippings and photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá.
- New John the Baptist Preaching Universal Brotherhood: Abdul Ba-ha Patriarchal Head of Bahá'ísts in Denver With Message of Love and Justice to All and for All, by Alice Rohe (1912-09-25). News article of Abdu'l-Bahá's tour. Includes scanned image of original newspaper and photograph of Abdu'l-Bahá.
- Newspaper Collections and the Baha'i Faith, Steven Kolins, comp. (2020). Links to collections of thousands of newspaper clippings and articles related to the Bahá'í Faith, and a brief guide to finding other Bahá'í genealogical and historical sources.
- Nobility is showing kindness and courtesy when times are tough, by Ted Slavin (2009-09-19). Story of Behrouz Tavakkoli, one of the seven "Yaran" (friends) imprisoned in Iran in 2008.
- Obituary: James Nelson, by Keith Thursby (2011-03). James Frank Nelson (1927-2011) was a Municipal Court judge in California and long-term member of the American Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly.
- Obituary: R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram: April 30, 1954 - Oct. 21, 2004, by Author unknown (2004-12-04). An obituary of Bahá'í scholar and archivist R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, who passed away October 20, 2004, from his hometown newspaper.
- Oregon Newspaper Archive, Steven Kolins, comp. (1923-1927). 50 news clippings from an "independent paper devoted to the interests of the people" that were found searching newspaper archives for Bahá'í keywords.
- Os 50 Anos da Fé Bahá'í em Cabo Verde, by Varqa Jalali (2004-11-28). An article about the 50 years of the Faith in the Islands of Cape Verde.
- Os Novos Jardins Suspensos do Monte Carmelo: Baha'ís inauguram espaço verde em Haifa, by Antonio Marujo (2001-05-23). Newspaper article published in a Portugal, about the gardens in Mt. Carmel.
- Power of Prayer Brings a Higher Force into Play, The, by Ted Slavin (2011). Some ideas about how prayer works.
- Providing answers to oft-asked questions of Baha'is, by Ted Slavin (2009-08-15). What do Bahá'ís believe?
- Recharge your batteries by detaching for a while, by Ted Slavin (2010-07-17).
- Religious Chic, by Zuo Xuan (2010-01-27). A portrait of the Bahá'ís in contemporary China.
- Remembering 'Abdu'l-Baha's Call for Unity, a Century after World War I, by Bahá'í World News Service (2018-11-26). Collection of newspaper articles and photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá, on the general theme of unity in the face of war.
- (Report to the) American Oriental Society / A New Prophet, by Austin Wright (1851-06-14). First paper on Bábí history, from a letter to the American Oriental Society, published in multiple newspapers, including translation into German. Includes preface by Steven Kolins.
- Reviews: The Philosophical Year and the Bábys, by Author unknown (1869-08-21). Brief review of the recently-published scholarship of Gobineau and Kazem-Beg, with an overview of Bábí theology and social teachings.
- Shirin Ebadi: A collection of newspaper articles, by Various (2003-10). Articles about the winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize who has championed the rights of the Bahá'í community.
- Short Chapter in the History of Bâbeeism in Persia, A, by Austin Wright, Steven Kolins, comp. (1853-05-18). Letter to the American Oriental Society recounting the continuation of Bábísm and attack on the Shah. Follow-up to Wright's first report on Bábí history, from June 1851.
- Short Takes, by Author unknown (1986-1988). Brief reports on various topics, mostly related to politics or then-current news, published in 5 issues of dialogue magazine.
- Slice of Persia in the Heart of Israel, A: Followers of the Baha'i Faith Are Persecuted at Home but Welcomed Abroad, by Reza Afshari (2021-02-18). Brief reflections by a Muslim professor of history on the experience of visiting the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa, and on the plight of Bahá'ís in Iran.
- Small in Number, Big in Faith, by Todd Fertig (2020-09-04). Overview of the Bahá'í Faith and its activities in Kansas, and interview with Duane Herrmann.
- There are rifts, but we have so much in common, by Ted Slavin (2011-01-22). Unity of religions, and a review of Harold Rosen's book Founders of Faith: The Parallel Lives of God's Messengers.
- 'This Place Has a Major Historical Value Since Prophet Elijah. How Can They Do This?', by Moshe Gilad (2023-08-31). An Israeli army base is set to be vacated in Haifa's Stella Maris area, which houses a Carmelite monastery and a Bahá'í holy site. Residents are horrified at the idea of turning such a rich historical site into housing.
- Threatening Agenda, A: Iran's Shameful Denial of Education to its Bahá'í Community, by Geoffrey Cameron (2008-06-06). Iranian government hardliners promote a coordinated and threatening agenda aimed at suffocating the Bahá'í community; Iran’s actions to block an entire community from education indicate sinister intentions that should not be ignored.
- Throndhjems borgerlige Realskoles, by Author unknown (1852-10-30). 1852 report in Norwegian on assassination attempt of the Sháh.
- Top Court Appointee a Model of Diversity, by Mahmud Jamal (2021/06/18). Brief bio of Mahmud Jamal, the judge "poised to be the first person of colour on the Supreme Court of Canada."
- Transcript of interview with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, by Mohammad Khatami (1998-01-07). Khatami praises American civilization, defends Iran and Islam, and laments the 'confrontation between religion and liberty which is to the detriment of religion, liberty, and the human beings who deserve to have both'; no mention of Baha'i.
- Trial of The Yaran ("Friends in Iran"): Six Essays, by Christopher Buck (2009-2010). Six essays by Buck from a legal perspective about the extended imprisonment of seven Bahá'í leaders in Tehran.
- Trial of the Yaran under Iranian Criminal Procedure: "The Justice of God" or Procedural Injustice?, The: Iranian Islam, not the Yaran, on trial in the court of international opinion, by Christopher Buck (2010-01). Two essays about legal issues associated with the 2009-2010 trial of the Yaran, the former informal group of leaders of the Bahá'í community of Iran.
- Tribunais egipcios condenam baha'is a pesadas penas, by Mario Robalo (1988-01-09). Clip from a Portuguese newspaper. Egyptian courts rules heavy sentences for Bahá'ís
- True wealth isn't something you will find in your wallet, by Ted Slavin (2010-11-13). Contrasting consumerism with the needs of others.
- United Nations and the Bahá'ís, The: An Interview with Kofi Annan, by Kofi Annan, Sahba Sobhani, ed. (1999 Spring). Annan's vision for the institution of the U.N., and mentions of the Bahá'ís in Iran.
- Unity of Messengers, by Ted Slavin (2009-11-29). Messengers from all the major religions come from the same source; accepting this unity helps us recognize how much needless conflict in the world is based on religious prejudice and misunderstanding.
- We are overdue to honour our end of our covenant with God, by Ted Slavin (2010). Overview of the meanings of the Covenant, from a personal perspective.
- We can do without fences built by prejudice, by Ted Slavin (2011). Just as a windstorm knocks down fences, struggles can unite strangers and overcoming barriers will improve communities.
- We shouldn't occupy ourselves with the faults of others, by Ted Slavin (2010). Bahá'ís are encouraged to speak well of others, avoid back-biting, and follow the examples of the Manifestations and Abdu'l-Bahá.
- What Did They Die For?, by Hussein Ahdieh (2019-08-28). Reflections on the Bahá'ís of Iran, the discrimination and brutality they have faced, and how their plight brought the faith out of obscurity.
- What Do Bahá'ís Believe about Gender?, by Gleibys L. Buchanan (2011-04-15). Bahá'ís believe that gender equality must be manifested as a social reality.
- What does a Baha'i look like? Look around you, by Ted Slavin (2011-09-30). What distinguishes Bahá'ís and Bahá'í culture.
- What is the Iranian government so afraid of?, by Ted Slavin (2011-06-11). The value of education, and the forced closing of the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education in Iran.
- When Saddam Hussein's Number Comes Up, by Said Zafar (1991-02-05). Brief article on the history and symbolism of the number 19, with mention of the Bahá'ís and Saddam Hussein's tolerance of religious minorities.
- WIPO Domain Name Dispute: Case D2001-1302, "bahaiwomen.com", by Author unknown (2001). A legal ruling finding, on behalf of the Bahá'ís, that unauthorized use of the domain bahaiwomen.com is a trademark infringement. Followed by a newspaper article from Newsbytes, "Bahá'í Organization Bests Speculator In Domain Dispute."
- World Bank's meeting with the world's religions, by Various (1998-02). Five articles on the dialogue for broadening "opportunities for common understanding and action in tackling the critical issue of global poverty" include discussion of Bahá'í involvement in the conference.
- Younger Generation Has Always Had the Power to Reshape Our World, The, by Ted Slavin (2010). Young people have a great potential to shape society. Youth trained to lead junior youth groups are called "animators"; they can help guide activist potential to achieving positive effect.
- Youths of today can make a difference, if we let them, by Ted Slavin (2010-10-16). If given opportunity to, teens want to be helpful in their community, not just be "cool."